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using System;
using System.Linq;
using Emby.Naming.Common;
namespace Emby.Naming.Video
public class Format3DParser
private readonly NamingOptions _options;
public Format3DParser(NamingOptions options)
_options = options;
public Format3DResult Parse(string path)
int oldLen = _options.VideoFlagDelimiters.Length;
var delimiters = new char[oldLen + 1];
_options.VideoFlagDelimiters.CopyTo(delimiters, 0);
delimiters[oldLen] = ' ';
return Parse(new FlagParser(_options).GetFlags(path, delimiters));
internal Format3DResult Parse(string[] videoFlags)
foreach (var rule in _options.Format3DRules)
var result = Parse(videoFlags, rule);
if (result.Is3D)
return result;
return new Format3DResult();
private static Format3DResult Parse(string[] videoFlags, Format3DRule rule)
var result = new Format3DResult();
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(rule.PrecedingToken))
result.Format3D = new[] { rule.Token }.FirstOrDefault(i => videoFlags.Contains(i, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
result.Is3D = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(result.Format3D);
if (result.Is3D)
var foundPrefix = false;
string? format = null;
foreach (var flag in videoFlags)
if (foundPrefix)
if (string.Equals(rule.Token, flag, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
format = flag;
foundPrefix = string.Equals(flag, rule.PrecedingToken, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
result.Is3D = foundPrefix && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(format);
result.Format3D = format;
return result;