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904 lines
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904 lines
60 KiB
"LabelExit": "Sair",
"LabelVisitCommunity": "Visitar a Comunidade",
"LabelGithubWiki": "Wiki do Github",
"LabelSwagger": "Swagger",
"LabelStandard": "Padr\u00e3o",
"LabelViewApiDocumentation": "Ver Documenta\u00e7\u00e3o da API",
"LabelBrowseLibrary": "Navegar pela Biblioteca",
"LabelConfigureMediaBrowser": "Configurar o Media Browser",
"LabelOpenLibraryViewer": "Abrir Visualizador da Biblioteca",
"LabelRestartServer": "Reiniciar Servidor",
"LabelShowLogWindow": "Mostrar Janela de Log",
"LabelPrevious": "Anterior",
"LabelFinish": "Terminar",
"LabelNext": "Seguinte",
"LabelYoureDone": "Concluiu!",
"WelcomeToMediaBrowser": "Bem-vindo ao Media Browser!",
"TitleMediaBrowser": "Media Browser",
"ThisWizardWillGuideYou": "Este assistente ir\u00e1 ajud\u00e1-lo durante o processo de configura\u00e7\u00e3o. Para come\u00e7ar, selecione o idioma.",
"TellUsAboutYourself": "Fale-nos sobre si",
"LabelYourFirstName": "O seu primeiro nome:",
"MoreUsersCanBeAddedLater": "\u00c9 poss\u00edvel adicionar utilizadores mais tarde no Painel Principal",
"UserProfilesIntro": "O Media Browser inclui suporte a perfis de utilizadores, permitindo a cada utilizador ter as suas pr\u00f3prias configura\u00e7\u00f5es da visualiza\u00e7\u00e3o, estado das reprodu\u00e7\u00f5es e controlo parental.",
"LabelWindowsService": "Servi\u00e7o do Windows",
"AWindowsServiceHasBeenInstalled": "Foi instalado um Servi\u00e7o do Windows.",
"WindowsServiceIntro1": "O Media Browser Server corre, normalmente, como uma aplica\u00e7\u00e3o de Ambiente de trabalho com um \u00edcone na bandeja, mas se preferir corr\u00ea-lo como um servi\u00e7o em segundo plano, pode ser iniciado atrav\u00e9s do Painel de Controlo dos Servi\u00e7os do Windows.",
"WindowsServiceIntro2": "Por favor tome aten\u00e7\u00e3o que se estiver a usar o servi\u00e7o, este n\u00e3o pode estar a correr ao mesmo tempo que o \u00edcone na bandeja. Por isso, ter\u00e1 de sair da aplca\u00e7\u00e3o da bandeja para poder correr o servi\u00e7o. Note, ainda, que o servi\u00e7o necessita de privil\u00e9gios administrativos via Painel de Controlo. De momento, n\u00e3o \u00e9 poss\u00edvel utilizar a fun\u00e7\u00e3o de auto-actualiza\u00e7\u00e3o ao mesmo tempo que est\u00e1 em utiliza\u00e7\u00e3o o servi\u00e7o, por isso, novas vers\u00f5es necessitam de interac\u00e7\u00e3o manual.",
"WizardCompleted": "\u00c9 tudo o que precisamos de momento. O Media Browser come\u00e7ou a colher informa\u00e7\u00e3o \u00e1cerca da sua biblioteca. D\u00ea uma vista de olhos nas nossas extens\u00f5es e depois clique em <b>Terminar<\/b> para ir para o <b>Painel Principal<\/b>.",
"LabelConfigureSettings": "Configura\u00e7\u00f5es",
"LabelEnableVideoImageExtraction": "Activar extrac\u00e7\u00e3o de imagens dos v\u00eddeos.",
"VideoImageExtractionHelp": "Para os v\u00eddeos ainda sem imagens e que n\u00e3o se encontram imagens na internet. Esta funcionalidade vai acrescentar mais algum tempo na leitura inicial da biblioteca, mas resultar\u00e1 numa apresenta\u00e7\u00e3o melhorada,",
"LabelEnableChapterImageExtractionForMovies": "Extrair imagens dos cap\u00edtulos dos Filmes",
"LabelChapterImageExtractionForMoviesHelp": "Extrair imagens dos cap\u00edtulos permite, \u00e0s aplica\u00e7\u00f5es clientes, apresentar menus de selec\u00e7\u00e3o de cap\u00edtulos com cenas. Este processo pode ser lento, intensivo para o CPU e pode requerer v\u00e1rios gigabytes de espa\u00e7o. Corre como um servi\u00e7o nocturno, agendado para as 04h, embora possa ser configurado na \u00e1rea de Tarefas Agendadas. N\u00e3o \u00e9 recomendado correr esta tarefa em horas que haja muita utiliza\u00e7\u00e3o.",
"LabelEnableAutomaticPortMapping": "Activar mapeamento autom\u00e1tico de portas",
"LabelEnableAutomaticPortMappingHelp": "UPnP permite configurar automaticamente o router, para um acesso remoto mais facilitado. Pode n\u00e3o suportar todos os modelos de routers.",
"ButtonOk": "Ok",
"ButtonCancel": "Cancelar",
"ButtonNew": "Novo",
"HeaderSetupLibrary": "Configurar biblioteca",
"ButtonAddMediaFolder": "Adicionar pasta de media",
"LabelFolderType": "Tipo de pasta",
"MediaFolderHelpPluginRequired": "* Requer o uso de uma extens\u00e3o, e.g. GameBrowser ou MB Bookshelf",
"ReferToMediaLibraryWiki": "Consulte a wiki",
"LabelCountry": "Pa\u00eds:",
"LabelLanguage": "Idioma:",
"HeaderPreferredMetadataLanguage": "Idioma preferido para metadados",
"LabelSaveLocalMetadata": "Guardar imagens e metadados nas pastas multim\u00e9dia",
"LabelSaveLocalMetadataHelp": "Guardar imagens e metadados diretamente nas pastas multim\u00e9dia, vai coloc\u00e1-los num local de f\u00e1cil acesso para poderem ser editados facilmente.",
"LabelDownloadInternetMetadata": "Transferir imagens e metadados da Internet",
"LabelDownloadInternetMetadataHelp": "O Media Browser pode transferir informa\u00e7\u00f5es sobre os seus conte\u00fados multim\u00e9dia para possibilitar apresenta\u00e7\u00f5es mais ricas.",
"TabPreferences": "Prefer\u00eancias",
"TabPassword": "Senha",
"TabLibraryAccess": "Aceder \u00e0 Biblioteca",
"TabImage": "Imagem",
"TabProfile": "Perfil",
"TabMetadata": "Metadados",
"TabImages": "Imagens",
"TabNotifications": "Notifica\u00e7\u00f5es",
"TabCollectionTitles": "T\u00edtulos",
"LabelDisplayMissingEpisodesWithinSeasons": "Mostrar epis\u00f3dios em falta dentro das temporadas",
"LabelUnairedMissingEpisodesWithinSeasons": "Mostrar epis\u00f3dios por estrear dentro das temporadas",
"HeaderVideoPlaybackSettings": "Configura\u00e7\u00f5es de Reprodu\u00e7\u00e3o de V\u00eddeo",
"HeaderPlaybackSettings": "Op\u00e7\u00f5es de Reprodu\u00e7\u00e3o",
"LabelAudioLanguagePreference": "Prefer\u00eancias de Idioma de Audio:",
"LabelSubtitleLanguagePreference": "Prefer\u00eancia de Idioma de Legenda:",
"OptionDefaultSubtitles": "Padr\u00e3o",
"OptionOnlyForcedSubtitles": "Only forced subtitles",
"OptionAlwaysPlaySubtitles": "Reproduzir sempre legendas",
"OptionNoSubtitles": "No Subtitles",
"OptionDefaultSubtitlesHelp": "As legendas que forem iguais ao idioma preferido ser\u00e3o carregadas quando o \u00e1udio estiver num idioma estrangeiro.",
"OptionOnlyForcedSubtitlesHelp": "Only subtitles marked as forced will be loaded.",
"OptionAlwaysPlaySubtitlesHelp": "As legendas que forem iguais ao idioma preferido ser\u00e3o carregadas independente do idioma do \u00e1udio.",
"OptionNoSubtitlesHelp": "As legendas n\u00e3o ser\u00e3o carregadas por padr\u00e3o.",
"TabProfiles": "Perfis",
"TabSecurity": "Seguran\u00e7a",
"ButtonAddUser": "Adicionar Utilizador",
"ButtonSave": "Guardar",
"ButtonResetPassword": "Redefinir Senha",
"LabelNewPassword": "Nova senha:",
"LabelNewPasswordConfirm": "Confirmar nova senha:",
"HeaderCreatePassword": "Criar Senha",
"LabelCurrentPassword": "Senha actual:",
"LabelMaxParentalRating": "Controlo Parental m\u00e1ximo permitido:",
"MaxParentalRatingHelp": "Conte\u00fado com classifica\u00e7\u00e3o mais elevada ser\u00e1 escondida deste utilizador.",
"LibraryAccessHelp": "Escolha as pastas de media a partilha com este utilizador. Os Administradores poder\u00e3o editar todas as pastas, usando o Gestor de Metadados.",
