using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Emby.Naming.Common; using MediaBrowser.Controller.Entities; using MediaBrowser.Controller.Entities.Movies; using MediaBrowser.Controller.Library; using MediaBrowser.Controller.MediaEncoding; using MediaBrowser.Controller.Providers; using MediaBrowser.Model.Entities; using MediaBrowser.Model.Globalization; using MediaBrowser.Providers.MediaInfo; using Moq; using Xunit; namespace Jellyfin.Providers.Tests.MediaInfo { public class AudioResolverTests { private const string DirectoryPath = "Test Data/Video"; private readonly AudioResolver _audioResolver; public AudioResolverTests() { var englishCultureDto = new CultureDto { Name = "English", DisplayName = "English", ThreeLetterISOLanguageNames = new[] { "eng" }, TwoLetterISOLanguageName = "en" }; var localizationManager = new Mock(MockBehavior.Loose); localizationManager.Setup(lm => lm.FindLanguageInfo(It.IsRegex(@"en.*", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase))) .Returns(englishCultureDto); var mediaEncoder = new Mock(MockBehavior.Strict); mediaEncoder.Setup(me => me.GetMediaInfo(It.IsAny(), It.IsAny())) .Returns((_, _) => Task.FromResult(new MediaBrowser.Model.MediaInfo.MediaInfo { MediaStreams = new List { new() } })); _audioResolver = new AudioResolver(localizationManager.Object, mediaEncoder.Object, new NamingOptions()); } [Fact] public async void AddExternalAudioStreams_GivenMixedFilenames_ReturnsValidSubtitles() { var startIndex = 0; var index = startIndex; var files = new[] { DirectoryPath + "/My.Video.mp3", // DirectoryPath + "/Some.Other.Video.mp3", // TODO should not be picked up DirectoryPath + "/My.Video.png", DirectoryPath + "/", DirectoryPath + "/My.Video.txt", DirectoryPath + "/My.Video.vtt", DirectoryPath + "/My.Video.ass", DirectoryPath + "/My.Video.sub", DirectoryPath + "/My.Video.ssa", DirectoryPath + "/My.Video.smi", DirectoryPath + "/My.Video.sami", DirectoryPath + "/My.Video.en.mp3", DirectoryPath + "/My.Video.Label.mp3", DirectoryPath + "/My.Video.With.Additional.Garbage.en.mp3", // DirectoryPath + "/My.Video With Additional Garbage.mp3" // TODO no "." after "My.Video", previously would be picked up }; var expectedResult = new[] { CreateMediaStream(DirectoryPath + "/My.Video.mp3", null, null, index++), CreateMediaStream(DirectoryPath + "/My.Video.en.mp3", "eng", null, index++), CreateMediaStream(DirectoryPath + "/My.Video.Label.mp3", null, "Label", index++), CreateMediaStream(DirectoryPath + "/My.Video.With.Additional.Garbage.en.mp3", "eng", "Garbage", index) // TODO only "Garbage" is picked up as title, none of the other extra text }; BaseItem.MediaSourceManager = Mock.Of(); var video = new Movie { // Must be valid for video.IsFileProtocol check Path = DirectoryPath + "/My.Video.mkv" }; var directoryService = new Mock(MockBehavior.Strict); directoryService.Setup(ds => ds.GetFilePaths(It.IsRegex(@"Test Data[/\\]Video"), It.IsAny(), It.IsAny())) .Returns(files); var asyncStreams = _audioResolver.GetExternalAudioStreams(video, startIndex, directoryService.Object, false, CancellationToken.None).ConfigureAwait(false); var streams = new List(); await foreach (var stream in asyncStreams) { streams.Add(stream); } Assert.Equal(expectedResult.Length, streams.Count); for (var i = 0; i < expectedResult.Length; i++) { var expected = expectedResult[i]; var actual = streams[i]; Assert.Equal(expected.Index, actual.Index); Assert.Equal(expected.Type, actual.Type); Assert.Equal(expected.IsExternal, actual.IsExternal); Assert.Equal(expected.Path, actual.Path); Assert.Equal(expected.Language, actual.Language); Assert.Equal(expected.Title, actual.Title); } } [Theory] [InlineData("My.Video.mp3", null, null, false, false)] [InlineData("My.Video.English.mp3", "eng", null, false, false)] [InlineData("My.Video.Title.mp3", null, "Title", false, false)] [InlineData("My.Video.forced.English.mp3", "eng", null, true, false)] [InlineData("My.Video.default.English.mp3", "eng", null, false, true)] [InlineData("My.Video.English.forced.default.Title.mp3", "eng", "Title", true, true)] public async void GetExternalAudioStreams_GivenSingleFile_ReturnsExpectedStream(string file, string? language, string? title, bool isForced, bool isDefault) { BaseItem.MediaSourceManager = Mock.Of(); var video = new Movie { // Must be valid for video.IsFileProtocol check Path = DirectoryPath + "/My.Video.mkv" }; var directoryService = new Mock(MockBehavior.Strict); directoryService.Setup(ds => ds.GetFilePaths(It.IsRegex(@"Test Data[/\\]Video"), It.IsAny(), It.IsAny())) .Returns(new[] { DirectoryPath + "/" + file }); var asyncStreams = _audioResolver.GetExternalAudioStreams(video, 0, directoryService.Object, false, CancellationToken.None).ConfigureAwait(false); var streams = new List(); await foreach (var stream in asyncStreams) { streams.Add(stream); } Assert.Single(streams); var actual = streams[0]; var expected = CreateMediaStream(DirectoryPath + "/" + file, language, title, 0, isForced, isDefault); Assert.Equal(expected.Index, actual.Index); Assert.Equal(expected.Type, actual.Type); Assert.Equal(expected.IsExternal, actual.IsExternal); Assert.Equal(expected.Path, actual.Path); Assert.Equal(expected.Language, actual.Language); Assert.Equal(expected.Title, actual.Title); Assert.Equal(expected.IsDefault, actual.IsDefault); Assert.Equal(expected.IsForced, actual.IsForced); } private static MediaStream CreateMediaStream(string path, string? language, string? title, int index, bool isForced = false, bool isDefault = false) { return new() { Index = index, Type = MediaStreamType.Audio, IsExternal = true, Path = path, Language = language, Title = title, IsForced = isForced, IsDefault = isDefault }; } } }