// This code is derived from jcifs smb client library <jcifs at samba dot org>
// Ported by J. Arturo <webmaster at komodosoft dot net>
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

using SharpCifs.Util.Sharpen;

namespace SharpCifs.Smb
    internal class Trans2FindFirst2Response : SmbComTransactionResponse
        internal const int SmbInfoStandard = 1;

        internal const int SmbInfoQueryEaSize = 2;

        internal const int SmbInfoQueryEasFromList = 3;

        internal const int SmbFindFileDirectoryInfo = unchecked(0x101);

        internal const int SmbFindFileFullDirectoryInfo = unchecked(0x102);

        internal const int SmbFileNamesInfo = unchecked(0x103);

        internal const int SmbFileBothDirectoryInfo = unchecked(0x104);

        internal class SmbFindFileBothDirectoryInfo : IFileEntry
            internal int NextEntryOffset;

            internal int FileIndex;

            internal long CreationTime;

            internal long LastAccessTime;

            internal long LastWriteTime;

            internal long ChangeTime;

            internal long EndOfFile;

            internal long AllocationSize;

            internal int ExtFileAttributes;

            internal int FileNameLength;

            internal int EaSize;

            internal int ShortNameLength;

            internal string ShortName;

            internal string Filename;

            // information levels
            public virtual string GetName()
                return Filename;

            public virtual int GetType()
                return SmbFile.TypeFilesystem;

            public virtual int GetAttributes()
                return ExtFileAttributes;

            public virtual long CreateTime()
                return CreationTime;

            public virtual long LastModified()
                return LastWriteTime;

            public virtual long Length()
                return EndOfFile;

            public override string ToString()
                return "SmbFindFileBothDirectoryInfo["
                            + "nextEntryOffset=" + NextEntryOffset
                            + ",fileIndex=" + FileIndex
                            + ",creationTime=" + Extensions.CreateDate(CreationTime)
                            + ",lastAccessTime=" + Extensions.CreateDate(LastAccessTime)
                            + ",lastWriteTime=" + Extensions.CreateDate(LastWriteTime)
                            + ",changeTime=" + Extensions.CreateDate(ChangeTime)
                            + ",endOfFile=" + EndOfFile
                            + ",allocationSize=" + AllocationSize
                            + ",extFileAttributes=" + ExtFileAttributes
                            + ",fileNameLength=" + FileNameLength
                            + ",eaSize=" + EaSize
                            + ",shortNameLength=" + ShortNameLength
                            + ",shortName=" + ShortName
                            + ",filename=" + Filename + "]";

            internal SmbFindFileBothDirectoryInfo(Trans2FindFirst2Response enclosing)
                this._enclosing = enclosing;

            private readonly Trans2FindFirst2Response _enclosing;

        internal int Sid;

        internal bool IsEndOfSearch;

        internal int EaErrorOffset;

        internal int LastNameOffset;

        internal int LastNameBufferIndex;

        internal string LastName;

        internal int ResumeKey;

        public Trans2FindFirst2Response()
            Command = SmbComTransaction2;
            SubCommand = Smb.SmbComTransaction.Trans2FindFirst2;

        internal virtual string ReadString(byte[] src, int srcIndex, int len)
            string str = null;
                if (UseUnicode)
                    // should Unicode alignment be corrected for here?
                    str = Runtime.GetStringForBytes(src, 
                    if (len > 0 && src[srcIndex + len - 1] == '\0')
                    str = Runtime.GetStringForBytes(src, 
            catch (UnsupportedEncodingException uee)
                if (Log.Level > 1)
                    Runtime.PrintStackTrace(uee, Log);
            return str;

        internal override int WriteSetupWireFormat(byte[] dst, int dstIndex)
            return 0;

        internal override int WriteParametersWireFormat(byte[] dst, int dstIndex)
            return 0;

        internal override int WriteDataWireFormat(byte[] dst, int dstIndex)
            return 0;

        internal override int ReadSetupWireFormat(byte[] buffer, int bufferIndex, int len)
            return 0;

        internal override int ReadParametersWireFormat(byte[] buffer, 
                                                       int bufferIndex, 
                                                       int len)
            int start = bufferIndex;
            if (SubCommand == Smb.SmbComTransaction.Trans2FindFirst2)
                Sid = ReadInt2(buffer, bufferIndex);
                bufferIndex += 2;
            NumEntries = ReadInt2(buffer, bufferIndex);
            bufferIndex += 2;
            IsEndOfSearch = (buffer[bufferIndex] & unchecked(0x01)) == unchecked(0x01) 
                                ? true 
                                : false;
            bufferIndex += 2;
            EaErrorOffset = ReadInt2(buffer, bufferIndex);
            bufferIndex += 2;
            LastNameOffset = ReadInt2(buffer, bufferIndex);
            bufferIndex += 2;
            return bufferIndex - start;

        internal override int ReadDataWireFormat(byte[] buffer, int bufferIndex, int len)
            int start = bufferIndex;
            SmbFindFileBothDirectoryInfo e;
            LastNameBufferIndex = bufferIndex + LastNameOffset;
            Results = new SmbFindFileBothDirectoryInfo[NumEntries];
            for (int i = 0; i < NumEntries; i++)
                Results[i] = e = new SmbFindFileBothDirectoryInfo(this);
                e.NextEntryOffset = ReadInt4(buffer, bufferIndex);
                e.FileIndex = ReadInt4(buffer, bufferIndex + 4);
                e.CreationTime = ReadTime(buffer, bufferIndex + 8);
                //      e.lastAccessTime = readTime( buffer, bufferIndex + 16 );
                e.LastWriteTime = ReadTime(buffer, bufferIndex + 24);
                //      e.changeTime = readTime( buffer, bufferIndex + 32 );
                e.EndOfFile = ReadInt8(buffer, bufferIndex + 40);
                //      e.allocationSize = readInt8( buffer, bufferIndex + 48 );
                e.ExtFileAttributes = ReadInt4(buffer, bufferIndex + 56);
                e.FileNameLength = ReadInt4(buffer, bufferIndex + 60);
                //      e.eaSize = readInt4( buffer, bufferIndex + 64 );
                //      e.shortNameLength = buffer[bufferIndex + 68] & 0xFF;
                //      e.shortName = readString( buffer, bufferIndex + 70, e.shortNameLength );
                e.Filename = ReadString(buffer, bufferIndex + 94, e.FileNameLength);
                if (LastNameBufferIndex >= bufferIndex 
                    && (e.NextEntryOffset == 0 
                    || LastNameBufferIndex < (bufferIndex + e.NextEntryOffset)))
                    LastName = e.Filename;
                    ResumeKey = e.FileIndex;
                bufferIndex += e.NextEntryOffset;
            //return bufferIndex - start;
            return DataCount;

        public override string ToString()
            string c;
            if (SubCommand == Smb.SmbComTransaction.Trans2FindFirst2)
                c = "Trans2FindFirst2Response[";
                c = "Trans2FindNext2Response[";
            return c + base.ToString() 
                        + ",sid=" + Sid 
                        + ",searchCount=" + NumEntries 
                        + ",isEndOfSearch=" + IsEndOfSearch 
                        + ",eaErrorOffset=" + EaErrorOffset 
                        + ",lastNameOffset=" + LastNameOffset 
                        + ",lastName=" + LastName + "]";