You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

354 lines
17 KiB

"SettingsSaved": "Configura\u00e7\u00f5es guardadas.",
"AddUser": "Adicionar Utilizador",
"Users": "Utilizadores",
"Delete": "Apagar",
"Administrator": "Administrador",
"Password": "Senha",
"DeleteImage": "Apagar Imagem",
"DeleteImageConfirmation": "Tem a certeza que deseja apagar a imagem?",
"FileReadCancelled": "A leitura do ficheiro foi cancelada.",
"FileNotFound": "Ficheiro n\u00e3o encontrado.",
"FileReadError": "Ocorreu um erro ao ler o ficheiro.",
"DeleteUser": "Apagar Utilizador",
"DeleteUserConfirmation": "Tem a certeza que deseja apagar {0}?",
"PasswordResetHeader": "Redefinir Senha",
"PasswordResetComplete": "A senha foi redefinida.",
"PasswordResetConfirmation": "Tem a certeza que deseja redefinir a senha?",
"PasswordSaved": "Senha guardada.",
"PasswordMatchError": "A senha e a confirma\u00e7\u00e3o da senha devem coincidir.",
"OptionRelease": "Lan\u00e7amento Oficial",
"OptionBeta": "Beta",
"OptionDev": "Dev (Inst\u00e1vel)",
"UninstallPluginHeader": "Desinstalar extens\u00e3o",
"UninstallPluginConfirmation": "Tem a certeza que deseja desinstalar {0}?",
"NoPluginConfigurationMessage": "Esta extens\u00e3o n\u00e3o \u00e9 configur\u00e1vel.",
"NoPluginsInstalledMessage": "N\u00e3o tem extens\u00f5es instaladas.",
"BrowsePluginCatalogMessage": "Navegue o nosso cat\u00e1logo de extens\u00f5es, para ver as extens\u00f5es dispon\u00edveis.",
"MessageKeyEmailedTo": "Key emailed to {0}.",
"MessageKeysLinked": "Keys linked.",
"HeaderConfirmation": "Confirmation",
"MessageKeyUpdated": "Thank you. Your supporter key has been updated.",
"MessageKeyRemoved": "Thank you. Your supporter key has been removed.",
"ErrorLaunchingChromecast": "There was an error launching chromecast. Please ensure your device is connected to your wireless network.",
"HeaderSearch": "Search",
"LabelArtist": "Artist",
"LabelMovie": "Movie",
"LabelMusicVideo": "Music Video",
"LabelEpisode": "Episode",
"LabelSeries": "Series",
"LabelStopping": "Stopping",
"LabelCancelled": "(cancelled)",
"LabelFailed": "(failed)",
"LabelAbortedByServerShutdown": "(Aborted by server shutdown)",
"LabelScheduledTaskLastRan": "Last ran {0}, taking {1}.",
"HeaderDeleteTaskTrigger": "Delete Task Trigger",
"HeaderTaskTriggers": "Task Triggers",
"MessageDeleteTaskTrigger": "Are you sure you wish to delete this task trigger?",
"MessageNoPluginsInstalled": "You have no plugins installed.",
"LabelVersionInstalled": "{0} installed",
"LabelNumberReviews": "{0} Reviews",
"LabelFree": "Free",
"HeaderSelectAudio": "Select Audio",
"HeaderSelectSubtitles": "Select Subtitles",
"LabelDefaultStream": "(Default)",
"LabelForcedStream": "(Forced)",
"LabelDefaultForcedStream": "(Default\/Forced)",
"LabelUnknownLanguage": "Unknown language",
"ButtonMute": "Mute",
"ButtonUnmute": "Unmute",
"ButtonStop": "Parar",
"ButtonNextTrack": "Pr\u00f3xima Faixa",
"ButtonPause": "Pausar",
"ButtonPlay": "Reproduzir",
"ButtonEdit": "Editar",
"ButtonQueue": "Queue",
"ButtonPlayTrailer": "Play trailer",
"ButtonPlaylist": "Playlist",
"ButtonPreviousTrack": "Faixa Anterior",
"LabelEnabled": "Enabled",
"LabelDisabled": "Disabled",
"ButtonMoreInformation": "More Information",
"LabelNoUnreadNotifications": "No unread notifications.",
