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// This code is derived from jcifs smb client library <jcifs at samba dot org>
// Ported by J. Arturo <webmaster at komodosoft dot net>
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
using System;
using SharpCifs.Util.Sharpen;
namespace SharpCifs.Smb
/// <summary>
/// This class will allow a Java program to read and write data to Named
/// Pipes and Transact NamedPipes.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// This class will allow a Java program to read and write data to Named
/// Pipes and Transact NamedPipes.
/// <p>There are three Win32 function calls provided by the Windows SDK
/// that are important in the context of using jCIFS. They are:
/// <ul>
/// <li> <code>CallNamedPipe</code> A message-type pipe call that opens,
/// writes to, reads from, and closes the pipe in a single operation.
/// <li> <code>TransactNamedPipe</code> A message-type pipe call that
/// writes to and reads from an existing pipe descriptor in one operation.
/// <li> <code>CreateFile</code>, <code>ReadFile</code>,
/// <code>WriteFile</code>, and <code>CloseFile</code> A byte-type pipe can
/// be opened, written to, read from and closed using the standard Win32
/// file operations.
/// </ul>
/// <p>The jCIFS API maps all of these operations into the standard Java
/// <code>XxxputStream</code> interface. A special <code>PIPE_TYPE</code>
/// flags is necessary to distinguish which type of Named Pipe behavior
/// is desired.
/// <p><table border="1" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
/// <tr bgcolor="#ccccff">
/// <td colspan="2"><b><code>SmbNamedPipe</code> Constructor Examples</b></td>
/// <tr><td width="20%"><b>Code Sample</b></td><td><b>Description</b></td></tr>
/// <tr><td width="20%"><pre>
/// new SmbNamedPipe( "smb://server/IPC$/PIPE/foo",
/// SmbNamedPipe.PIPE_TYPE_RDWR |
/// SmbNamedPipe.PIPE_TYPE_CALL );
/// </pre></td><td>
/// Open the Named Pipe foo for reading and writing. The pipe will behave like the <code>CallNamedPipe</code> interface.
/// </td></tr>
/// <tr><td width="20%"><pre>
/// new SmbNamedPipe( "smb://server/IPC$/foo",
/// SmbNamedPipe.PIPE_TYPE_RDWR |
/// SmbNamedPipe.PIPE_TYPE_TRANSACT );
/// </pre></td><td>
/// Open the Named Pipe foo for reading and writing. The pipe will behave like the <code>TransactNamedPipe</code> interface.
/// </td></tr>
/// <tr><td width="20%"><pre>
/// new SmbNamedPipe( "smb://server/IPC$/foo",
/// SmbNamedPipe.PIPE_TYPE_RDWR );
/// </pre></td><td>
/// Open the Named Pipe foo for reading and writing. The pipe will
/// behave as though the <code>CreateFile</code>, <code>ReadFile</code>,
/// <code>WriteFile</code>, and <code>CloseFile</code> interface was
/// being used.
/// </td></tr>
/// </table>
/// <p>See <a href="../../../pipes.html">Using jCIFS to Connect to Win32
/// Named Pipes</a> for a detailed description of how to use jCIFS with
/// Win32 Named Pipe server processes.
/// </remarks>
public class SmbNamedPipe : SmbFile
/// <summary>The pipe should be opened read-only.</summary>
/// <remarks>The pipe should be opened read-only.</remarks>
public const int PipeTypeRdonly = ORdonly;
/// <summary>The pipe should be opened only for writing.</summary>
/// <remarks>The pipe should be opened only for writing.</remarks>
public const int PipeTypeWronly = OWronly;
/// <summary>The pipe should be opened for both reading and writing.</summary>
/// <remarks>The pipe should be opened for both reading and writing.</remarks>
public const int PipeTypeRdwr = ORdwr;
/// <summary>Pipe operations should behave like the <code>CallNamedPipe</code> Win32 Named Pipe function.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>Pipe operations should behave like the <code>CallNamedPipe</code> Win32 Named Pipe function.
/// </remarks>
public const int PipeTypeCall = unchecked(0x0100);
/// <summary>Pipe operations should behave like the <code>TransactNamedPipe</code> Win32 Named Pipe function.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>Pipe operations should behave like the <code>TransactNamedPipe</code> Win32 Named Pipe function.
/// </remarks>
public const int PipeTypeTransact = unchecked(0x0200);
public const int PipeTypeDceTransact = unchecked(0x0200) | unchecked(0x0400);
internal InputStream PipeIn;
internal OutputStream PipeOut;
internal int PipeType;
/// <summary>
/// Open the Named Pipe resource specified by the url
/// parameter.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Open the Named Pipe resource specified by the url
/// parameter. The pipeType parameter should be at least one of
/// the <code>PIPE_TYPE</code> flags combined with the bitwise OR
/// operator <code>|</code>. See the examples listed above.
/// </remarks>
/// <exception cref="System.UriFormatException"></exception>
/// <exception cref="UnknownHostException"></exception>
public SmbNamedPipe(string url, int pipeType) : base(url)
this.PipeType = pipeType;
Type = TypeNamedPipe;
/// <exception cref="System.UriFormatException"></exception>
/// <exception cref="UnknownHostException"></exception>
public SmbNamedPipe(string url, int pipeType, NtlmPasswordAuthentication auth) :
base(url, auth)
this.PipeType = pipeType;
Type = TypeNamedPipe;
/// <exception cref="System.UriFormatException"></exception>
/// <exception cref="UnknownHostException"></exception>
public SmbNamedPipe(Uri url, int pipeType, NtlmPasswordAuthentication auth) : base
(url, auth)
this.PipeType = pipeType;
Type = TypeNamedPipe;
/// <summary>
/// Return the <code>InputStream</code> used to read information
/// from this pipe instance.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Return the <code>InputStream</code> used to read information
/// from this pipe instance. Presumably data would first be written
/// to the <code>OutputStream</code> associated with this Named
/// Pipe instance although this is not a requirement (e.g. a
/// read-only named pipe would write data to this stream on
/// connection). Reading from this stream may block. Therefore it
/// may be necessary that an addition thread be used to read and
/// write to a Named Pipe.
/// </remarks>
/// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"></exception>
public virtual InputStream GetNamedPipeInputStream()
if (PipeIn == null)
if ((PipeType & PipeTypeCall) == PipeTypeCall || (PipeType & PipeTypeTransact
) == PipeTypeTransact)
PipeIn = new TransactNamedPipeInputStream(this);
PipeIn = new SmbFileInputStream(this, (PipeType & unchecked((int)(0xFFFF00FF))) |
return PipeIn;
/// <summary>
/// Return the <code>OutputStream</code> used to write
/// information to this pipe instance.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Return the <code>OutputStream</code> used to write
/// information to this pipe instance. The act of writing data
/// to this stream will result in response data recieved in the
/// <code>InputStream</code> associated with this Named Pipe
/// instance (unless of course it does not elicite a response or the pipe is write-only).
/// </remarks>
/// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"></exception>
public virtual OutputStream GetNamedPipeOutputStream()
if (PipeOut == null)
if ((PipeType & PipeTypeCall) == PipeTypeCall || (PipeType & PipeTypeTransact
) == PipeTypeTransact)
PipeOut = new TransactNamedPipeOutputStream(this);
PipeOut = new SmbFileOutputStream(this, false, (PipeType & unchecked((int)(0xFFFF00FF
))) | OExcl);
return PipeOut;