1814 lines
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1814 lines
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using MediaBrowser.Common;
using MediaBrowser.Common.IO;
using MediaBrowser.Controller.Channels;
using MediaBrowser.Controller.Configuration;
using MediaBrowser.Controller.Devices;
using MediaBrowser.Controller.Drawing;
using MediaBrowser.Controller.Dto;
using MediaBrowser.Controller.Entities;
using MediaBrowser.Controller.Entities.Audio;
using MediaBrowser.Controller.Entities.Movies;
using MediaBrowser.Controller.Entities.TV;
using MediaBrowser.Controller.Library;
using MediaBrowser.Controller.LiveTv;
using MediaBrowser.Controller.Persistence;
using MediaBrowser.Controller.Playlists;
using MediaBrowser.Controller.Providers;
using MediaBrowser.Controller.Sync;
using MediaBrowser.Model.Drawing;
using MediaBrowser.Model.Dto;
using MediaBrowser.Model.Entities;
using MediaBrowser.Model.Logging;
using MediaBrowser.Model.Querying;
using MediaBrowser.Model.Sync;
using MoreLinq;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using CommonIO;
namespace MediaBrowser.Server.Implementations.Dto
public class DtoService : IDtoService
private readonly ILogger _logger;
private readonly ILibraryManager _libraryManager;
private readonly IUserDataManager _userDataRepository;
private readonly IItemRepository _itemRepo;
private readonly IImageProcessor _imageProcessor;
private readonly IServerConfigurationManager _config;
private readonly IFileSystem _fileSystem;
private readonly IProviderManager _providerManager;
private readonly Func<IChannelManager> _channelManagerFactory;
private readonly ISyncManager _syncManager;
private readonly IApplicationHost _appHost;
private readonly Func<IDeviceManager> _deviceManager;
private readonly Func<IMediaSourceManager> _mediaSourceManager;
private readonly Func<ILiveTvManager> _livetvManager;
public DtoService(ILogger logger, ILibraryManager libraryManager, IUserDataManager userDataRepository, IItemRepository itemRepo, IImageProcessor imageProcessor, IServerConfigurationManager config, IFileSystem fileSystem, IProviderManager providerManager, Func<IChannelManager> channelManagerFactory, ISyncManager syncManager, IApplicationHost appHost, Func<IDeviceManager> deviceManager, Func<IMediaSourceManager> mediaSourceManager, Func<ILiveTvManager> livetvManager)
_logger = logger;
_libraryManager = libraryManager;
_userDataRepository = userDataRepository;
_itemRepo = itemRepo;
_imageProcessor = imageProcessor;
_config = config;
_fileSystem = fileSystem;
_providerManager = providerManager;
_channelManagerFactory = channelManagerFactory;
_syncManager = syncManager;
_appHost = appHost;
_deviceManager = deviceManager;
_mediaSourceManager = mediaSourceManager;
_livetvManager = livetvManager;
/// <summary>
/// Converts a BaseItem to a DTOBaseItem
/// </summary>
/// <param name="item">The item.</param>
/// <param name="fields">The fields.</param>
/// <param name="user">The user.</param>
/// <param name="owner">The owner.</param>
/// <returns>Task{DtoBaseItem}.</returns>
/// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException">item</exception>
public BaseItemDto GetBaseItemDto(BaseItem item, List<ItemFields> fields, User user = null, BaseItem owner = null)
var options = new DtoOptions
Fields = fields
return GetBaseItemDto(item, options, user, owner);
public IEnumerable<BaseItemDto> GetBaseItemDtos(IEnumerable<BaseItem> items, DtoOptions options, User user = null, BaseItem owner = null)
var syncJobItems = GetSyncedItemProgress(options);
var syncDictionary = GetSyncedItemProgressDictionary(syncJobItems);
var list = new List<BaseItemDto>();
foreach (var item in items)
var dto = GetBaseItemDtoInternal(item, options, syncDictionary, user, owner);
var byName = item as IItemByName;
if (byName != null)
if (options.Fields.Contains(ItemFields.ItemCounts))
var itemFilter = byName.GetItemFilter();
var libraryItems = user != null ?