"ButtonViewNotifications": "View notifications",
"ButtonMarkTheseRead": "Mark these read",
"ButtonClose": "Close",
"LabelAllPlaysSentToPlayer": "All plays will be sent to the selected player.",
"MessageInvalidUser": "Invalid user or password.",
"HeaderAllRecordings": "Todas as Grava\u00e7\u00f5es",
"RecommendationBecauseYouLike": "Because you like {0}",
"RecommendationBecauseYouWatched": "Because you watched {0}",
"RecommendationDirectedBy": "Directed by {0}",
"RecommendationStarring": "Starring {0}",
"HeaderConfirmRecordingCancellation": "Confirm Recording Cancellation",
"MessageConfirmRecordingCancellation": "Are you sure you wish to cancel this recording?",
"MessageRecordingCancelled": "Recording cancelled.",
"HeaderConfirmSeriesCancellation": "Confirm Series Cancellation",
"MessageConfirmSeriesCancellation": "Are you sure you wish to cancel this series?",
"MessageSeriesCancelled": "Series cancelled.",
"HeaderConfirmRecordingDeletion": "Confirm Recording Deletion",
"MessageConfirmRecordingDeletion": "Are you sure you wish to delete this recording?",
"MessageRecordingDeleted": "Recording deleted.",
"ButonCancelRecording": "Cancel Recording",
"MessageRecordingSaved": "Recording saved.",
"OptionSunday": "Domingo",
"OptionMonday": "Segunda",
"OptionTuesday": "Ter\u00e7a",
"OptionWednesday": "Quarta",
"OptionThursday": "Quinta",
"OptionFriday": "Sexta",
"OptionSaturday": "S\u00e1bado",
"HeaderConfirmDeletion": "Confirm Deletion",
"MessageConfirmPathSubstitutionDeletion": "Are you sure you wish to delete this path substitution?",
"LiveTvUpdateAvailable": "(Update available)",
"LabelVersionUpToDate": "Up to date!",
"ButtonResetTuner": "Reset tuner",
"HeaderResetTuner": "Reset Tuner",
"MessageConfirmResetTuner": "Are you sure you wish to reset this tuner? Any active players or recordings will be abruptly stopped.",
"ButtonCancelSeries": "Cancel Series",
"HeaderSeriesRecordings": "Series Recordings",
"LabelAnytime": "Any time",
"StatusRecording": "Recording",
"StatusWatching": "Watching",
"StatusRecordingProgram": "Recording {0}",
"StatusWatchingProgram": "Watching {0}",
"HeaderSplitMedia": "Split Media Apart",
"MessageConfirmSplitMedia": "Are you sure you wish to split the media sources into separate items?",
"HeaderError": "Error",
"MessagePleaseSelectOneItem": "Please select at least one item.",
"MessagePleaseSelectTwoItems": "Please select at least two items.",
"MessageTheFollowingItemsWillBeGrouped": "The following titles will be grouped into one item:",
"MessageConfirmItemGrouping": "Media Browser clients will automatically choose the optimal version to play based on device and network performance. Are you sure you wish to continue?",
"HeaderResume": "Resumir",
"HeaderMyViews": "My Views",
"HeaderLibraryFolders": "Media Folders",
"HeaderLatestMedia": "Latest Media",
"ButtonMoreItems": "More...",
"ButtonMore": "More",
"HeaderFavoriteMovies": "Favorite Movies",
"HeaderFavoriteShows": "Favorite Shows",
"HeaderFavoriteEpisodes": "Favorite Episodes",
"HeaderFavoriteGames": "Favorite Games",
"HeaderRatingsDownloads": "Rating \/ Downloads",
"HeaderConfirmProfileDeletion": "Confirm Profile Deletion",
"MessageConfirmProfileDeletion": "Are you sure you wish to delete this profile?",
"HeaderSelectServerCachePath": "Select Server Cache Path",
