#!/usr/bin/env bash # bump_version - increase the shared version and generate changelogs set -o errexit set -o pipefail set -o xtrace usage() { echo -e "bump_version - increase the shared version and generate changelogs" echo -e "" echo -e "Usage:" echo -e " $ bump_version <new_version>" } if [[ -z $1 ]]; then usage exit 1 fi shared_version_file="./SharedVersion.cs" build_file="./build.yaml" # csproj files for nuget packages jellyfin_subprojects=( MediaBrowser.Common/MediaBrowser.Common.csproj Jellyfin.Data/Jellyfin.Data.csproj MediaBrowser.Controller/MediaBrowser.Controller.csproj MediaBrowser.Model/MediaBrowser.Model.csproj Emby.Naming/Emby.Naming.csproj ) new_version="$1" # Parse the version from the AssemblyVersion old_version="$( grep "AssemblyVersion" ${shared_version_file} \ | sed -E 's/\[assembly: ?AssemblyVersion\("([0-9\.]+)"\)\]/\1/' )" echo $old_version # Set the shared version to the specified new_version old_version_sed="$( sed 's/\./\\./g' <<<"${old_version}" )" # Escape the '.' chars new_version_sed="$( cut -f1 -d'-' <<<"${new_version}" )" sed -i "s/${old_version_sed}/${new_version_sed}/g" ${shared_version_file} old_version="$( grep "version:" ${build_file} \ | sed -E 's/version: "([0-9\.]+[-a-z0-9]*)"/\1/' )" echo $old_version # Set the build.yaml version to the specified new_version old_version_sed="$( sed 's/\./\\./g' <<<"${old_version}" )" # Escape the '.' chars sed -i "s/${old_version_sed}/${new_version}/g" ${build_file} # update nuget package version for subproject in ${jellyfin_subprojects[@]}; do do echo ${subproject} # Parse the version from the *.csproj file old_version="$( grep "VersionPrefix" ${subproject} \ | awk '{$1=$1};1' \ | sed -E 's/<VersionPrefix>([0-9\.]+[-a-z0-9]*)<\/VersionPrefix>/\1/' )" echo old nuget version: $old_version # Set the nuget version to the specified new_version sed -i "s|${old_version}|${new_version}|g" ${subproject} done if [[ ${new_version} == *"-"* ]]; then new_version_deb="$( sed 's/-/~/g' <<<"${new_version}" )" else new_version_deb="${new_version}-1" fi # Update the metapackage equivs file debian_equivs_file="debian/metapackage/jellyfin" sed -i "s/${old_version_sed}/${new_version}/g" ${debian_equivs_file} # Write out a temporary Debian changelog with our new stuff appended and some templated formatting debian_changelog_file="debian/changelog" debian_changelog_temp="$( mktemp )" # Create new temp file with our changelog echo -e "jellyfin-server (${new_version_deb}) unstable; urgency=medium * New upstream version ${new_version}; release changelog at https://github.com/jellyfin/jellyfin/releases/tag/v${new_version} -- Jellyfin Packaging Team <packaging@jellyfin.org> $( date --rfc-2822 ) " >> ${debian_changelog_temp} cat ${debian_changelog_file} >> ${debian_changelog_temp} # Move into place mv ${debian_changelog_temp} ${debian_changelog_file} # Write out a temporary Yum changelog with our new stuff prepended and some templated formatting fedora_spec_file="fedora/jellyfin.spec" fedora_changelog_temp="$( mktemp )" fedora_spec_temp_dir="$( mktemp -d )" fedora_spec_temp="${fedora_spec_temp_dir}/jellyfin.spec.tmp" # Make a copy of our spec file for hacking cp ${fedora_spec_file} ${fedora_spec_temp_dir}/ pushd ${fedora_spec_temp_dir} # Split out the stuff before and after changelog csplit jellyfin.spec "/^%changelog/" # produces xx00 xx01 # Update the version in xx00 sed -i "s/${old_version_sed}/${new_version_sed}/g" xx00 # Remove the header from xx01 sed -i '/^%changelog/d' xx01 # Create new temp file with our changelog echo -e "%changelog * $( LANG=C date '+%a %b %d %Y' ) Jellyfin Packaging Team <packaging@jellyfin.org> - New upstream version ${new_version}; release changelog at https://github.com/jellyfin/jellyfin/releases/tag/v${new_version}" >> ${fedora_changelog_temp} cat xx01 >> ${fedora_changelog_temp} # Reassembble cat xx00 ${fedora_changelog_temp} > ${fedora_spec_temp} popd # Move into place mv ${fedora_spec_temp} ${fedora_spec_file} # Clean up rm -rf ${fedora_spec_temp_dir} # Stage the changed files for commit git add ${shared_version_file} ${build_file} ${debian_equivs_file} ${debian_changelog_file} ${fedora_spec_file} git status