"ChannelAccessHelp": "Select the channels to share with this user. Administrators will be able to edit all channels using the metadata manager.",
"ButtonDeleteImage": "Apagar imagem",
"LabelSelectUsers": "Selecionar utilizadores:",
"ButtonUpload": "Carregar",
"HeaderUploadNewImage": "Carregar Nova Imagem",
"LabelDropImageHere": "Largar imagem aqui",
"ImageUploadAspectRatioHelp": "1:1 R\u00e1cio de aspecto recomendado. JPG\/ PNG apenas.",
"MessageNothingHere": "Nada aqui.",
"MessagePleaseEnsureInternetMetadata": "Certifique-se que a transfer\u00eancia de metadados da internet est\u00e1 activa.",
"TabSuggested": "Sugest\u00f5es",
"TabLatest": "Mais recente",
"TabUpcoming": "Pr\u00f3ximos",
"TabShows": "S\u00e9ries",
"TabEpisodes": "Epis\u00f3dios",
"TabGenres": "G\u00e9neros Art\u00edsticos",
"TabPeople": "Pessoas",
"TabNetworks": "Redes",
"HeaderUsers": "Utilizadores",
"HeaderFilters": "Filtros:",
"ButtonFilter": "Filtro",
"OptionFavorite": "Favoritos",
"OptionLikes": "Gostos",
"OptionDislikes": "N\u00e3o gostos",
"OptionActors": "Actores",
"OptionGuestStars": "Actores convidados",
"OptionDirectors": "Realizadores",
"OptionWriters": "Argumentistas",
"OptionProducers": "Produtores",
"HeaderResume": "Resumir",
"HeaderNextUp": "A Seguir",
"NoNextUpItemsMessage": "Nenhum encontrado. Comece a ver os seus programas!",
"HeaderLatestEpisodes": "\u00daltimos Epis\u00f3dios",
"HeaderPersonTypes": "Tipos de Pessoa:",
"TabSongs": "M\u00fasicas",
"TabAlbums": "\u00c1lbuns",
"TabArtists": "Artistas",
"TabAlbumArtists": "Artistas do \u00c1lbum",
"TabMusicVideos": "Videos Musicais",
"ButtonSort": "Organizar",
"HeaderSortBy": "Organizar por:",
"HeaderSortOrder": "Ordem de organiza\u00e7\u00e3o:",
"OptionPlayed": "Reproduzido",
"OptionUnplayed": "Por reproduzir",
"OptionAscending": "Ascendente",
"OptionDescending": "Descendente",
"OptionRuntime": "Dura\u00e7\u00e3o",
"OptionReleaseDate": "Data de lan\u00e7amento",
"OptionPlayCount": "N.\u00ba Visualiza\u00e7\u00f5es",
"OptionDatePlayed": "Data de reprodu\u00e7\u00e3o",
"OptionDateAdded": "Data de adi\u00e7\u00e3o",
"OptionAlbumArtist": "Artista do \u00c1lbum",
"OptionArtist": "Artista",
"OptionAlbum": "\u00c1lbum",
"OptionTrackName": "Nome da pista",
"OptionCommunityRating": "Classifica\u00e7\u00e3o da Comunidade",
"OptionNameSort": "Nome",
"OptionFolderSort": "Pastas",
"OptionBudget": "Or\u00e7amento",
"OptionRevenue": "Receita",
"OptionPoster": "Poster",
"OptionBackdrop": "Imagem de fundo",
"OptionTimeline": "Linha de tempo",
"OptionThumb": "Miniatura",
"OptionBanner": "Banner",
"OptionCriticRating": "Classifica\u00e7\u00e3o dos cr\u00edticos",
"OptionVideoBitrate": "Qualidade do v\u00eddeo",
"OptionResumable": "Retom\u00e1vel",
"ScheduledTasksHelp": "Clique numa tarefa para configurar o seu agendamento.",
"ScheduledTasksTitle": "Tarefas Agendadas",
"TabMyPlugins": "As minhas extens\u00f5es",
"TabCatalog": "Cat\u00e1logo",
"PluginsTitle": "Extens\u00f5es",
"HeaderAutomaticUpdates": "Atualiza\u00e7\u00f5es autom\u00e1ticas",
"HeaderNowPlaying": "A reproduzir",
"HeaderLatestAlbums": "\u00daltimos \u00c1lbuns",
"HeaderLatestSongs": "\u00daltimas m\u00fasicas",
"HeaderRecentlyPlayed": "Reproduzido recentemente",
"HeaderFrequentlyPlayed": "Reproduzido frequentemente",
"DevBuildWarning": "As vers\u00f5es Dev s\u00e3o a tecnologia de ponta. S\u00e3o lan\u00e7adas frequentemente e n\u00e3o foram testadas. A aplica\u00e7\u00e3o pode bloquear e n\u00e3o funcionar de todo.",
"LabelVideoType": "Tipo de V\u00eddeo:",
"OptionBluray": "Bluray",
"OptionDvd": "DVD",
"OptionIso": "Iso",
"Option3D": "3D",
"LabelFeatures": "Caracter\u00edsticas:",
"LabelService": "Servi\u00e7o:",
"LabelStatus": "Estado:",
"LabelVersion": "Vers\u00e3o:",
"LabelLastResult": "\u00daltimo resultado:",
"OptionHasSubtitles": "Legendas",
"OptionHasTrailer": "Trailer",
"OptionHasThemeSong": "M\u00fasica de Tema",
"OptionHasThemeVideo": "V\u00eddeo de Tema",
"TabMovies": "Filmes",
"TabStudios": "Est\u00fadios",
"TabTrailers": "Trailers",
"HeaderLatestMovies": "\u00daltimos Filmes",
"HeaderLatestTrailers": "\u00daltimos Trailers",
"OptionHasSpecialFeatures": "Extras",
"OptionImdbRating": "Classifica\u00e7\u00e3o no IMDb",
"OptionParentalRating": "Classifica\u00e7\u00e3o Parental",
"OptionPremiereDate": "Data de Estreia",
"TabBasic": "B\u00e1sico",
"TabAdvanced": "Avan\u00e7ado",
"HeaderStatus": "Estado",
"OptionContinuing": "A Continuar",
"OptionEnded": "Terminado",
"HeaderAirDays": "Dias de Exibi\u00e7\u00e3o",
"OptionSunday": "Domingo",
"OptionMonday": "Segunda",
"OptionTuesday": "Ter\u00e7a",
"OptionWednesday": "Quarta",
"OptionThursday": "Quinta",
"OptionFriday": "Sexta",
"OptionSaturday": "S\u00e1bado",
"HeaderManagement": "Gest\u00e3o",
"LabelManagement": "Administra\u00e7\u00e3o:",
"OptionMissingImdbId": "Id do IMDb em falta",
"OptionMissingTvdbId": "iD do TheTVDB em falta",
"OptionMissingOverview": "Descri\u00e7\u00e3o em falta",
"OptionFileMetadataYearMismatch": "Anos do Ficheiro\/Metadados n\u00e3o coincidem",
"TabGeneral": "Geral",
"TitleSupport": "Suporte",
"TabLog": "Log",
"TabAbout": "Acerca",
"TabSupporterKey": "Chave de Apoiante",
"TabBecomeSupporter": "Torne-se um Apoiante",
"MediaBrowserHasCommunity": "O Media Browser tem uma pr\u00f3spera comunidade de utilizadores e colaboradores.",
"CheckoutKnowledgeBase": "Consulte a nossa base de conhecimento para o ajudar a obter um maior proveito do Media Browser.",
"SearchKnowledgeBase": "Procurar na Base de Conhecimento",
"VisitTheCommunity": "Visite a Comunidade",
"VisitMediaBrowserWebsite": "Visite a p\u00e1gina web do Media Browser",
"VisitMediaBrowserWebsiteLong": "Visite a p\u00e1gina do Media Browser para ficar a par das \u00faltimas novidades e para acompanhar o blog do programador.",
"OptionHideUser": "Ocultar este utilizador dos formul\u00e1rios de in\u00edcio de sess\u00e3o",
"OptionDisableUser": "Desativar este utilizador",
"OptionDisableUserHelp": "Se desativado, o servidor n\u00e3o permite nenhuma conex\u00e3o deste utilizador. Conex\u00f5es existentes ser\u00e3o terminadas.",
"HeaderAdvancedControl": "Controlo Avan\u00e7ado",
"LabelName": "Nome:",
"OptionAllowUserToManageServer": "Permitir a este utilizador gerir o servidor",
"HeaderFeatureAccess": "Acesso a Caracter\u00edsticas",
"OptionAllowMediaPlayback": "Permitir reprodu\u00e7\u00e3o de multim\u00e9dia",
"OptionAllowBrowsingLiveTv": "Permitir navega\u00e7\u00e3o da tv ao vivo",
"OptionAllowDeleteLibraryContent": "Permitir a este utilizador remover conte\u00fados da biblioteca",
"OptionAllowManageLiveTv": "Permitir gest\u00e3o das grava\u00e7\u00f5es da tv ao vivo",
"OptionAllowRemoteControlOthers": "Permitir a este utilizador controlar remotamente outros utilizadores",
"OptionMissingTmdbId": "Id Tmdb em falta",
"OptionIsHD": "HD",
"OptionIsSD": "SD",
"OptionMetascore": "Metascore",
"ButtonSelect": "Selecionar",
"ButtonSearch": "Procurar",
"ButtonGroupVersions": "Agrupar Vers\u00f5es",
"ButtonAddToCollection": "Add to Collection",
"PismoMessage": "Usar o Prismo File Mount atrav\u00e9s de uma licen\u00e7a doada.",
"TangibleSoftwareMessage": "A utilizar conversores Java\/C# da Tangible Solutions atrav\u00e9s de uma licen\u00e7a doada.",
"HeaderCredits": "Cr\u00e9ditos",