"HeaderSelectTranscodingPath": "Select Transcoding Temporary Path",
"HeaderSelectImagesByNamePath": "Select Images By Name Path",
"HeaderSelectMetadataPath": "Select Metadata Path",
"HeaderSelectServerCachePathHelp": "Browse or enter the path to use for server cache files. The folder must be writeable.",
"HeaderSelectTranscodingPathHelp": "Browse or enter the path to use for transcoding temporary files. The folder must be writeable.",
"HeaderSelectImagesByNamePathHelp": "Browse or enter the path to your items by name folder. The folder must be writeable.",
"HeaderSelectMetadataPathHelp": "Browse or enter the path you'd like to store metadata within. The folder must be writeable.",
"HeaderSelectChannelDownloadPath": "Select Channel Download Path",
"HeaderSelectChannelDownloadPathHelp": "Browse or enter the path to use for storing channel cache files. The folder must be writeable.",
"OptionNewCollection": "New...",
"ButtonAdd": "Adicionar",
"ButtonRemove": "Remover",
"LabelChapterDownloaders": "Chapter downloaders:",
"LabelChapterDownloadersHelp": "Enable and rank your preferred chapter downloaders in order of priority. Lower priority downloaders will only be used to fill in missing information.",
"HeaderFavoriteAlbums": "Favorite Albums",
"HeaderLatestChannelMedia": "Latest Channel Items",
"ButtonOrganizeFile": "Organize File",
"ButtonDeleteFile": "Delete File",
"HeaderOrganizeFile": "Organize File",
"HeaderDeleteFile": "Delete File",
"StatusSkipped": "Skipped",
"StatusFailed": "Failed",
"StatusSuccess": "Success",
"MessageFileWillBeDeleted": "The following file will be deleted:",
"MessageSureYouWishToProceed": "Are you sure you wish to proceed?",
"MessageDuplicatesWillBeDeleted": "In addition the following dupliates will be deleted:",
"MessageFollowingFileWillBeMovedFrom": "The following file will be moved from:",
"MessageDestinationTo": "to:",
"HeaderSelectWatchFolder": "Select Watch Folder",
"HeaderSelectWatchFolderHelp": "Browse or enter the path to your watch folder. The folder must be writeable.",
"OrganizePatternResult": "Result: {0}",
"HeaderRestart": "Reiniciar",
"HeaderShutdown": "Encerrar",
"MessageConfirmRestart": "Tem a certeza que deseja reiniciar o Media Browser Server?",
"MessageConfirmShutdown": "Tem a certeza que deseja encerrar o Media Browser Server?",
"ButtonUpdateNow": "Atualizar Agora",
"NewVersionOfSomethingAvailable": "A new version of {0} is available!",
"VersionXIsAvailableForDownload": "Version {0} is now available for download.",
"LabelVersionNumber": "Version {0}",
"LabelPlayMethodTranscoding": "Transcoding",
"LabelPlayMethodDirectStream": "Direct Streaming",
"LabelPlayMethodDirectPlay": "Direct Playing",
"LabelAudioCodec": "Audio: {0}",
"LabelVideoCodec": "Video: {0}",
"LabelRemoteAccessUrl": "Remote access: {0}",
"LabelRunningOnPort": "Running on port {0}.",
"HeaderLatestFromChannel": "Latest from {0}",
"ButtonDownload": "Download",
"LabelUnknownLanaguage": "Unknown language",
"HeaderCurrentSubtitles": "Current Subtitles",
"MessageDownloadQueued": "The download has been queued.",
"MessageAreYouSureDeleteSubtitles": "Are you sure you wish to delete this subtitle file?",
"ButtonRemoteControl": "Remote Control",
"HeaderLatestTvRecordings": "Latest Recordings",
