; ========================================================= ; This file was generated by NSISDialogDesigner ; http://coolsoft.altervista.org/nsisdialogdesigner ; ; Do not edit it manually, use NSISDialogDesigner instead! ; ========================================================= ; handle variables Var hCtl_setuptype Var hCtl_setuptype_InstallasaServiceLabel Var hCtl_setuptype_InstallasaService Var hCtl_setuptype_BasicInstallLabel Var hCtl_setuptype_BasicInstall Var hCtl_setuptype_Font1 ; dialog create function Function fnc_setuptype_Create ; custom font definitions CreateFont $hCtl_setuptype_Font1 "Microsoft Sans Serif" "8.25" "700" ; === setuptype (type: Dialog) === nsDialogs::Create 1018 Pop $hCtl_setuptype ${If} $hCtl_setuptype == error Abort ${EndIf} !insertmacro MUI_HEADER_TEXT "Setup Type" "Control how Jellyfin is installed." ; === InstallasaServiceLabel (type: Label) === ${NSD_CreateLabel} 8u 71u 280u 28u "Install Jellyfin as a service. This method is recommended for Advanced Users. Additional setup is required to access network shares." Pop $hCtl_setuptype_InstallasaServiceLabel ; === InstallasaService (type: RadioButton) === ${NSD_CreateRadioButton} 8u 54u 280u 15u "Install as a Service (Advanced Users)" Pop $hCtl_setuptype_InstallasaService ${NSD_AddStyle} $hCtl_setuptype_InstallasaService ${WS_GROUP} ; === BasicInstallLabel (type: Label) === ${NSD_CreateLabel} 8u 24u 280u 28u "The basic install will run Jellyfin in your current user account.$\nThis is recommended for new users and those with existing Jellyfin installs older than 10.4." Pop $hCtl_setuptype_BasicInstallLabel ; === BasicInstall (type: RadioButton) === ${NSD_CreateRadioButton} 8u 7u 280u 15u "Basic Install (Recommended)" Pop $hCtl_setuptype_BasicInstall SendMessage $hCtl_setuptype_BasicInstall ${WM_SETFONT} $hCtl_setuptype_Font1 0 ${NSD_Check} $hCtl_setuptype_BasicInstall FunctionEnd