#nullable disable
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text.Json.Serialization;
namespace Emby.Server.Implementations.LiveTv.Listings.SchedulesDirectDtos
/// Program details dto.
public class ProgramDetailsDto
/// Gets or sets the audience.
public string Audience { get; set; }
/// Gets or sets the program id.
public string ProgramId { get; set; }
/// Gets or sets the list of titles.
public List Titles { get; set; }
/// Gets or sets the event details object.
public EventDetailsDto EventDetails { get; set; }
/// Gets or sets the descriptions.
public DescriptionsProgramDto Descriptions { get; set; }
/// Gets or sets the original air date.
public string OriginalAirDate { get; set; }
/// Gets or sets the list of genres.
public List Genres { get; set; }
/// Gets or sets the episode title.
public string EpisodeTitle150 { get; set; }
/// Gets or sets the list of metadata.
public List Metadata { get; set; }
/// Gets or sets the list of content raitings.
public List ContentRating { get; set; }
/// Gets or sets the list of cast.
public List Cast { get; set; }
/// Gets or sets the list of crew.
public List Crew { get; set; }
/// Gets or sets the entity type.
public string EntityType { get; set; }
/// Gets or sets the show type.
public string ShowType { get; set; }
/// Gets or sets a value indicating whether there is image artwork.
public bool HasImageArtwork { get; set; }
/// Gets or sets the primary image.
public string PrimaryImage { get; set; }
/// Gets or sets the thumb image.
public string ThumbImage { get; set; }
/// Gets or sets the backdrop image.
public string BackdropImage { get; set; }
/// Gets or sets the banner image.
public string BannerImage { get; set; }
/// Gets or sets the image id.
public string ImageId { get; set; }
/// Gets or sets the md5.
public string Md5 { get; set; }
/// Gets or sets the list of content advisory.
public List ContentAdvisory { get; set; }
/// Gets or sets the movie object.
public MovieDto Movie { get; set; }
/// Gets or sets the list of recommendations.
public List Recommendations { get; set; }