"ButtonOk": "Ok",
"ButtonCancel": "Cancelar",
"ButtonRefresh": "Refresh",
"LabelCurrentPath": "Current path:",
"HeaderSelectMediaPath": "Select Media Path",
"ButtonNetwork": "Network",
"MessageDirectoryPickerInstruction": "Network paths can be entered manually in the event the Network button fails to locate your devices. For example, {0} or {1}.",
"HeaderMenu": "Menu",
"ButtonOpen": "Open",
"ButtonOpenInNewTab": "Open in new tab",
"ButtonShuffle": "Shuffle",
"ButtonInstantMix": "Instant mix",
"ButtonResume": "Resume",
"HeaderScenes": "Cenas",
"HeaderAudioTracks": "Audio Tracks",
"HeaderSubtitles": "Subtitles",
"HeaderVideoQuality": "Video Quality",
"MessageErrorPlayingVideo": "There was an error playing the video.",
"MessageEnsureOpenTuner": "Please ensure there is an open tuner availalble.",
"ButtonHome": "In\u00edcio",
"ButtonDashboard": "Dashboard",
"ButtonReports": "Reports",
"ButtonMetadataManager": "Metadata Manager",
"HeaderTime": "Time",
"HeaderName": "Nome",
"HeaderAlbum": "Album",
"HeaderAlbumArtist": "Album Artist",
"HeaderArtist": "Artist",
"LabelAddedOnDate": "Added {0}",
"ButtonStart": "Start",
"HeaderChannels": "Canais",
"HeaderMediaFolders": "Pastas Multim\u00e9dia",
"HeaderBlockItemsWithNoRating": "Block items with no rating information:",
"OptionBlockOthers": "Others",
"OptionBlockTvShows": "TV Shows",
"OptionBlockTrailers": "Trailers",
"OptionBlockMusic": "Music",
"OptionBlockMovies": "Movies",
"OptionBlockBooks": "Books",
"OptionBlockGames": "Games",
"OptionBlockLiveTvPrograms": "Live TV Programs",
"OptionBlockLiveTvChannels": "Live TV Channels",
"OptionBlockChannelContent": "Internet Channel Content",
"ButtonRevoke": "Revoke",
"MessageConfirmRevokeApiKey": "Are you sure you wish to revoke this api key? The application's connection to Media Browser will be abruptly terminated.",
"HeaderConfirmRevokeApiKey": "Revoke Api Key",
"ValueContainer": "Container: {0}",
"ValueAudioCodec": "Audio Codec: {0}",
"ValueVideoCodec": "Video Codec: {0}",
"ValueCodec": "Codec: {0}",
"ValueConditions": "Conditions: {0}",
"LabelAll": "All",
"HeaderDeleteImage": "Delete Image",
"MessageFileNotFound": "File not found.",
"MessageFileReadError": "An error occurred reading this file.",
"ButtonNextPage": "Next Page",
"ButtonPreviousPage": "Previous Page",
"ButtonMoveLeft": "Move left",
"ButtonMoveRight": "Move right",
"ButtonBrowseOnlineImages": "Browse online images",
"HeaderDeleteItem": "Delete Item",
"ConfirmDeleteItem": "Are you sure you wish to delete this item from your library?",
"MessagePleaseEnterNameOrId": "Please enter a name or an external Id.",
"MessageValueNotCorrect": "The value entered is not correct. Please try again.",
"MessageItemSaved": "Item saved.",
"OptionEnded": "Terminado",
"OptionContinuing": "A Continuar",
"OptionOff": "Desligado",
"OptionOn": "Ligado",
"HeaderFields": "Fields",
"HeaderFieldsHelp": "Slide a field to 'off' to lock it and prevent it's data from being changed.",
"HeaderLiveTV": "Live TV",
"MissingLocalTrailer": "Missing local trailer.",
"MissingPrimaryImage": "Missing primary image.",
"MissingBackdropImage": "Missing backdrop image.",
"MissingLogoImage": "Missing logo image.",
"MissingEpisode": "Missing episode.",
"OptionScreenshots": "Screenshots",
"OptionBackdrops": "Backdrops",
