You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

372 lines
10 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;
namespace SocketHttpListener.Net
class ChunkStream
enum State
class Chunk
public byte[] Bytes;
public int Offset;
public Chunk(byte[] chunk)
this.Bytes = chunk;
public int Read(byte[] buffer, int offset, int size)
int nread = (size > Bytes.Length - Offset) ? Bytes.Length - Offset : size;
Buffer.BlockCopy(Bytes, Offset, buffer, offset, nread);
Offset += nread;
return nread;
internal WebHeaderCollection headers;
int chunkSize;
int chunkRead;
int totalWritten;
State state;
//byte [] waitBuffer;
StringBuilder saved;
bool sawCR;
bool gotit;
int trailerState;
List<Chunk> chunks;
public ChunkStream(WebHeaderCollection headers)
this.headers = headers;
saved = new StringBuilder();
chunks = new List<Chunk>();
chunkSize = -1;
totalWritten = 0;
public void ResetBuffer()
chunkSize = -1;
chunkRead = 0;
totalWritten = 0;
public void WriteAndReadBack(byte[] buffer, int offset, int size, ref int read)
if (offset + read > 0)
Write(buffer, offset, offset + read);
read = Read(buffer, offset, size);
public int Read(byte[] buffer, int offset, int size)
return ReadFromChunks(buffer, offset, size);
int ReadFromChunks(byte[] buffer, int offset, int size)
int count = chunks.Count;
int nread = 0;
var chunksForRemoving = new List<Chunk>(count);
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
Chunk chunk = (Chunk)chunks[i];
if (chunk.Offset == chunk.Bytes.Length)
nread += chunk.Read(buffer, offset + nread, size - nread);
if (nread == size)
foreach (var chunk in chunksForRemoving)
return nread;
public void Write(byte[] buffer, int offset, int size)
if (offset < size)
InternalWrite(buffer, ref offset, size);
void InternalWrite(byte[] buffer, ref int offset, int size)
if (state == State.None || state == State.PartialSize)
state = GetChunkSize(buffer, ref offset, size);
if (state == State.PartialSize)
saved.Length = 0;
sawCR = false;
gotit = false;
if (state == State.Body && offset < size)
state = ReadBody(buffer, ref offset, size);
if (state == State.Body)
if (state == State.BodyFinished && offset < size)
state = ReadCRLF(buffer, ref offset, size);
if (state == State.BodyFinished)
sawCR = false;
if (state == State.Trailer && offset < size)
state = ReadTrailer(buffer, ref offset, size);
if (state == State.Trailer)
saved.Length = 0;
sawCR = false;
gotit = false;
if (offset < size)
InternalWrite(buffer, ref offset, size);
public bool WantMore
get { return (chunkRead != chunkSize || chunkSize != 0 || state != State.None); }
public bool DataAvailable
int count = chunks.Count;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
Chunk ch = (Chunk)chunks[i];
if (ch == null || ch.Bytes == null)
if (ch.Bytes.Length > 0 && ch.Offset < ch.Bytes.Length)
return (state != State.Body);
return false;
public int TotalDataSize
get { return totalWritten; }
public int ChunkLeft
get { return chunkSize - chunkRead; }
State ReadBody(byte[] buffer, ref int offset, int size)
if (chunkSize == 0)
return State.BodyFinished;
int diff = size - offset;
if (diff + chunkRead > chunkSize)
diff = chunkSize - chunkRead;
byte[] chunk = new byte[diff];
Buffer.BlockCopy(buffer, offset, chunk, 0, diff);
chunks.Add(new Chunk(chunk));
offset += diff;
chunkRead += diff;
totalWritten += diff;
return (chunkRead == chunkSize) ? State.BodyFinished : State.Body;
State GetChunkSize(byte[] buffer, ref int offset, int size)
chunkRead = 0;
chunkSize = 0;
char c = '\0';
while (offset < size)
c = (char)buffer[offset++];
if (c == '\r')
if (sawCR)
ThrowProtocolViolation("2 CR found");
sawCR = true;
if (sawCR && c == '\n')
if (c == ' ')
gotit = true;
if (!gotit)
if (saved.Length > 20)
ThrowProtocolViolation("chunk size too long.");
if (!sawCR || c != '\n')
if (offset < size)
ThrowProtocolViolation("Missing \\n");
if (saved.Length > 0)
chunkSize = Int32.Parse(RemoveChunkExtension(saved.ToString()), NumberStyles.HexNumber);
catch (Exception)
ThrowProtocolViolation("Cannot parse chunk size.");
return State.PartialSize;
chunkRead = 0;
chunkSize = Int32.Parse(RemoveChunkExtension(saved.ToString()), NumberStyles.HexNumber);
catch (Exception)
ThrowProtocolViolation("Cannot parse chunk size.");
if (chunkSize == 0)
trailerState = 2;
return State.Trailer;
return State.Body;
static string RemoveChunkExtension(string input)
int idx = input.IndexOf(';');
if (idx == -1)
return input;
return input.Substring(0, idx);
State ReadCRLF(byte[] buffer, ref int offset, int size)
if (!sawCR)
if ((char)buffer[offset++] != '\r')
ThrowProtocolViolation("Expecting \\r");
sawCR = true;
if (offset == size)
return State.BodyFinished;
if (sawCR && (char)buffer[offset++] != '\n')
ThrowProtocolViolation("Expecting \\n");
return State.None;
State ReadTrailer(byte[] buffer, ref int offset, int size)
char c = '\0';
// short path
if (trailerState == 2 && (char)buffer[offset] == '\r' && saved.Length == 0)
if (offset < size && (char)buffer[offset] == '\n')
return State.None;
int st = trailerState;
string stString = "\r\n\r";
while (offset < size && st < 4)
c = (char)buffer[offset++];
if ((st == 0 || st == 2) && c == '\r')
if ((st == 1 || st == 3) && c == '\n')
if (st > 0)
saved.Append(stString.Substring(0, saved.Length == 0 ? st - 2 : st));
st = 0;
if (saved.Length > 4196)
ThrowProtocolViolation("Error reading trailer (too long).");
if (st < 4)
trailerState = st;
if (offset < size)
ThrowProtocolViolation("Error reading trailer.");
return State.Trailer;
StringReader reader = new StringReader(saved.ToString());
string line;
while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null && line != "")
return State.None;
static void ThrowProtocolViolation(string message)
WebException we = new WebException(message, null, WebExceptionStatus.UnknownError, null);
//WebException we = new WebException(message, null, WebExceptionStatus.ServerProtocolViolation, null);
throw we;