using MediaBrowser.Controller.Collections;
using MediaBrowser.Controller.Dto;
using MediaBrowser.Controller.Entities;
using MediaBrowser.Controller.Entities.Audio;
using MediaBrowser.Controller.Entities.Movies;
using MediaBrowser.Controller.Entities.TV;
using MediaBrowser.Controller.Library;
using MediaBrowser.Controller.Localization;
using MediaBrowser.Controller.Net;
using MediaBrowser.Controller.Providers;
using MediaBrowser.Model.Entities;
using MediaBrowser.Model.Querying;
using ServiceStack;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace MediaBrowser.Api.UserLibrary
/// Class GetItems
[Route("/Items", "GET", Summary = "Gets items based on a query.")]
[Route("/Users/{UserId}/Items", "GET", Summary = "Gets items based on a query.")]
public class GetItems : BaseItemsRequest, IReturn
/// Gets or sets the user id.
/// The user id.
[ApiMember(Name = "UserId", Description = "User Id", IsRequired = false, DataType = "string", ParameterType = "path", Verb = "GET")]
public Guid? UserId { get; set; }
/// Limit results to items containing a specific person
/// The person.
[ApiMember(Name = "Person", Description = "Optional. If specified, results will be filtered to include only those containing the specified person.", IsRequired = false, DataType = "string", ParameterType = "query", Verb = "GET")]
public string Person { get; set; }
/// If the Person filter is used, this can also be used to restrict to a specific person type
/// The type of the person.
[ApiMember(Name = "PersonTypes", Description = "Optional. If specified, along with Person, results will be filtered to include only those containing the specified person and PersonType. Allows multiple, comma-delimited", IsRequired = false, DataType = "string", ParameterType = "query", Verb = "GET")]
public string PersonTypes { get; set; }
/// Limit results to items containing specific genres
/// The genres.
[ApiMember(Name = "Genres", Description = "Optional. If specified, results will be filtered based on genre. This allows multiple, pipe delimeted.", IsRequired = false, DataType = "string", ParameterType = "query", Verb = "GET", AllowMultiple = true)]
public string Genres { get; set; }
[ApiMember(Name = "AllGenres", Description = "Optional. If specified, results will be filtered based on genre. This allows multiple, pipe delimeted.", IsRequired = false, DataType = "string", ParameterType = "query", Verb = "GET", AllowMultiple = true)]
public string AllGenres { get; set; }
/// Limit results to items containing specific studios
/// The studios.
[ApiMember(Name = "Studios", Description = "Optional. If specified, results will be filtered based on studio. This allows multiple, pipe delimeted.", IsRequired = false, DataType = "string", ParameterType = "query", Verb = "GET", AllowMultiple = true)]
public string Studios { get; set; }
/// Gets or sets the studios.
/// The studios.
[ApiMember(Name = "Artists", Description = "Optional. If specified, results will be filtered based on artist. This allows multiple, pipe delimeted.", IsRequired = false, DataType = "string", ParameterType = "query", Verb = "GET", AllowMultiple = true)]
public string Artists { get; set; }
[ApiMember(Name = "Albums", Description = "Optional. If specified, results will be filtered based on album. This allows multiple, pipe delimeted.", IsRequired = false, DataType = "string", ParameterType = "query", Verb = "GET", AllowMultiple = true)]
public string Albums { get; set; }
/// Limit results to items containing specific years
/// The years.
[ApiMember(Name = "Years", Description = "Optional. If specified, results will be filtered based on production year. This allows multiple, comma delimeted.", IsRequired = false, DataType = "string", ParameterType = "query", Verb = "GET", AllowMultiple = true)]
public string Years { get; set; }
/// Gets or sets the item ids.
/// The item ids.
[ApiMember(Name = "Ids", Description = "Optional. If specific items are needed, specify a list of item id's to retrieve. This allows multiple, comma delimited.", IsRequired = false, DataType = "string", ParameterType = "query", Verb = "GET", AllowMultiple = true)]
public string Ids { get; set; }
/// Gets or sets the video types.
/// The video types.
