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using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using MediaBrowser.Model.Entities;
namespace MediaBrowser.Api.HttpHandlers
/// <summary>
/// Supported output formats are: mp3,flac,ogg,wav,asf,wma,aac
/// </summary>
public class AudioHandler : BaseMediaHandler<Audio>
/// <summary>
/// Overriding to provide mp3 as a default, since pretty much every device supports it
/// </summary>
protected override IEnumerable<string> OutputFormats
IEnumerable<string> vals = base.OutputFormats;
return vals.Any() ? vals : new string[] { "mp3" };
/// <summary>
/// We can output these files directly, but we can't encode them
/// </summary>
protected override IEnumerable<string> UnsupportedOutputEncodingFormats
return new string[] { "wma", "aac" };
public IEnumerable<int> AudioBitRates
string val = QueryString["audiobitrates"];
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(val))
return new int[] { };
return val.Split(',').Select(v => int.Parse(v));
private int? GetMaxAcceptedBitRate(string audioFormat)
if (!AudioBitRates.Any())
return null;
int index = OutputFormats.ToList().IndexOf(audioFormat);
return AudioBitRates.ElementAt(index);
/// <summary>
/// Determines whether or not the original file requires transcoding
/// </summary>
protected override bool RequiresConversion()
if (base.RequiresConversion())
return true;
string currentFormat = Path.GetExtension(LibraryItem.Path).Replace(".", string.Empty);
int? bitrate = GetMaxAcceptedBitRate(currentFormat);
// If the bitrate is greater than our desired bitrate, we need to transcode
if (bitrate.HasValue && bitrate.Value < LibraryItem.BitRate)
return true;
// If the number of channels is greater than our desired channels, we need to transcode
if (AudioChannels.HasValue && AudioChannels.Value < LibraryItem.Channels)
return true;
// If the sample rate is greater than our desired sample rate, we need to transcode
if (AudioSampleRate.HasValue && AudioSampleRate.Value < LibraryItem.SampleRate)
return true;
// Yay
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Creates arguments to pass to ffmpeg
/// </summary>
protected override string GetCommandLineArguments()
List<string> audioTranscodeParams = new List<string>();
string outputFormat = GetConversionOutputFormat();
int? bitrate = GetMaxAcceptedBitRate(outputFormat);
if (bitrate.HasValue)
audioTranscodeParams.Add("-ab " + bitrate.Value);
if (AudioChannels.HasValue)
audioTranscodeParams.Add("-ac " + AudioChannels.Value);
if (AudioSampleRate.HasValue)
audioTranscodeParams.Add("-ar " + AudioSampleRate.Value);
audioTranscodeParams.Add("-f " + outputFormat);
return "-i \"" + LibraryItem.Path + "\" -vn " + string.Join(" ", audioTranscodeParams.ToArray()) + " -";