Your ROOT_URL in app.ini is but you are visiting You should set ROOT_URL correctly, otherwise the web may not work correctly.

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using System;
using FsCheck;
using FsCheck.Xunit;
using MediaBrowser.Model.Extensions;
using Xunit;
namespace Jellyfin.Model.Tests.Extensions
public class StringHelperTests
[InlineData("", "")]
[InlineData("banana", "Banana")]
[InlineData("Banana", "Banana")]
[InlineData("ä", "Ä")]
[InlineData("\027", "\027")]
public void StringHelper_ValidArgs_Success(string input, string expectedResult)
Assert.Equal(expectedResult, StringHelper.FirstToUpper(input));
public Property FirstToUpper_RandomArg_Correct(NonEmptyString input)
var result = StringHelper.FirstToUpper(input.Item);
// We check IsLower instead of IsUpper because both return false for non-letters
return (!char.IsLower(result[0])).Label("First char is uppercase")
.And(input.Item.Length == 1 || result[1..].Equals(input.Item[1..], StringComparison.Ordinal)).Label("Remaining chars are unmodified");