"PleaseSupportOtherProduces": "Por favor suporte outros produtos gratuitos que utilizamos:",
"VersionNumber": "Vers\u00e3o {0}",
"TabPaths": "Localiza\u00e7\u00f5es",
"TabServer": "Servidor",
"TabTranscoding": "Transcodifica\u00e7\u00e3o",
"TitleAdvanced": "Avan\u00e7ado",
"LabelAutomaticUpdateLevel": "N\u00edvel da atualiza\u00e7\u00e3o autom\u00e1tica",
"OptionRelease": "Lan\u00e7amento Oficial",
"OptionBeta": "Beta",
"OptionDev": "Dev (Inst\u00e1vel)",
"LabelAllowServerAutoRestart": "Permitir ao servidor reiniciar automaticamente para aplicar as atualiza\u00e7\u00f5es",
"LabelAllowServerAutoRestartHelp": "O servidor ir\u00e1 reiniciar apenas durante per\u00edodos em que n\u00e3o esteja a ser usado, quando nenhum utilizador estiver ativo.",
"LabelEnableDebugLogging": "Ativar log de depura\u00e7\u00e3o",
"LabelRunServerAtStartup": "Iniciar o servidor no arranque",
"LabelRunServerAtStartupHelp": "Isto ir\u00e1 iniciar o \u00edcone na barra de tarefas quando o Windows inicia. Para iniciar o servi\u00e7o do Windows, desmarque isto e corra o servi\u00e7o a partir do Painel de Controlo do Windows. N\u00e3o pode correr ambos ao mesmo tempo, logo precisa de terminar o \u00edcone da barra de tarefas antes de iniciar o servi\u00e7o.",
"ButtonSelectDirectory": "Selecione a diretoria",
"LabelCustomPaths": "Defina localiza\u00e7\u00f5es personalizadas. Deixe os campos em branco para usar os valores padr\u00e3o.",
"LabelCachePath": "Localiza\u00e7\u00e3o da cache:",
"LabelCachePathHelp": "Defina uma localiza\u00e7\u00e3o para ficheiros de cache do servidor, como por exemplo, imagens.",
"LabelImagesByNamePath": "Localiza\u00e7\u00e3o das imagens por nome:",
"LabelImagesByNamePathHelp": "Defina uma localiza\u00e7\u00e3o para imagens de atores, artistas, g\u00e9neros e est\u00fadios.",
"LabelMetadataPath": "Localiza\u00e7\u00e3o dos metadados:",
"LabelMetadataPathHelp": "Defina uma localiza\u00e7\u00e3o para imagens e metadados transferidos que n\u00e3o foram configurados para serem armazenados nas pastas multim\u00e9dia.",
"LabelTranscodingTempPath": "Localiza\u00e7\u00e3o tempor\u00e1ria das transcodifica\u00e7\u00f5es:",
"LabelTranscodingTempPathHelp": "Esta pasta cont\u00e9m ficheiros de trabalho usados pelo transcodificador.",
"TabBasics": "B\u00e1sico",
"TabTV": "TV",
"TabGames": "Jogos",
"TabMusic": "M\u00fasica",
"TabOthers": "Outros",
"HeaderExtractChapterImagesFor": "Extrair imagens de cap\u00edtulos para:",
"OptionMovies": "Filmes",
"OptionEpisodes": "Epis\u00f3dios",
"OptionOtherVideos": "Outros V\u00eddeos",
"TitleMetadata": "Metadados",
"LabelAutomaticUpdatesFanart": "Ativar atualiza\u00e7\u00f5es autom\u00e1ticas do",
"LabelAutomaticUpdatesTmdb": "Ativar atualiza\u00e7\u00f5es autom\u00e1ticas do",
"LabelAutomaticUpdatesTvdb": "Ativar atualiza\u00e7\u00f5es autom\u00e1ticas do",
"LabelAutomaticUpdatesFanartHelp": "Se ativado, novas imagens ser\u00e3o automaticamente transferidas ao serem adicionadas ao As imagens existentes n\u00e3o ser\u00e3o substitu\u00eddas.",
"LabelAutomaticUpdatesTmdbHelp": "Se ativado, novas imagens ser\u00e3o automaticamente transferidas ao serem adicionadas ao As imagens existentes n\u00e3o ser\u00e3o substitu\u00eddas.",
"LabelAutomaticUpdatesTvdbHelp": "Se ativado, novas imagens ser\u00e3o automaticamente transferidas ao serem adicionadas ao As imagens existentes n\u00e3o ser\u00e3o substitu\u00eddas.",
"ExtractChapterImagesHelp": "Extrair imagens dos cap\u00edtulos permite \u00e0s aplica\u00e7\u00f5es clientes, apresentar menus de sele\u00e7\u00e3o de cap\u00edtulos com cenas. Este processo pode ser lento, intensivo para o CPU e pode requerer v\u00e1rios gigabytes de espa\u00e7o. Corre como um servi\u00e7o noturno, agendado para as 04h, embora possa ser configurado na \u00e1rea de Tarefas Agendadas. N\u00e3o \u00e9 recomendado correr esta tarefa em horas que haja muita utiliza\u00e7\u00e3o.",
"LabelMetadataDownloadLanguage": "Idioma preferido:",
"ButtonAutoScroll": "Scroll autom\u00e1tico",
"LabelImageSavingConvention": "Conven\u00e7\u00e3o para guardar imagens:",
"LabelImageSavingConventionHelp": "O Media Browser reconhece imagens da maioria das aplica\u00e7\u00f5es multim\u00e9dia. Escolher a conven\u00e7\u00e3o de transfer\u00eancia \u00e9 \u00fatil se tamb\u00e9m usa outros produtos.",
"OptionImageSavingCompatible": "Compat\u00edvel - Media Browser\/Plex\/XBMC",
"OptionImageSavingStandard": "Padr\u00e3o - MB2",
"ButtonSignIn": "Iniciar Sess\u00e3o",
"TitleSignIn": "Iniciar Sess\u00e3o",
"HeaderPleaseSignIn": "Por favor inicie a sess\u00e3o",
"LabelUser": "Utilizador:",
"LabelPassword": "Senha:",
"ButtonManualLogin": "In\u00edcio de Sess\u00e3o Manual",
"PasswordLocalhostMessage": "N\u00e3o s\u00e3o necess\u00e1rias senhas ao iniciar a sess\u00e3o a partir do localhost.",
"TabGuide": "Guia",
"TabChannels": "Canais",
"TabCollections": "Cole\u00e7\u00f5es",
"HeaderChannels": "Canais",
"TabRecordings": "Grava\u00e7\u00f5es",
"TabScheduled": "Agendado",
"TabSeries": "S\u00e9ries",
"TabFavorites": "Favoritos",
"TabMyLibrary": "A minha Biblioteca",
"ButtonCancelRecording": "Cancelar Grava\u00e7\u00e3o",
"HeaderPrePostPadding": "Pr\u00e9\/P\u00f3s grava\u00e7\u00e3o extra",
"LabelPrePaddingMinutes": "Minutos pr\u00e9vios extra:",
"OptionPrePaddingRequired": "S\u00e3o necess\u00e1rios minutos pr\u00e9vios extra para poder gravar.",
"LabelPostPaddingMinutes": "Minutos posteriores extra:",
"OptionPostPaddingRequired": "S\u00e3o necess\u00e1rios minutos posteriores extra para poder gravar.",
"HeaderWhatsOnTV": "Agora a exibir",
"HeaderUpcomingTV": "Pr\u00f3ximos Programas",
"TabStatus": "Estado",
"TabSettings": "Configura\u00e7\u00f5es",
"ButtonRefreshGuideData": "Atualizar Dados do Guia",
"OptionPriority": "Prioridade",
"OptionRecordOnAllChannels": "Gravar programa em todos os canais",
"OptionRecordAnytime": "Gravar programa em qualquer altura",
"OptionRecordOnlyNewEpisodes": "Gravar apenas novos epis\u00f3dios",
"HeaderDays": "Dias",
"HeaderActiveRecordings": "Grava\u00e7\u00f5es ativas",
"HeaderLatestRecordings": "\u00daltimas Grava\u00e7\u00f5es",
"HeaderAllRecordings": "Todas as Grava\u00e7\u00f5es",
"ButtonPlay": "Reproduzir",
"ButtonEdit": "Editar",
"ButtonRecord": "Gravar",
"ButtonDelete": "Remover",
"ButtonRemove": "Remover",
"OptionRecordSeries": "Gravar S\u00e9rie",
"HeaderDetails": "Detalhes",
"TitleLiveTV": "TV ao Vivo",
"LabelNumberOfGuideDays": "N\u00famero de dias de informa\u00e7\u00e3o do guia para transferir:",
"LabelNumberOfGuideDaysHelp": "Transferir mais dias de informa\u00e7\u00e3o do guia permite agendar com maior anteced\u00eancia e ver mais listagens, no entanto ir\u00e1 levar mais tempo a transferir. Se optar que seja Autom\u00e1tico, ser\u00e1 escolhido baseado no n\u00famero de canais.",
"LabelActiveService": "Ativar Servi\u00e7o:",
"LabelActiveServiceHelp": "Podem ser instalados m\u00faltiplas extens\u00f5es para TV, mas s\u00f3 pode estar ativo um de cada vez.",
"OptionAutomatic": "Autom\u00e1tico",
"LiveTvPluginRequired": "Uma extens\u00e3o de um fornecedor de servi\u00e7o de TV ao Vivo \u00e9 necess\u00e1rio para continuar.",
"LiveTvPluginRequiredHelp": "Por favor instale uma das nossas extens\u00f5es dispon\u00edveis, como a Next Pvr ou ServerWmc.",