[ApiMember(Name = "VideoTypes", Description = "Optional filter by VideoType (videofile, dvd, bluray, iso). Allows multiple, comma delimeted.", IsRequired = false, DataType = "string", ParameterType = "query", Verb = "GET", AllowMultiple = true)]
public string VideoTypes { get; set; }
/// Gets or sets the video formats.
/// The video formats.
[ApiMember(Name = "Is3D", Description = "Optional filter by items that are 3D, or not.", IsRequired = false, DataType = "bool", ParameterType = "query", Verb = "GET")]
public bool? Is3D { get; set; }
/// Gets or sets the series status.
/// The series status.
[ApiMember(Name = "SeriesStatus", Description = "Optional filter by Series Status. Allows multiple, comma delimeted.", IsRequired = false, DataType = "string", ParameterType = "query", Verb = "GET", AllowMultiple = true)]
public string SeriesStatus { get; set; }
[ApiMember(Name = "NameStartsWithOrGreater", Description = "Optional filter by items whose name is sorted equally or greater than a given input string.", IsRequired = false, DataType = "string", ParameterType = "query", Verb = "GET")]
public string NameStartsWithOrGreater { get; set; }
[ApiMember(Name = "NameStartsWith", Description = "Optional filter by items whose name is sorted equally than a given input string.", IsRequired = false, DataType = "string", ParameterType = "query", Verb = "GET")]
public string NameStartsWith { get; set; }
[ApiMember(Name = "NameLessThan", Description = "Optional filter by items whose name is equally or lesser than a given input string.", IsRequired = false, DataType = "string", ParameterType = "query", Verb = "GET")]
public string NameLessThan { get; set; }
[ApiMember(Name = "AlbumArtistStartsWithOrGreater", Description = "Optional filter by items whose album artist is sorted equally or greater than a given input string.", IsRequired = false, DataType = "string", ParameterType = "query", Verb = "GET")]
public string AlbumArtistStartsWithOrGreater { get; set; }
/// Gets or sets the air days.
/// The air days.
[ApiMember(Name = "AirDays", Description = "Optional filter by Series Air Days. Allows multiple, comma delimeted.", IsRequired = false, DataType = "string", ParameterType = "query", Verb = "GET", AllowMultiple = true)]
public string AirDays { get; set; }
/// Gets or sets the min offical rating.
/// The min offical rating.
[ApiMember(Name = "MinOfficialRating", Description = "Optional filter by minimum official rating (PG, PG-13, TV-MA, etc).", IsRequired = false, DataType = "string", ParameterType = "query", Verb = "GET")]
public string MinOfficialRating { get; set; }
/// Gets or sets the max offical rating.
/// The max offical rating.
[ApiMember(Name = "MaxOfficialRating", Description = "Optional filter by maximum official rating (PG, PG-13, TV-MA, etc).", IsRequired = false, DataType = "string", ParameterType = "query", Verb = "GET")]
public string MaxOfficialRating { get; set; }
[ApiMember(Name = "HasThemeSong", Description = "Optional filter by items with theme songs.", IsRequired = false, DataType = "string", ParameterType = "query", Verb = "GET")]
public bool? HasThemeSong { get; set; }
[ApiMember(Name = "HasThemeVideo", Description = "Optional filter by items with theme videos.", IsRequired = false, DataType = "string", ParameterType = "query", Verb = "GET")]
public bool? HasThemeVideo { get; set; }
[ApiMember(Name = "HasSubtitles", Description = "Optional filter by items with subtitles.", IsRequired = false, DataType = "string", ParameterType = "query", Verb = "GET")]
public bool? HasSubtitles { get; set; }
[ApiMember(Name = "HasSpecialFeature", Description = "Optional filter by items with special features.", IsRequired = false, DataType = "string", ParameterType = "query", Verb = "GET")]
public bool? HasSpecialFeature { get; set; }
[ApiMember(Name = "HasTrailer", Description = "Optional filter by items with trailers.", IsRequired = false, DataType = "string", ParameterType = "query", Verb = "GET")]
public bool? HasTrailer { get; set; }
[ApiMember(Name = "AdjacentTo", Description = "Optional. Return items that are siblings of a supplied item.", IsRequired = false, DataType = "string", ParameterType = "query", Verb = "GET")]
