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// This code is derived from jcifs smb client library <jcifs at samba dot org>
// Ported by J. Arturo <webmaster at komodosoft dot net>
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
using System;
using SharpCifs.Util;
namespace SharpCifs.Smb
internal abstract class SmbComTransaction : ServerMessageBlock
private static readonly int DefaultMaxDataCount
= Config.GetInt("jcifs.smb.client.transaction_buf_size", TransactionBufSize) - 512;
private const int PrimarySetupOffset = 61;
private const int SecondaryParameterOffset = 51;
private const int DisconnectTid = unchecked(0x01);
private const int OneWayTransaction = unchecked(0x02);
private const int PaddingSize = 2;
private int _flags = unchecked(0x00);
private int _fid;
private int _pad;
private int _pad1;
private bool _hasMore = true;
private bool _isPrimary = true;
private int _bufParameterOffset;
private int _bufDataOffset;
internal const int TransactionBufSize = unchecked(0xFFFF);
internal const byte Trans2FindFirst2 = unchecked(unchecked(0x01));
internal const byte Trans2FindNext2 = unchecked(unchecked(0x02));
internal const byte Trans2QueryFsInformation = unchecked(unchecked(0x03));
internal const byte Trans2QueryPathInformation = unchecked(unchecked(0x05));
internal const byte Trans2GetDfsReferral = unchecked(unchecked(0x10));
internal const byte Trans2SetFileInformation = unchecked(unchecked(0x08));
internal const int NetShareEnum = unchecked(0x0000);
internal const int NetServerEnum2 = unchecked(0x0068);
internal const int NetServerEnum3 = unchecked(0x00D7);
internal const byte TransPeekNamedPipe = unchecked(unchecked(0x23));
internal const byte TransWaitNamedPipe = unchecked(unchecked(0x53));
internal const byte TransCallNamedPipe = unchecked(unchecked(0x54));
internal const byte TransTransactNamedPipe = unchecked(unchecked(0x26));
protected internal int primarySetupOffset;
protected internal int secondaryParameterOffset;
protected internal int ParameterCount;
protected internal int ParameterOffset;
protected internal int ParameterDisplacement;
protected internal int DataCount;
protected internal int DataOffset;
protected internal int DataDisplacement;
internal int TotalParameterCount;
internal int TotalDataCount;
internal int MaxParameterCount;
internal int MaxDataCount = DefaultMaxDataCount;
internal byte MaxSetupCount;
internal int Timeout = 0;
internal int SetupCount = 1;
internal byte SubCommand;
internal string Name = string.Empty;
internal int MaxBufferSize;
internal byte[] TxnBuf;
public SmbComTransaction()
// relative to headerStart
// set in SmbTransport.sendTransaction() before nextElement called
MaxParameterCount = 1024;
primarySetupOffset = PrimarySetupOffset;
secondaryParameterOffset = SecondaryParameterOffset;
internal override void Reset()
_isPrimary = _hasMore = true;
internal virtual void Reset(int key, string lastName)
public virtual bool MoveNext()
return _hasMore;
public virtual object Current()
if (_isPrimary)
_isPrimary = false;
ParameterOffset = primarySetupOffset + (SetupCount * 2) + 2;
if (Command != SmbComNtTransact)
if (Command == SmbComTransaction && IsResponse() == false)
ParameterOffset += StringWireLength(Name, ParameterOffset);
if (Command == SmbComNtTransact)
ParameterOffset += 2;
_pad = ParameterOffset % PaddingSize;
_pad = _pad == 0 ? 0 : PaddingSize - _pad;
ParameterOffset += _pad;
TotalParameterCount = WriteParametersWireFormat(TxnBuf, _bufParameterOffset);
_bufDataOffset = TotalParameterCount;
// data comes right after data
int available = MaxBufferSize - ParameterOffset;
ParameterCount = Math.Min(TotalParameterCount, available);
available -= ParameterCount;
DataOffset = ParameterOffset + ParameterCount;
_pad1 = DataOffset % PaddingSize;
_pad1 = _pad1 == 0 ? 0 : PaddingSize - _pad1;
DataOffset += _pad1;
TotalDataCount = WriteDataWireFormat(TxnBuf, _bufDataOffset);
DataCount = Math.Min(TotalDataCount, available);
if (Command != SmbComNtTransact)
Command = SmbComTransactionSecondary;
Command = SmbComNtTransactSecondary;
// totalParameterCount and totalDataCount are set ok from primary
ParameterOffset = SecondaryParameterOffset;