"LabelCustomizeOptionsPerMediaType": "Personalizar para o tipo de conte\u00fado:",
"OptionDownloadThumbImage": "Miniatura",
"OptionDownloadMenuImage": "Menu",
"OptionDownloadLogoImage": "Logo",
"OptionDownloadBoxImage": "Caixa",
"OptionDownloadDiscImage": "Disco",
"OptionDownloadBannerImage": "Banner",
"OptionDownloadBackImage": "Traseira",
"OptionDownloadArtImage": "Arte",
"OptionDownloadPrimaryImage": "Principal",
"HeaderFetchImages": "Buscar Imagens:",
"HeaderImageSettings": "Op\u00e7\u00f5es da Imagem",
"TabOther": "Outro",
"LabelMaxBackdropsPerItem": "N\u00famero m\u00e1ximo de imagens de fundo por item:",
"LabelMaxScreenshotsPerItem": "N\u00famero m\u00e1ximo de imagens de ecr\u00e3 por item:",
"LabelMinBackdropDownloadWidth": "Transferir Imagens de fundo com o tamanho m\u00ednimo:",
"LabelMinScreenshotDownloadWidth": "Transferir imagens de ecr\u00e3 com o tamanho m\u00ednimo:",
"ButtonAddScheduledTaskTrigger": "Adicionar Acionador da Tarefa",
"HeaderAddScheduledTaskTrigger": "Adicionar Acionador da Tarefa",
"ButtonAdd": "Adicionar",
"LabelTriggerType": "Tipo do Acionador:",
"OptionDaily": "Diariamente",
"OptionWeekly": "Semanalmente",
"OptionOnInterval": "Num intervalo",
"OptionOnAppStartup": "Ao iniciar a aplica\u00e7\u00e3o",
"OptionAfterSystemEvent": "Depois de um evento do sistema",
"LabelDay": "Dia:",
"LabelTime": "Tempo:",
"LabelEvent": "Evento:",
"OptionWakeFromSleep": "Retomar da suspens\u00e3o",
"LabelEveryXMinutes": "Todos",
"HeaderTvTuners": "Sintonizadores",
"HeaderGallery": "Galeria",
"HeaderLatestGames": "\u00daltimos Jogos",
"HeaderRecentlyPlayedGames": "Jogos jogados recentemente",
"TabGameSystems": "Sistemas de Jogos",
"TitleMediaLibrary": "Biblioteca Multim\u00e9dia",
"TabFolders": "Pastas",
"TabPathSubstitution": "Substitui\u00e7\u00e3o de Localiza\u00e7\u00e3o",
"LabelSeasonZeroDisplayName": "Nome de apresenta\u00e7\u00e3o da temporada 0:",
"LabelEnableRealtimeMonitor": "Ativar monitoriza\u00e7\u00e3o em tempo real",
"LabelEnableRealtimeMonitorHelp": "As altera\u00e7\u00f5es ir\u00e3o ser processadas imediatamente em sistemas de ficheiros suportados.",
"ButtonScanLibrary": "Analisar Biblioteca",
"HeaderNumberOfPlayers": "Jogadores:",
"OptionAnyNumberOfPlayers": "Qualquer",
"Option1Player": "1+",
"Option2Player": "2+",
"Option3Player": "3+",
"Option4Player": "4+",
"HeaderMediaFolders": "Pastas Multim\u00e9dia",
"HeaderThemeVideos": "V\u00eddeos Tem\u00e1ticos",
"HeaderThemeSongs": "M\u00fasicas Tem\u00e1ticas",
"HeaderScenes": "Cenas",
"HeaderAwardsAndReviews": "Pr\u00e9mios e Cr\u00edticas",
"HeaderSoundtracks": "Banda Sonora",
"HeaderMusicVideos": "V\u00eddeos de M\u00fasica",
"HeaderSpecialFeatures": "Extras",
"HeaderCastCrew": "Elenco e Equipa",
"HeaderAdditionalParts": "Partes Adicionais",
"ButtonSplitVersionsApart": "Separar Vers\u00f5es",
"ButtonPlayTrailer": "Trailer",
"LabelMissing": "Em falta",
"LabelOffline": "Desconectado",
"PathSubstitutionHelp": "Substitui\u00e7\u00f5es de localiza\u00e7\u00e3o s\u00e3o usadas para mapear uma localiza\u00e7\u00e3o no servidor que possa ser acedido pelos clientes. Ao permitir o acesso dos clientes ao conte\u00fado multim\u00e9dia no servidor, permite-lhes reproduzir diretamente atrav\u00e9s da rede e evitar o uso de recursos do servidor para fazer stream ou transcodifica\u00e7\u00e3o.",
"HeaderFrom": "De",
"HeaderTo": "Para",
"LabelFrom": "De:",
"LabelFromHelp": "Exemplo: D:\\Filmes (no servidor)",
"LabelTo": "Para:",
"LabelToHelp": "Exemplo: \\\\OMeuServidor\\Filmes (uma localiza\u00e7\u00e3o que os clientes possam aceder)",
"ButtonAddPathSubstitution": "Adicionar Substitui\u00e7\u00e3o",
"OptionSpecialEpisode": "Especiais",
"OptionMissingEpisode": "Epis\u00f3dios em Falta",
"OptionUnairedEpisode": "Epis\u00f3dios por Estrear",
"OptionEpisodeSortName": "Nome de Ordena\u00e7\u00e3o do Epis\u00f3dio",
"OptionSeriesSortName": "Nome da S\u00e9rie",
"OptionTvdbRating": "Classifica\u00e7\u00e3o no Tvdb",
"HeaderTranscodingQualityPreference": "Prefer\u00eancia da Qualidade de Transcodifica\u00e7\u00e3o:",
"OptionAutomaticTranscodingHelp": "O servidor ir\u00e1 decidir a qualidade e a velocidade",
"OptionHighSpeedTranscodingHelp": "Baixa qualidade mas r\u00e1pida codifica\u00e7\u00e3o",
"OptionHighQualityTranscodingHelp": "Alta qualidade mas lenta codifica\u00e7\u00e3o",
"OptionMaxQualityTranscodingHelp": "M\u00e1xima qualidade com codifica\u00e7\u00e3o lenta e utiliza\u00e7\u00e3o do CPU elevada",
"OptionHighSpeedTranscoding": "Mais alta velocidade",
"OptionHighQualityTranscoding": "Mais alta qualidade",
"OptionMaxQualityTranscoding": "M\u00e1xima qualidade",
"OptionEnableDebugTranscodingLogging": "Ativar log de depura\u00e7\u00e3o da transcodifica\u00e7\u00e3o",
"OptionEnableDebugTranscodingLoggingHelp": "Ir\u00e1 criar ficheiros log muito grandes e s\u00f3 \u00e9 recomendado para ajudar na resolu\u00e7\u00e3o de problemas.",
"OptionUpscaling": "Permitir aos clientes solicitar o aumento da resolu\u00e7\u00e3o do v\u00eddeo",
"OptionUpscalingHelp": "Em alguns casos ir\u00e1 resultar no aumento da qualidade do v\u00eddeo mas ir\u00e1 aumentar a utiliza\u00e7\u00e3o do CPU.",
"EditCollectionItemsHelp": "Adicione ou remova qualquer filme, s\u00e9rie, \u00e1lbum, livro ou jogo que desejar agrupar dentro desta cole\u00e7\u00e3o.",
"HeaderAddTitles": "Adicional T\u00edtulos",
"LabelEnableDlnaPlayTo": "Ativar DLNA Play To",
"LabelEnableDlnaPlayToHelp": "O Media Browser pode detetar dispositivos dentro da sua rede, dando-lhe a possibilidade de os controlar remotamente.",
"LabelEnableDlnaDebugLogging": "Ativar log de depura\u00e7\u00e3o do DLNA",
"LabelEnableDlnaDebugLoggingHelp": "Isto ir\u00e1 criar ficheiros de log grandes e deve ser usado apenas quando \u00e9 necess\u00e1rio para depurar problemas.",
"LabelEnableDlnaClientDiscoveryInterval": "Intervalo para a descoberta do cliente (segundos)",
"LabelEnableDlnaClientDiscoveryIntervalHelp": "Determina a dura\u00e7\u00e3o em segundos entre as procuras SSDP feitas pelo Media Browser.",
"HeaderCustomDlnaProfiles": "Perfis Personalizados",
"HeaderSystemDlnaProfiles": "Perfis de Sistema",
"CustomDlnaProfilesHelp": "Crie um perfil personalizado para um novo dispositivo ou para sobrepor um perfil de sistema.",
"SystemDlnaProfilesHelp": "Perfis de sistema s\u00e3o apenas de leitura. Mudan\u00e7as a um perfil de sistema ser\u00e3o guardadas num novo perfil personalizado.",
"TitleDashboard": "Painel Principal",
"TabHome": "In\u00edcio",
"TabInfo": "Info",
"HeaderLinks": "Hiperliga\u00e7\u00f5es",
"HeaderSystemPaths": "Localiza\u00e7\u00f5es de Sistema",
"LinkCommunity": "Comunidade",
"LinkGithub": "Github",
"LinkApiDocumentation": "Documenta\u00e7\u00e3o da API",
"LabelFriendlyServerName": "Nome amig\u00e1vel do servidor:",
"LabelFriendlyServerNameHelp": "Ser\u00e1 usado este nome para identificar o servidor. Se n\u00e3o for preenchido, ser\u00e1 usado o nome do computador.",
"LabelPreferredDisplayLanguage": "Idioma de apresenta\u00e7\u00e3o de prefer\u00eancia",
"LabelPreferredDisplayLanguageHelp": "A tradu\u00e7\u00e3o do Media Browser \u00e9 um projeto em andamento e ainda n\u00e3o est\u00e1 completo.",
"LabelReadHowYouCanContribute": "Leia sobre como pode contribuir.",
"HeaderNewCollection": "Nova Cole\u00e7\u00e3o",