"OptionImages": "Images",
"OptionKeywords": "Keywords",
"OptionTags": "Tags",
"OptionStudios": "Studios",
"OptionName": "Name",
"OptionOverview": "Overview",
"OptionGenres": "Genres",
"OptionParentalRating": "Classifica\u00e7\u00e3o Parental",
"OptionPeople": "People",
"OptionRuntime": "Dura\u00e7\u00e3o",
"OptionProductionLocations": "Production Locations",
"OptionBirthLocation": "Birth Location",
"LabelAllChannels": "All channels",
"LabelLiveProgram": "LIVE",
"LabelNewProgram": "NEW",
"LabelPremiereProgram": "PREMIERE",
"LabelHDProgram": "HD",
"HeaderChangeFolderType": "Change Folder Type",
"HeaderChangeFolderTypeHelp": "To change the folder type, please remove and rebuild the collection with the new type.",
"HeaderAlert": "Alert",
"MessagePleaseRestart": "Please restart to finish updating.",
"ButtonRestart": "Reiniciar",
"MessagePleaseRefreshPage": "Please refresh this page to receive new updates from the server.",
"ButtonHide": "Hide",
"MessageSettingsSaved": "Settings saved.",
"ButtonSignOut": "Sign Out",
"ButtonMyProfile": "My Profile",
"ButtonMyPreferences": "My Preferences",
"MessageBrowserDoesNotSupportWebSockets": "This browser does not support web sockets. For a better experience, try a newer browser such as Chrome, Firefox, IE10+, Safari (iOS) or Opera.",
"LabelInstallingPackage": "Installing {0}",
"LabelPackageInstallCompleted": "{0} installation completed.",
"LabelPackageInstallFailed": "{0} installation failed.",
"LabelPackageInstallCancelled": "{0} installation cancelled.",
"TabServer": "Servidor",
"TabUsers": "Users",
"TabLibrary": "Library",
"TabMetadata": "Metadados",
"TabDLNA": "DLNA",
"TabLiveTV": "Live TV",
"TabAutoOrganize": "Auto-Organize",
"TabPlugins": "Plugins",
"TabAdvanced": "Avan\u00e7ado",
"TabHelp": "Help",
"TabScheduledTasks": "Scheduled Tasks",
"ButtonFullscreen": "Fullscreen",
"ButtonAudioTracks": "Audio Tracks",
"ButtonSubtitles": "Legendas",
"ButtonScenes": "Cenas",
"ButtonQuality": "Quality",
"HeaderNotifications": "Notifica\u00e7\u00f5es",
"HeaderSelectPlayer": "Select Player:",
"ButtonSelect": "Selecionar",
"ButtonNew": "Novo",
"MessageInternetExplorerWebm": "For best results with Internet Explorer please install the WebM playback plugin.",
"HeaderVideoError": "Video Error",
"ButtonAddToPlaylist": "Add to playlist",
"HeaderAddToPlaylist": "Add to Playlist",
"LabelName": "Nome:",
"ButtonSubmit": "Submit",
"LabelSelectPlaylist": "Playlist:",
"OptionNewPlaylist": "New playlist...",
"MessageAddedToPlaylistSuccess": "Ok",
"ButtonViewSeriesRecording": "View series recording",
"ValueOriginalAirDate": "Original air date: {0}",
"ButtonRemoveFromPlaylist": "Remove from playlist",
"HeaderSpecials": "Specials",
"HeaderTrailers": "Trailers",
"HeaderAudio": "Audio",
"HeaderResolution": "Resolution",
"HeaderVideo": "Video",
"HeaderRuntime": "Runtime",
"HeaderCommunityRating": "Community rating",
"HeaderParentalRating": "Parental rating",
"HeaderReleaseDate": "Release date",
"HeaderDateAdded": "Date added",
"HeaderSeries": "Series",
"HeaderSeason": "Season",
"HeaderSeasonNumber": "Season number",
"HeaderNetwork": "Network",
"HeaderYear": "Year",
"HeaderGameSystem": "Game system",
"HeaderPlayers": "Players",
"HeaderEmbeddedImage": "Embedded image",
"HeaderTrack": "Track",
"HeaderDisc": "Disc"