public string AdjacentTo { get; set; }
[ApiMember(Name = "MinIndexNumber", Description = "Optional filter by minimum index number.", IsRequired = false, DataType = "int", ParameterType = "query", Verb = "GET")]
public int? MinIndexNumber { get; set; }
[ApiMember(Name = "MinPlayers", Description = "Optional filter by minimum number of game players.", IsRequired = false, DataType = "int", ParameterType = "query", Verb = "GET")]
public int? MinPlayers { get; set; }
[ApiMember(Name = "MaxPlayers", Description = "Optional filter by maximum number of game players.", IsRequired = false, DataType = "int", ParameterType = "query", Verb = "GET")]
public int? MaxPlayers { get; set; }
[ApiMember(Name = "ParentIndexNumber", Description = "Optional filter by parent index number.", IsRequired = false, DataType = "int", ParameterType = "query", Verb = "GET")]
public int? ParentIndexNumber { get; set; }
[ApiMember(Name = "HasParentalRating", Description = "Optional filter by items that have or do not have a parental rating", IsRequired = false, DataType = "bool", ParameterType = "query", Verb = "GET")]
public bool? HasParentalRating { get; set; }
[ApiMember(Name = "IsHD", Description = "Optional filter by items that are HD or not.", IsRequired = false, DataType = "bool", ParameterType = "query", Verb = "GET")]
public bool? IsHD { get; set; }
[ApiMember(Name = "LocationTypes", Description = "Optional. If specified, results will be filtered based on LocationType. This allows multiple, comma delimeted.", IsRequired = false, DataType = "string", ParameterType = "query", Verb = "GET", AllowMultiple = true)]
public string LocationTypes { get; set; }
[ApiMember(Name = "ExcludeLocationTypes", Description = "Optional. If specified, results will be filtered based on LocationType. This allows multiple, comma delimeted.", IsRequired = false, DataType = "string", ParameterType = "query", Verb = "GET", AllowMultiple = true)]
public string ExcludeLocationTypes { get; set; }
public bool IncludeIndexContainers { get; set; }
[ApiMember(Name = "IsMissing", Description = "Optional filter by items that are missing episodes or not.", IsRequired = false, DataType = "bool", ParameterType = "query", Verb = "GET")]
public bool? IsMissing { get; set; }
[ApiMember(Name = "IsUnaired", Description = "Optional filter by items that are unaired episodes or not.", IsRequired = false, DataType = "bool", ParameterType = "query", Verb = "GET")]
public bool? IsUnaired { get; set; }
[ApiMember(Name = "IsVirtualUnaired", Description = "Optional filter by items that are virtual unaired episodes or not.", IsRequired = false, DataType = "bool", ParameterType = "query", Verb = "GET")]
public bool? IsVirtualUnaired { get; set; }
[ApiMember(Name = "MinCommunityRating", Description = "Optional filter by minimum community rating.", IsRequired = false, DataType = "int", ParameterType = "query", Verb = "GET")]
public double? MinCommunityRating { get; set; }
[ApiMember(Name = "MinCriticRating", Description = "Optional filter by minimum critic rating.", IsRequired = false, DataType = "int", ParameterType = "query", Verb = "GET")]
public double? MinCriticRating { get; set; }
[ApiMember(Name = "AiredDuringSeason", Description = "Gets all episodes that aired during a season, including specials.", IsRequired = false, DataType = "int", ParameterType = "query", Verb = "GET")]
public int? AiredDuringSeason { get; set; }
[ApiMember(Name = "MinPremiereDate", Description = "Optional. The minimum premiere date. Format = ISO", IsRequired = false, DataType = "string", ParameterType = "query", Verb = "POST")]
public string MinPremiereDate { get; set; }
[ApiMember(Name = "MaxPremiereDate", Description = "Optional. The maximum premiere date. Format = ISO", IsRequired = false, DataType = "string", ParameterType = "query", Verb = "POST")]
public string MaxPremiereDate { get; set; }
[ApiMember(Name = "HasOverview", Description = "Optional filter by items that have an overview or not.", IsRequired = false, DataType = "bool", ParameterType = "query", Verb = "GET")]
public bool? HasOverview { get; set; }
[ApiMember(Name = "HasImdbId", Description = "Optional filter by items that have an imdb id or not.", IsRequired = false, DataType = "bool", ParameterType = "query", Verb = "GET")]