"HeaderAddToCollection": "Add to Collection",
"ButtonSubmit": "Submit",
"NewCollectionNameExample": "Exemplo: Cole\u00e7\u00e3o Guerra das Estrelas",
"OptionSearchForInternetMetadata": "Procurar na internet por imagens e metadados",
"ButtonCreate": "Criar",
"LabelHttpServerPortNumber": "N\u00famero da porta do servidor HTTP:",
"LabelWebSocketPortNumber": "N\u00famero da porta da Web socket:",
"LabelEnableAutomaticPortHelp": "o UPnP permite a configura\u00e7\u00e3o autom\u00e1tica do router para acesso remoto. Pode n\u00e3o funcionar com alguns modelos de routers.",
"LabelExternalDDNS": "DDNS Externo:",
"LabelExternalDDNSHelp": "Se tem um DNS din\u00e2mico insira-o aqui. As aplica\u00e7\u00f5es Media Browser ir\u00e3o us\u00e1-lo ao conectarem-se remotamente.",
"TabResume": "Retomar",
"TabWeather": "Tempo",
"TitleAppSettings": "Configura\u00e7\u00f5es da Aplica\u00e7\u00e3o",
"LabelMinResumePercentage": "Percentagem m\u00ednima para retomar:",
"LabelMaxResumePercentage": "Percentagem m\u00e1xima para retomar:",
"LabelMinResumeDuration": "Dura\u00e7\u00e3o m\u00ednima da retoma (segundos):",
"LabelMinResumePercentageHelp": "Os t\u00edtulos s\u00e3o considerados n\u00e3o assistidos se parados antes deste tempo",
"LabelMaxResumePercentageHelp": "Os t\u00edtulos s\u00e3o considerados totalmente assistidos se parados depois deste tempo",
"LabelMinResumeDurationHelp": "T\u00edtulos mais curtos que isto n\u00e3o ser\u00e3o retom\u00e1veis",
"TitleAutoOrganize": "Organiza\u00e7\u00e3o Autom\u00e1tica",
"TabActivityLog": "Log da Atividade",
"HeaderName": "Nome",
"HeaderDate": "Data",
"HeaderSource": "Origem",
"HeaderDestination": "Destino",
"HeaderProgram": "Programa",
"HeaderClients": "Clientes",
"LabelCompleted": "Terminado",
"LabelFailed": "Failed",
"LabelSkipped": "Ignorado",
"HeaderEpisodeOrganization": "Organiza\u00e7\u00e3o dos Epis\u00f3dios",
"LabelSeries": "Series:",
"LabelSeasonNumber": "N\u00famero da temporada",
"LabelEpisodeNumber": "N\u00famero do epis\u00f3dio",
"LabelEndingEpisodeNumber": "N\u00famero do epis\u00f3dio final",
"LabelEndingEpisodeNumberHelp": "Necess\u00e1rio s\u00f3 para arquivos multi-epis\u00f3dios",
"HeaderSupportTheTeam": "Apoie a Equipa do Media Browser",
"LabelSupportAmount": "Quantia (USD)",
"HeaderSupportTheTeamHelp": "Ajude a garantir o desenvolvimento continuado deste projeto, doando. Uma parte de todas as doa\u00e7\u00f5es ser\u00e1 para contribuir para outras ferramentas gratuitas em que dependemos.",
"ButtonEnterSupporterKey": "Insira a chave de apoiante",
"DonationNextStep": "Assim que termine, por favor volte e insira a sua chave de apoiante, a qual ir\u00e1 receber por email.",
"AutoOrganizeHelp": "O auto-organizar monitoriza as suas pastas de transfer\u00eancias em busca de novos ficheiros e move-os para as suas pastas multim\u00e9dia.",
"AutoOrganizeTvHelp": "A organiza\u00e7\u00e3o de ficheiros de TV s\u00f3 ir\u00e1 adicionar ficheiros \u00e0s s\u00e9ries existentes. Ela n\u00e3o ir\u00e1 criar novas pastas de s\u00e9ries.",
"OptionEnableEpisodeOrganization": "Ativar a organiza\u00e7\u00e3o de novos epis\u00f3dios",
"LabelWatchFolder": "Observar pasta:",
"LabelWatchFolderHelp": "O servidor ir\u00e1 pesquisar esta pasta durante a tarefa agendada 'Organizar novos ficheiros multim\u00e9dia'.",
"ButtonViewScheduledTasks": "Ver tarefas agendadas",
"LabelMinFileSizeForOrganize": "Tamanho m\u00ednimo do ficheiro (MB):",
"LabelMinFileSizeForOrganizeHelp": "Ficheiros at\u00e9 este tamanho ser\u00e3o ignorados.",
"LabelSeasonFolderPattern": "Padr\u00e3o da pasta da temporada:",
"LabelSeasonZeroFolderName": "Nome da pasta da temporada zero:",
"HeaderEpisodeFilePattern": "Padr\u00e3o do ficheiro de epis\u00f3dio",
"LabelEpisodePattern": "Padr\u00e3o dos epis\u00f3dios:",
"LabelMultiEpisodePattern": "Padr\u00e3o de multi-epis\u00f3dios:",
"HeaderSupportedPatterns": "Padr\u00f5es Suportados",
"HeaderTerm": "Termo",
"HeaderPattern": "Padr\u00e3o",
"HeaderResult": "Resultado",
"LabelDeleteEmptyFolders": "Remover pastas vazias depois de organizar",
"LabelDeleteEmptyFoldersHelp": "Ative isto para manter a pasta de downloads limpa.",
"LabelDeleteLeftOverFiles": "Apagar os ficheiros deixados com as seguintes extens\u00f5es:",
"LabelDeleteLeftOverFilesHelp": "Separar com ;. Por exemplo: .nfo;.txt",
"OptionOverwriteExistingEpisodes": "Sobrepor epis\u00f3dios existentes",
"LabelTransferMethod": "M\u00e9todo da transfer\u00eancia",
"OptionCopy": "Copiar",
"OptionMove": "Mover",
"LabelTransferMethodHelp": "Copiar ou mover ficheiros da pasta observada",
"HeaderLatestNews": "\u00daltimas Not\u00edcias",
"HeaderHelpImproveMediaBrowser": "Ajude a melhorar o Media Browser",
"HeaderRunningTasks": "Tarefas em Execu\u00e7\u00e3o",
"HeaderActiveDevices": "Dispositivos Ativos",
"HeaderPendingInstallations": "Instala\u00e7\u00f5es Pendentes",
"HeaerServerInformation": "Informa\u00e7\u00e3o do Servidor",
"ButtonRestartNow": "Reiniciar Agora",
"ButtonRestart": "Reiniciar",
"ButtonShutdown": "Encerrar",
"ButtonUpdateNow": "Atualizar Agora",
"PleaseUpdateManually": "Por favor encerre o servidor e atualize manualmente.",
"NewServerVersionAvailable": "Est\u00e1 dispon\u00edvel uma nova vers\u00e3o do Media Browser!",
"ServerUpToDate": "O Media Browser est\u00e1 atualizado",
"ErrorConnectingToMediaBrowserRepository": "Ocorreu um erro ao conectar ao reposit\u00f3rio remoto do Media Browser.",
"LabelComponentsUpdated": "Os componentes seguintes foram instalados ou atualizados:",
"MessagePleaseRestartServerToFinishUpdating": "Por favor reinicie o servidor para terminar a aplica\u00e7\u00e3o das atualiza\u00e7\u00f5es.",
"LabelDownMixAudioScale": "Escala do aumento de \u00e1udio ao fazer downmix:",
"LabelDownMixAudioScaleHelp": "Aumentar o \u00e1udio ao fazer downmix. Defina como 1 para preservar o volume original.",
"ButtonLinkKeys": "Unir Chaves",
"LabelOldSupporterKey": "Chave de apoiante antiga",
"LabelNewSupporterKey": "Chave de apoiante nova",
"HeaderMultipleKeyLinking": "Unir m\u00faltiplas chaves",
"MultipleKeyLinkingHelp": "Se tem mais do que uma chave de apoiante, use este formul\u00e1rio para unir os registos das chaves antigas com a sua nova.",
"LabelCurrentEmailAddress": "Endere\u00e7o de email atual",
"LabelCurrentEmailAddressHelp": "O endere\u00e7o de email atual para o qual a sua nova chave foi enviada.",
"HeaderForgotKey": "Esqueci a Chave",
"LabelEmailAddress": "Endere\u00e7o de email",
"LabelSupporterEmailAddress": "O endere\u00e7o de email que foi usado para comprar a chave.",
"ButtonRetrieveKey": "Recuperar Chave",
"LabelSupporterKey": "Chave de Apoiante (colar do email)",
"LabelSupporterKeyHelp": "Insira a sua chave de apoiante para come\u00e7ar a tirar partido dos benef\u00edcios adicionais que a comunidade desenvolveu para o Media Browser.",
"MessageInvalidKey": "Chave de apoiante ausente ou inv\u00e1lida",
"ErrorMessageInvalidKey": "Para registar conte\u00fado premium, voc\u00ea deve ser um apoiante do Media Browser. Por favor, fa\u00e7a uma doa\u00e7\u00e3o e apoie o desenvolvimento cont\u00ednuo do produto. Obrigado.",
"HeaderDisplaySettings": "Apresentar Configura\u00e7\u00f5es",
"TabPlayTo": "Play To",
"LabelEnableDlnaServer": "Ativar servidor DLNA",