if ((TotalParameterCount - ParameterDisplacement) > 0)
_pad = ParameterOffset % PaddingSize;
_pad = _pad == 0 ? 0 : PaddingSize - _pad;
ParameterOffset += _pad;
// caclulate parameterDisplacement before calculating new parameterCount
ParameterDisplacement += ParameterCount;
int available = MaxBufferSize - ParameterOffset - _pad;
ParameterCount = Math.Min(TotalParameterCount - ParameterDisplacement, available);
available -= ParameterCount;
DataOffset = ParameterOffset + ParameterCount;
_pad1 = DataOffset % PaddingSize;
_pad1 = _pad1 == 0 ? 0 : PaddingSize - _pad1;
DataOffset += _pad1;
DataDisplacement += DataCount;
available -= _pad1;
DataCount = Math.Min(TotalDataCount - DataDisplacement, available);
if ((ParameterDisplacement + ParameterCount) >= TotalParameterCount
&& (DataDisplacement + DataCount) >= TotalDataCount)
_hasMore = false;
return this;
internal override int WriteParameterWordsWireFormat(byte[] dst, int dstIndex)
int start = dstIndex;
WriteInt2(TotalParameterCount, dst, dstIndex);
dstIndex += 2;
WriteInt2(TotalDataCount, dst, dstIndex);
dstIndex += 2;
if (Command != SmbComTransactionSecondary)
WriteInt2(MaxParameterCount, dst, dstIndex);
dstIndex += 2;
WriteInt2(MaxDataCount, dst, dstIndex);
dstIndex += 2;
dst[dstIndex++] = MaxSetupCount;
dst[dstIndex++] = unchecked(unchecked(0x00));
// Reserved1
WriteInt2(_flags, dst, dstIndex);
dstIndex += 2;
WriteInt4(Timeout, dst, dstIndex);
dstIndex += 4;
dst[dstIndex++] = unchecked(unchecked(0x00));
// Reserved2
dst[dstIndex++] = unchecked(unchecked(0x00));
WriteInt2(ParameterCount, dst, dstIndex);
dstIndex += 2;
// writeInt2(( parameterCount == 0 ? 0 : parameterOffset ), dst, dstIndex );
WriteInt2(ParameterOffset, dst, dstIndex);
dstIndex += 2;
if (Command == SmbComTransactionSecondary)
WriteInt2(ParameterDisplacement, dst, dstIndex);
dstIndex += 2;
WriteInt2(DataCount, dst, dstIndex);
dstIndex += 2;
WriteInt2((DataCount == 0 ? 0 : DataOffset), dst, dstIndex);
dstIndex += 2;
if (Command == SmbComTransactionSecondary)
WriteInt2(DataDisplacement, dst, dstIndex);
dstIndex += 2;
dst[dstIndex++] = unchecked((byte)SetupCount);
dst[dstIndex++] = unchecked(unchecked(0x00));
// Reserved3
dstIndex += WriteSetupWireFormat(dst, dstIndex);
return dstIndex - start;
internal override int WriteBytesWireFormat(byte[] dst, int dstIndex)
int start = dstIndex;
int p = _pad;
if (Command == SmbComTransaction && IsResponse() == false)
dstIndex += WriteString(Name, dst, dstIndex);
if (ParameterCount > 0)
while (p-- > 0)
dst[dstIndex++] = unchecked(unchecked(0x00));
// Pad
Array.Copy(TxnBuf, _bufParameterOffset, dst, dstIndex, ParameterCount);
dstIndex += ParameterCount;
if (DataCount > 0)
p = _pad1;
while (p-- > 0)
dst[dstIndex++] = unchecked(unchecked(0x00));
// Pad1
Array.Copy(TxnBuf, _bufDataOffset, dst, dstIndex, DataCount);
_bufDataOffset += DataCount;
dstIndex += DataCount;
return dstIndex - start;
internal override int ReadParameterWordsWireFormat(byte[] buffer, int bufferIndex)
return 0;
internal override int ReadBytesWireFormat(byte[] buffer, int bufferIndex)
return 0;
internal abstract int WriteSetupWireFormat(byte[] dst, int dstIndex);
internal abstract int WriteParametersWireFormat(byte[] dst, int dstIndex);
internal abstract int WriteDataWireFormat(byte[] dst, int dstIndex);
internal abstract int ReadSetupWireFormat(byte[] buffer, int bufferIndex, int len);
internal abstract int ReadParametersWireFormat(byte[] buffer, int bufferIndex, int len);
internal abstract int ReadDataWireFormat(byte[] buffer, int bufferIndex, int len);
public override string ToString()
return base.ToString()
+ ",totalParameterCount=" + TotalParameterCount
+ ",totalDataCount=" + TotalDataCount
+ ",maxParameterCount=" + MaxParameterCount
+ ",maxDataCount=" + MaxDataCount
+ ",maxSetupCount=" + (int)MaxSetupCount
+ ",flags=0x" + Hexdump.ToHexString(_flags, 2)
+ ",timeout=" + Timeout
+ ",parameterCount=" + ParameterCount
+ ",parameterOffset=" + ParameterOffset
+ ",parameterDisplacement=" + ParameterDisplacement
+ ",dataCount=" + DataCount
+ ",dataOffset=" + DataOffset
+ ",dataDisplacement=" + DataDisplacement
+ ",setupCount=" + SetupCount
+ ",pad=" + _pad
+ ",pad1=" + _pad1;