public bool? HasImdbId { get; set; }
[ApiMember(Name = "HasTmdbId", Description = "Optional filter by items that have a tmdb id or not.", IsRequired = false, DataType = "bool", ParameterType = "query", Verb = "GET")]
public bool? HasTmdbId { get; set; }
[ApiMember(Name = "HasTvdbId", Description = "Optional filter by items that have a tvdb id or not.", IsRequired = false, DataType = "bool", ParameterType = "query", Verb = "GET")]
public bool? HasTvdbId { get; set; }
[ApiMember(Name = "IsYearMismatched", Description = "Optional filter by items that are potentially misidentified.", IsRequired = false, DataType = "bool", ParameterType = "query", Verb = "GET")]
public bool? IsYearMismatched { get; set; }
[ApiMember(Name = "IsInBoxSet", Description = "Optional filter by items that are in boxsets, or not.", IsRequired = false, DataType = "bool", ParameterType = "query", Verb = "GET")]
public bool? IsInBoxSet { get; set; }
[ApiMember(Name = "IsLocked", Description = "Optional filter by items that are locked.", IsRequired = false, DataType = "string", ParameterType = "query", Verb = "GET")]
public bool? IsLocked { get; set; }
[ApiMember(Name = "IsUnidentified", Description = "Optional filter by items that are unidentified by internet metadata providers.", IsRequired = false, DataType = "string", ParameterType = "query", Verb = "GET")]
public bool? IsUnidentified { get; set; }
[ApiMember(Name = "IsPlaceHolder", Description = "Optional filter by items that are placeholders", IsRequired = false, DataType = "string", ParameterType = "query", Verb = "GET")]
public bool? IsPlaceHolder { get; set; }
[ApiMember(Name = "HasOfficialRating", Description = "Optional filter by items that have official ratings", IsRequired = false, DataType = "string", ParameterType = "query", Verb = "GET")]
public bool? HasOfficialRating { get; set; }
[ApiMember(Name = "CollapseBoxSetItems", Description = "Whether or not to hide items behind their boxsets.", IsRequired = false, DataType = "bool", ParameterType = "query", Verb = "GET")]
public bool? CollapseBoxSetItems { get; set; }
public string[] GetAllGenres()
return (AllGenres ?? string.Empty).Split(new[] { '|' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
public string[] GetGenres()
return (Genres ?? string.Empty).Split(new[] { '|' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
public string[] GetStudios()
return (Studios ?? string.Empty).Split(new[] { '|' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
public string[] GetPersonTypes()
return (PersonTypes ?? string.Empty).Split(new[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
public int[] GetYears()
return (Years ?? string.Empty).Split(new[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).Select(int.Parse).ToArray();
public IEnumerable GetVideoTypes()
var val = VideoTypes;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(val))
return new VideoType[] { };
return val.Split(new[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).Select(v => (VideoType)Enum.Parse(typeof(VideoType), v, true));
/// Class ItemsService
public class ItemsService : BaseApiService
/// The _user manager
private readonly IUserManager _userManager;
private readonly IUserDataManager _userDataRepository;
/// The _library manager
private readonly ILibraryManager _libraryManager;
private readonly ILocalizationManager _localization;
private readonly IDtoService _dtoService;
private readonly ICollectionManager _collectionManager;
/// Initializes a new instance of the class.
/// The user manager.
/// The library manager.
/// The user data repository.
/// The localization.
/// The dto service.
/// The collection manager.
public ItemsService(IUserManager userManager, ILibraryManager libraryManager, IUserDataManager userDataRepository, ILocalizationManager localization, IDtoService dtoService, ICollectionManager collectionManager)
_userManager = userManager;
_libraryManager = libraryManager;
_userDataRepository = userDataRepository;
_localization = localization;
_dtoService = dtoService;
_collectionManager = collectionManager;
/// Gets the specified request.
/// The request.
/// System.Object.
public async Task