"LabelEnableDlnaServerHelp": "Permite aos dispositivos UPnP da sua rede, navegar e reproduzir conte\u00fado do Media Browser.",
"LabelEnableBlastAliveMessages": "Propagar mensagens de reconhecimento",
"LabelEnableBlastAliveMessagesHelp": "Ativar isto se o servidor n\u00e3o \u00e9 detetado convenientemente por outros dispositivos UPnP na sua rede.",
"LabelBlastMessageInterval": "Intervalo das mensagens de reconhecimento (segundos)",
"LabelBlastMessageIntervalHelp": "Determines the duration in seconds between server alive messages.",
"LabelDefaultUser": "Utilizador padr\u00e3o:",
"LabelDefaultUserHelp": "Determines which user library should be displayed on connected devices. This can be overridden for each device using profiles.",
"TitleDlna": "DLNA",
"TitleChannels": "Channels",
"HeaderServerSettings": "Op\u00e7\u00f5es do Servidor",
"LabelWeatherDisplayLocation": "Weather display location:",
"LabelWeatherDisplayLocationHelp": "C\u00f3digo postal dos EUA \/ Cidade, Estado, Pa\u00eds \/ Cidade, Pa\u00eds",
"LabelWeatherDisplayUnit": "Weather display unit:",
"OptionCelsius": "Celsius",
"OptionFahrenheit": "Fahrenheit",
"HeaderRequireManualLogin": "Necessita a inser\u00e7\u00e3o manual de um nome de utilizador para:",
"HeaderRequireManualLoginHelp": "Quando desativados, os clientes podem mostrar a tela de login com uma sele\u00e7\u00e3o visual de utilizadores.",
"OptionOtherApps": "Outras apps",
"OptionMobileApps": "Apps m\u00f3veis",
"HeaderNotificationList": "Click on a notification to configure it's sending options.",
"NotificationOptionApplicationUpdateAvailable": "Dispon\u00edvel atualiza\u00e7\u00e3o da aplica\u00e7\u00e3o",
"NotificationOptionApplicationUpdateInstalled": "Instalada atualiza\u00e7\u00e3o da aplica\u00e7\u00e3o",
"NotificationOptionPluginUpdateInstalled": "Instalada atualiza\u00e7\u00e3o da extens\u00e3o",
"NotificationOptionPluginInstalled": "Extens\u00e3o instalada",
"NotificationOptionPluginUninstalled": "Extens\u00e3o desinstalada",
"NotificationOptionVideoPlayback": "Reprodu\u00e7\u00e3o de v\u00eddeo iniciada",
"NotificationOptionAudioPlayback": "Reprodu\u00e7\u00e3o de \u00e1udio iniciada",
"NotificationOptionGamePlayback": "Reprodu\u00e7\u00e3o de jogo iniciada",
"NotificationOptionVideoPlaybackStopped": "Reprodu\u00e7\u00e3o de v\u00eddeo parada",
"NotificationOptionAudioPlaybackStopped": "Reprodu\u00e7\u00e3o de \u00e1udio parada",
"NotificationOptionGamePlaybackStopped": "Reprodu\u00e7\u00e3o de jogo parada",
"NotificationOptionTaskFailed": "Scheduled task failure",
"NotificationOptionInstallationFailed": "Installation failure",
"NotificationOptionNewLibraryContent": "Adicionado novo conte\u00fado",
"NotificationOptionNewLibraryContentMultiple": "Novo conte\u00fado adicionado (m\u00faltiplo)",
"SendNotificationHelp": "By default, notifications are delivered to the dashboard inbox. Browse the plugin catalog to install additional notification options.",
"NotificationOptionServerRestartRequired": "\u00c9 necess\u00e1rio reiniciar o servidor",
"LabelNotificationEnabled": "Ativar esta notifica\u00e7\u00e3o",
"LabelMonitorUsers": "Monitor activity from:",
"LabelSendNotificationToUsers": "Enviar notifica\u00e7\u00e3o para:",
"UsersNotNotifiedAboutSelfActivity": "Os utilizadores n\u00e3o ser\u00e3o notificados sobre as suas pr\u00f3prias atividades.",
"LabelUseNotificationServices": "Usar os seguintes servi\u00e7os:",
"CategoryUser": "Utilizador",
"CategorySystem": "Sistema",
"CategoryApplication": "Aplica\u00e7\u00e3o",
"CategoryPlugin": "Plugin",
"LabelMessageTitle": "Titulo da mensagem:",
"LabelAvailableTokens": "Available tokens:",
"AdditionalNotificationServices": "Browse the plugin catalog to install additional notification services.",
"OptionAllUsers": "Todos os utilizadores",
"OptionAdminUsers": "Administradores",
"OptionCustomUsers": "Personalizado",
"ButtonArrowUp": "Cima",
"ButtonArrowDown": "Baixo",
"ButtonArrowLeft": "Esquerda",
"ButtonArrowRight": "Direita",
"ButtonBack": "Voltar",
"ButtonInfo": "Info",
"ButtonOsd": "On screen display",
"ButtonPageUp": "Page Up",
"ButtonPageDown": "Page Down",
"PageAbbreviation": "PG",
"ButtonHome": "In\u00edcio",
"ButtonSettings": "Settings",
"ButtonTakeScreenshot": "Capture Screenshot",
"ButtonLetterUp": "Letter Up",
"ButtonLetterDown": "Letter Down",
"PageButtonAbbreviation": "PG",
"LetterButtonAbbreviation": "A",
"TabNowPlaying": "A reproduzir agora",
"TabNavigation": "Navega\u00e7\u00e3o",
"TabControls": "Controls",
"ButtonFullscreen": "Toggle fullscreen",
"ButtonScenes": "Cenas",
"ButtonSubtitles": "Legendas",
"ButtonAudioTracks": "Faixas de \u00e1udio",
"ButtonPreviousTrack": "Previous track",
"ButtonNextTrack": "Next track",
"ButtonStop": "Parar",
"ButtonPause": "Pausar",
"LabelGroupMoviesIntoCollections": "Group movies into collections",
"LabelGroupMoviesIntoCollectionsHelp": "When displaying movie lists, movies belonging to a collection will be displayed as one grouped item.",
"NotificationOptionPluginError": "Plugin failure",
"ButtonVolumeUp": "Volume up",
"ButtonVolumeDown": "Volume down",
"ButtonMute": "Mute",
"HeaderLatestMedia": "Latest Media",
"OptionSpecialFeatures": "Special Features",
"HeaderCollections": "Collections",
"LabelProfileCodecsHelp": "Separated by comma. This can be left empty to apply to all codecs.",
"LabelProfileContainersHelp": "Separated by comma. This can be left empty to apply to all containers.",
"HeaderResponseProfile": "Response Profile",
"LabelType": "Tipo:",
"LabelProfileContainer": "Contentor:",
"LabelProfileVideoCodecs": "Codecs do v\u00eddeo:",
"LabelProfileAudioCodecs": "Codecs do \u00e1udio:",
"LabelProfileCodecs": "Codecs:",
"HeaderDirectPlayProfile": "Direct Play Profile",
"HeaderTranscodingProfile": "Transcoding Profile",
"HeaderCodecProfile": "Codec Profile",
"HeaderCodecProfileHelp": "Codec profiles indicate the limitations of a device when playing specific codecs. If a limitation applies then the media will be transcoded, even if the codec is configured for direct play.",
"HeaderContainerProfile": "Container Profile",
"HeaderContainerProfileHelp": "Container profiles indicate the limitations of a device when playing specific formats. If a limitation applies then the media will be transcoded, even if the format is configured for direct play.",
"OptionProfileVideo": "Video",
"OptionProfileAudio": "Audio",
"OptionProfileVideoAudio": "Video Audio",
"OptionProfilePhoto": "Photo",
"LabelUserLibrary": "User library:",
"LabelUserLibraryHelp": "Select which user library to display to the device. Leave empty to inherit the default setting.",
"OptionPlainStorageFolders": "Display all folders as plain storage folders",
"OptionPlainStorageFoldersHelp": "If enabled, all folders are represented in DIDL as \"object.container.storageFolder\" instead of a more specific type, such as \"object.container.person.musicArtist\".",
"OptionPlainVideoItems": "Exibir todos os v\u00eddeos como itens de v\u00eddeo simples",
"OptionPlainVideoItemsHelp": "Se ativado, todos os v\u00eddeos s\u00e3o representados no DIDL como \"object.item.videoItem\" ao inv\u00e9s de um tipo mais espec\u00edfico como, por exemplo, \"\".",
"LabelSupportedMediaTypes": "Tipos de Conte\u00fados Suportados:",
"TabIdentification": "Identifica\u00e7\u00e3o",
"TabDirectPlay": "Reprodu\u00e7\u00e3o Direta",
