# Jellyfin Packaging This directory contains the packaging configuration of Jellyfin for multiple platforms. The specification is below; all package platforms must follow the specification to be compatable with the central `build` script. ## Package List ### Operating System Packages * `debian-package-x64`: Package for Debian and Ubuntu amd64 systems. * `fedora-package-x64`: Package for Fedora, CentOS, and Red Hat Enterprise Linux amd64 systems. ### Portable Builds (archives) * `debian-x64`: Portable binary archive for Debian amd64 systems. * `ubuntu-x64`: Portable binary archive for Ubuntu amd64 systems. * `linux-x64`: Portable binary archive for generic Linux amd64 systems. * `osx-x64`: Portable binary archive for MacOS amd64 systems. * `win-x64`: Portable binary archive for Windows amd64 systems. * `win-x86`: Portable binary archive for Windows i386 systems. ### Other Builds These builds are not necessarily run from the `build` script, but are present for other platforms. * `framework`: Compiled `.dll` for use with .NET Core runtime on any system. * `docker`: Docker manifests for auto-publishing. * `unraid`: unRaid Docker template; not built by `build` but imported into unRaid directly. * `win-generic`: Portable binary for generic Windows systems. ## Package Specification ### Dependencies * If a platform requires additional build dependencies, the required binary names, i.e. to validate `which <binary>`, should be specified in a `dependencies.txt` file inside the platform directory. * Each dependency should be present on its own line. ### Action Scripts * Actions are defined in BASH scripts with the name `<action>.sh` within the platform directory. * The list of valid actions are: 1. `build`: Builds a set of binaries. 2. `package`: Assembles the compiled binaries into a package. 3. `sign`: Performs signing actions on a package. 4. `publish`: Performs a publishing action for a package. 5. `clean`: Cleans up any artifacts from the previous actions. * All package actions are optional, however at least one should generate output files, and any that do should contain a `clean` action. * Actions are executed in the order specified above, and later actions may depend on former actions. * Actions except for `clean` should `set -o errexit` to terminate on failed actions. * The `clean` action should always `exit 0` even if no work is done or it fails. * The `clean` action can be passed a variable as argument 1, named `keep_artifacts`, containing either the value `y` or `n`. It is indended to handle situations when the user runs `build --keep-artifacts` and should be handled intelligently. Usually, this is used to preserve Docker images while still removing temporary directories. ### Output Files * Upon completion of the defined actions, at least one output file must be created in the `<platform>/pkg-dist` directory. * Output files will be moved to the directory `jellyfin-build/<platform>` one directory above the repository root upon completion. ### Common Functions * A number of common functions are defined in `deployment/common.build.sh` for use by platform scripts. * Each action script should import the common functions to define a number of standard variables. * The common variables are: * `ROOT`: The Jellyfin repostiory root, usually `../..`. * `CONFIG`: The .NET config, usually `Release`. * `DOTNETRUNTIME`: The .NET `--runtime` value, platform-dependent. * `OUTPUT_DIR`: The intermediate output dir, usually `./dist/jellyfin_${VERSION}`. * `BUILD_CONTEXT`: The Docker build context, usually `../..`. * `DOCKERFILE`: The Dockerfile, usually `Dockerfile` in the platform directory. * `IMAGE_TAG`: A tag for the built Docker image. * `PKG_DIR`: The final binary output directory for collection, invariably `pkg-dist`. * `ARCHIVE_CMD`: The compression/archive command for release archives, usually `tar -xvzf` or `zip`. #### `get_version` Reads the version information from `SharedVersion.cs`. **Arguments:** `ROOT` #### `build_jellyfin` Build a standard self-contained binary in the current OS context. **Arguments:** `ROOT` `CONFIG` `DOTNETRUNTIME` `OUTPUT_DIR` #### `build_jellyfin_docker` Build a standard self-contained binary in a Docker image. **Arguments:** `BUILD_CONTEXT` `DOCKERFILE` `IMAGE_TAG` #### `clean_jellyfin` Clean up a build for housekeeping. **Arguments:** `ROOT` `CONFIG` `OUTPUT_DIR` `PKG_DIR` #### `package_portable` Produce a compressed archive. **Arguments:** `ROOT` `OUTPUT_DIR` `PKG_DIR` `ARCHIVE_CMD`