"TabContainers": "Contentores",
"TabCodecs": "Codecs",
"TabResponses": "Respostas",
"HeaderProfileInformation": "Informa\u00e7\u00e3o do Perfil",
"LabelEmbedAlbumArtDidl": "Embed album art in Didl",
"LabelEmbedAlbumArtDidlHelp": "Alguns dispositivos preferem este m\u00e9todo para obter a capa do \u00e1lbum. Outros podem falhar para reproduzir com esta op\u00e7\u00e3o ativada",
"LabelAlbumArtPN": "Album art PN:",
"LabelAlbumArtHelp": "PN used for album art, within the dlna:profileID attribute on upnp:albumArtURI. Some clients require a specific value, regardless of the size of the image.",
"LabelAlbumArtMaxWidth": "Album art max width:",
"LabelAlbumArtMaxWidthHelp": "Max resolution of album art exposed via upnp:albumArtURI.",
"LabelAlbumArtMaxHeight": "Album art max height:",
"LabelAlbumArtMaxHeightHelp": "Max resolution of album art exposed via upnp:albumArtURI.",
"LabelIconMaxWidth": "Largura m\u00e1xima do \u00edcone:",
"LabelIconMaxWidthHelp": "Max resolution of icons exposed via upnp:icon.",
"LabelIconMaxHeight": "Altura m\u00e1xima do \u00edcone:",
"LabelIconMaxHeightHelp": "Max resolution of icons exposed via upnp:icon.",
"LabelIdentificationFieldHelp": "A case-insensitive substring or regex expression.",
"HeaderProfileServerSettingsHelp": "Estes valores controlam como o Media Browser ser\u00e1 exibido no dispositivo.",
"LabelMaxBitrate": "Taxa de bits m\u00e1xima:",
"LabelMaxBitrateHelp": "Specify a max bitrate in bandwidth constrained environments, or if the device imposes it's own limit.",
"LabelMaxStreamingBitrate": "Max streaming bitrate:",
"LabelMaxStreamingBitrateHelp": "Specify a max bitrate when streaming.",
"LabelMaxStaticBitrate": "Max sync bitrate:",
"LabelMaxStaticBitrateHelp": "Specify a max bitrate when syncing content at high quality.",
"OptionIgnoreTranscodeByteRangeRequests": "Ignore transcode byte range requests",
"OptionIgnoreTranscodeByteRangeRequestsHelp": "If enabled, these requests will be honored but will ignore the byte range header.",
"LabelFriendlyName": "Nome amig\u00e1vel",
"LabelManufacturer": "Fabricante",
"LabelManufacturerUrl": "URL do fabricante",
"LabelModelName": "Nome do modelo",
"LabelModelNumber": "N\u00famero do modelo",
"LabelModelDescription": "Descri\u00e7\u00e3o do modelo",
"LabelModelUrl": "URL do modelo",
"LabelSerialNumber": "N\u00famero de s\u00e9rie",
"LabelDeviceDescription": "Descri\u00e7\u00e3o do dispositivo",
"HeaderIdentificationCriteriaHelp": "Digite, pelo menos, um crit\u00e9rio de identifica\u00e7\u00e3o.",
"HeaderDirectPlayProfileHelp": "Add direct play profiles to indicate which formats the device can handle natively.",
"HeaderTranscodingProfileHelp": "Add transcoding profiles to indicate which formats should be used when transcoding is required.",
"HeaderResponseProfileHelp": "Response profiles provide a way to customize information sent to the device when playing certain kinds of media.",
"LabelXDlnaCap": "X-Dlna cap:",
"LabelXDlnaCapHelp": "Determines the content of the X_DLNACAP element in the urn:schemas-dlna-org:device-1-0 namespace.",
"LabelXDlnaDoc": "X-Dlna doc:",
"LabelXDlnaDocHelp": "Determines the content of the X_DLNADOC element in the urn:schemas-dlna-org:device-1-0 namespace.",
"LabelSonyAggregationFlags": "Flags de agrega\u00e7\u00e3o da Sony:",
"LabelSonyAggregationFlagsHelp": "Determines the content of the aggregationFlags element in the urn:schemas-sonycom:av namespace.",
"LabelTranscodingContainer": "Contentor:",
"LabelTranscodingVideoCodec": "Codec do v\u00eddeo:",
"LabelTranscodingVideoProfile": "Perfil do v\u00eddeo:",
"LabelTranscodingAudioCodec": "Codec do \u00c1udio:",
"OptionEnableM2tsMode": "Ativar modo M2ts",
"OptionEnableM2tsModeHelp": "Enable m2ts mode when encoding to mpegts.",
"OptionEstimateContentLength": "Estimar o tamanho do conte\u00fado ao transcodificar",
"OptionReportByteRangeSeekingWhenTranscoding": "Report that the server supports byte seeking when transcoding",
"OptionReportByteRangeSeekingWhenTranscodingHelp": "This is required for some devices that don't time seek very well.",
"HeaderSubtitleDownloadingHelp": "When Media Browser scans your video files it can search for missing subtitles, and download them using a subtitle provider such as",
"HeaderDownloadSubtitlesFor": "Transferir legendas para:",
"MessageNoChapterProviders": "Install a chapter provider plugin such as ChapterDb to enable additional chapter options.",
"LabelSkipIfGraphicalSubsPresent": "Skip if the video already contains graphical subtitles",
"LabelSkipIfGraphicalSubsPresentHelp": "Keeping text versions of subtitles will result in more efficient delivery to mobile clients.",
"TabSubtitles": "Legendas",
"TabChapters": "Chapters",
"HeaderDownloadChaptersFor": "Download chapter names for:",
"LabelOpenSubtitlesUsername": "Nome de utilizador do Open Subtitles:",
"LabelOpenSubtitlesPassword": "Senha do Open Subtitles:",
"HeaderChapterDownloadingHelp": "When Media Browser scans your video files it can download friendly chapter names from the internet using chapter plugins such as ChapterDb.",
"LabelPlayDefaultAudioTrack": "Reproduzir a faixa de \u00e1udio padr\u00e3o independentemente do idioma",
"LabelSubtitlePlaybackMode": "Modo da Legenda:",
"LabelDownloadLanguages": "Download languages:",
"ButtonRegister": "Registar",
"LabelSkipIfAudioTrackPresent": "Skip if the default audio track matches the download language",
"LabelSkipIfAudioTrackPresentHelp": "Desmarque esta op\u00e7\u00e3o para garantir que todos os v\u00eddeos t\u00eam legendas, independentemente do idioma do \u00e1udio.",
"HeaderSendMessage": "Enviar mensagem",
"ButtonSend": "Enviar",
"LabelMessageText": "Texto da mensagem:",
"MessageNoAvailablePlugins": "Sem extens\u00f5es dispon\u00edveis.",
"LabelDisplayPluginsFor": "Exibir extens\u00f5es para:",
"PluginTabMediaBrowserClassic": "MB Classic",
"PluginTabMediaBrowserTheater": "MB Theater",
"LabelEpisodeName": "Nome do epis\u00f3dio",
"LabelSeriesName": "Nome da s\u00e9rie",
"ValueSeriesNamePeriod": "Nome.da.s\u00e9rie",
"ValueSeriesNameUnderscore": "Nome_da_s\u00e9rie",
"ValueEpisodeNamePeriod": "\u00f3dio",
"ValueEpisodeNameUnderscore": "Nome_do_epis\u00f3dio",
"HeaderTypeText": "Inserir texto",
"LabelTypeText": "Texto",
"HeaderSearchForSubtitles": "Search for Subtitles",
"MessageNoSubtitleSearchResultsFound": "No search results founds.",
"TabDisplay": "Display",
"TabLanguages": "Languages",
"TabWebClient": "Web Client",
"LabelEnableThemeSongs": "Enable theme songs",
"LabelEnableBackdrops": "Enable backdrops",
"LabelEnableThemeSongsHelp": "If enabled, theme songs will be played in the background while browsing the library.",
"LabelEnableBackdropsHelp": "If enabled, backdrops will be displayed in the background of some pages while browsing the library.",
"HeaderHomePage": "Home Page",
"HeaderSettingsForThisDevice": "Settings for This Device",
"OptionAuto": "Auto",
"OptionYes": "Yes",
"OptionNo": "No",
"LabelHomePageSection1": "Home page section 1:",
"LabelHomePageSection2": "Home page section 2:",
"LabelHomePageSection3": "Home page section 3:",
"LabelHomePageSection4": "Home page section 4:",
"OptionMyViewsButtons": "My views (buttons)",
"OptionMyViews": "My views",
"OptionMyViewsSmall": "My views (small)",
"OptionResumablemedia": "Resume",
"OptionLatestMedia": "Latest media",
"OptionLatestChannelMedia": "Latest channel items",
"HeaderLatestChannelItems": "Latest Channel Items",
"OptionNone": "None",
"HeaderLiveTv": "Live TV",
"HeaderReports": "Reports",
"HeaderMetadataManager": "Metadata Manager",
"HeaderPreferences": "Preferences",
"MessageLoadingChannels": "Loading channel content...",
"ButtonMarkRead": "Mark Read",
"OptionDefaultSort": "Default",
"OptionCommunityMostWatchedSort": "Most Watched",
"TabNextUp": "Next Up",
"MessageNoMovieSuggestionsAvailable": "No movie suggestions are currently available. Start watching and rating your movies, and then come back to view your recommendations.",
"MessageNoCollectionsAvailable": "Collections allow you to enjoy personalized groupings of Movies, Series, Albums, Books and Games. Click the New button to start creating Collections.",
"HeaderWelcomeToMediaBrowserWebClient": "Welcome to the Media Browser Web Client",
"ButtonDismiss": "Dismiss",
"MessageLearnHowToCustomize": "Learn how to customize this page to your own personal tastes. Click your user icon in the top right corner of the screen to view and update your preferences.",
"ButtonEditOtherUserPreferences": "Edit this user's personal preferences.",
"LabelChannelStreamQuality": "Preferred internet stream quality:",
"LabelChannelStreamQualityHelp": "In a low bandwidth environment, limiting quality can help ensure a smooth streaming experience.",
"OptionBestAvailableStreamQuality": "Best available",
"LabelEnableChannelContentDownloadingFor": "Enable channel content downloading for:",
"LabelEnableChannelContentDownloadingForHelp": "Some channels support downloading content prior to viewing. Enable this in low bandwidth enviornments to download channel content during off hours. Content is downloaded as part of the channel download scheduled task.",
"LabelChannelDownloadPath": "Channel content download path:",
"LabelChannelDownloadPathHelp": "Specify a custom download path if desired. Leave empty to download to an internal program data folder.",
"LabelChannelDownloadAge": "Delete content after: (days)",
"LabelChannelDownloadAgeHelp": "Downloaded content older than this will be deleted. It will remain playable via internet streaming.",
"ChannelSettingsFormHelp": "Install channels such as Trailers and Vimeo in the plugin catalog.",
"LabelSelectCollection": "Select collection:",
"ViewTypeMovies": "Movies",
"ViewTypeTvShows": "TV",
"ViewTypeGames": "Games",
"ViewTypeMusic": "Music",
"ViewTypeBoxSets": "Collections",
"ViewTypeChannels": "Channels",
"ViewTypeLiveTV": "Live TV",
"HeaderOtherDisplaySettings": "Display Settings",
"HeaderMyViews": "My Views",
"LabelSelectFolderGroups": "Automatically group content from the following folders into views such as Movies, Music and TV:",
"LabelSelectFolderGroupsHelp": "Folders that are unchecked will be displayed by themselves in their own view.",
"OptionDisplayAdultContent": "Display adult content",
"OptionLibraryFolders": "Media folders",
"TitleRemoteControl": "Remote Control",
"OptionLatestTvRecordings": "Latest recordings",
"LabelProtocolInfo": "Protocol info:",
"LabelProtocolInfoHelp": "The value that will be used when responding to GetProtocolInfo requests from the device.",
"TabXbmcMetadata": "Xbmc",
"HeaderXbmcMetadataHelp": "Media Browser includes native support for Xbmc Nfo metadata and images. To enable or disable Xbmc metadata, use the Advanced tab to configure options for your media types.",
"LabelXbmcMetadataUser": "Add user watch data to nfo's for:",
"LabelXbmcMetadataUserHelp": "Enable this to keep watch data in sync between Media Browser and Xbmc.",
"LabelXbmcMetadataDateFormat": "Release date format:",
"LabelXbmcMetadataDateFormatHelp": "All dates within nfo's will be read and written to using this format.",
"LabelXbmcMetadataSaveImagePaths": "Save image paths within nfo files",
"LabelXbmcMetadataSaveImagePathsHelp": "This is recommended if you have image file names that don't conform to Xbmc guidelines.",
"LabelXbmcMetadataEnablePathSubstitution": "Enable path substitution",
"LabelXbmcMetadataEnablePathSubstitutionHelp": "Enables path substitution of image paths using the server's path substitution settings.",
"LabelXbmcMetadataEnablePathSubstitutionHelp2": "See path substitution.",
"LabelGroupChannelsIntoViews": "Display the following channels directly within my views:",
"LabelGroupChannelsIntoViewsHelp": "If enabled, these channels will be displayed directly alongside other views. If disabled, they'll be displayed within a separate Channels view.",
"LabelDisplayCollectionsView": "Display a collections view to show movie collections",
"LabelXbmcMetadataEnableExtraThumbs": "Copy extrafanart into extrathumbs",
"LabelXbmcMetadataEnableExtraThumbsHelp": "When downloading images they can be saved into both extrafanart and extrathumbs for maximum Xbmc skin compatibility.",
"TabServices": "Services",
"TabLogs": "Logs",
"HeaderServerLogFiles": "Server log files:",
"TabBranding": "Branding",
"HeaderBrandingHelp": "Customize the appearance of Media Browser to fit the needs of your group or organization.",
"LabelLoginDisclaimer": "Login disclaimer:",
"LabelLoginDisclaimerHelp": "This will be displayed at the bottom of the login page.",
"LabelAutomaticallyDonate": "Automatically donate this amount every six months",
"LabelAutomaticallyDonateHelp": "You can cancel at any time via your PayPal account.",
"OptionList": "List",
"TabDashboard": "Dashboard",
"TitleServer": "Server",
"LabelCache": "Cache:",
"LabelLogs": "Logs:",
"LabelMetadata": "Metadata:",
"LabelImagesByName": "Images by name:",
"LabelTranscodingTemporaryFiles": "Transcoding temporary files:",
"HeaderLatestMusic": "Latest Music",
"HeaderBranding": "Branding",
"HeaderApiKeys": "Api Keys",
"HeaderApiKeysHelp": "External applications are required to have an Api key in order to communicate with Media Browser. Keys are issued by logging in with a Media Browser account, or by manually granting the application a key.",
"HeaderApiKey": "Api Key",
"HeaderApp": "App",
"HeaderDevice": "Device",
"HeaderUser": "User",
"HeaderDateIssued": "Date Issued",
"LabelChapterName": "Chapter {0}",
"HeaderNewApiKey": "New Api Key",
"LabelAppName": "App name",
"LabelAppNameExample": "Example: Sickbeard, NzbDrone",
"HeaderNewApiKeyHelp": "Grant an application permission to communicate with Media Browser.",
"HeaderHttpHeaders": "Http Headers",
"HeaderIdentificationHeader": "Identification Header",
"LabelValue": "Valor:",
"LabelMatchType": "Match type:",
"OptionEquals": "Iguais",
"OptionRegex": "Regex",
"OptionSubstring": "Substring",
"TabView": "View",
"TabSort": "Ordenar",
"TabFilter": "Filtro",
"ButtonView": "Visualizar",
"LabelPageSize": "Item limit:",
"LabelView": "Visualizar:",
"TabUsers": "Users",
"HeaderFeatures": "Features",
"HeaderAdvanced": "Avan\u00e7ado",
"ButtonSync": "Sincronizar",
"TabScheduledTasks": "Scheduled Tasks",
"HeaderChapters": "Cap\u00edtulos",
"HeaderResumeSettings": "Resume Settings",
"TabSync": "Sync",
"TitleUsers": "Users",
"LabelProtocol": "Protocol:",
"OptionProtocolHttp": "Http",
"OptionProtocolHls": "Http Live Streaming",
"LabelContext": "Context:",
"OptionContextStreaming": "Streaming",
"OptionContextStatic": "Sync"
} |