user.RootFolder.GetRecursiveChildren(user, itemFilter) :
SetItemByNameInfo(item, dto, libraryItems.ToList(), user);
FillSyncInfo(dto, item, syncJobItems, options, user);
return list;
private Dictionary<string, SyncedItemProgress> GetSyncedItemProgressDictionary(IEnumerable<SyncedItemProgress> items)
var dict = new Dictionary<string, SyncedItemProgress>();
foreach (var item in items)
dict[item.ItemId] = item;
return dict;
public BaseItemDto GetBaseItemDto(BaseItem item, DtoOptions options, User user = null, BaseItem owner = null)
var syncProgress = GetSyncedItemProgress(options);
var dto = GetBaseItemDtoInternal(item, options, GetSyncedItemProgressDictionary(syncProgress), user, owner);
var byName = item as IItemByName;
if (byName != null)
if (options.Fields.Contains(ItemFields.ItemCounts))
SetItemByNameInfo(item, dto, GetTaggedItems(byName, user), user);
FillSyncInfo(dto, item, options, user, syncProgress);
return dto;
FillSyncInfo(dto, item, options, user, syncProgress);
return dto;
private List<BaseItem> GetTaggedItems(IItemByName byName, User user)
var person = byName as Person;
if (person != null)
var items = _libraryManager.GetItems(new InternalItemsQuery
Person = byName.Name
if (user != null)
return items.Where(i => i.IsVisibleStandalone(user)).ToList();
return items.ToList();
var itemFilter = byName.GetItemFilter();
return user != null ?
user.RootFolder.GetRecursiveChildren(user, itemFilter).ToList() :
private SyncedItemProgress[] GetSyncedItemProgress(DtoOptions options)
if (!options.Fields.Contains(ItemFields.SyncInfo))
return new SyncedItemProgress[] { };
var deviceId = options.DeviceId;
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(deviceId))
return new SyncedItemProgress[] { };
var caps = _deviceManager().GetCapabilities(deviceId);
if (caps == null || !caps.SupportsSync)
return new SyncedItemProgress[] { };
return _syncManager.GetSyncedItemProgresses(new SyncJobItemQuery
TargetId = deviceId,
Statuses = new[]
public void FillSyncInfo(IEnumerable<IHasSyncInfo> dtos, DtoOptions options, User user)
if (options.Fields.Contains(ItemFields.SyncInfo))
var syncProgress = GetSyncedItemProgress(options);
foreach (var dto in dtos)
var item = _libraryManager.GetItemById(dto.Id);
FillSyncInfo(dto, item, syncProgress, options, user);
private void FillSyncInfo(IHasSyncInfo dto, BaseItem item, DtoOptions options, User user, SyncedItemProgress[] syncProgress)
if (options.Fields.Contains(ItemFields.SyncInfo))
var userCanSync = user != null && user.Policy.EnableSync;
dto.SupportsSync = userCanSync && _syncManager.SupportsSync(item);
if (dto.SupportsSync ?? false)
dto.HasSyncJob = syncProgress.Any(i => i.Status != SyncJobItemStatus.Synced && string.Equals(i.ItemId, dto.Id, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
dto.IsSynced = syncProgress.Any(i => i.Status == SyncJobItemStatus.Synced && string.Equals(i.ItemId, dto.Id, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
if (dto.IsSynced.Value)
dto.SyncStatus = SyncJobItemStatus.Synced;
else if (dto.HasSyncJob.Value)
dto.SyncStatus = SyncJobItemStatus.Queued;
private void FillSyncInfo(IHasSyncInfo dto, BaseItem item, SyncedItemProgress[] syncProgress, DtoOptions options, User user)
if (options.Fields.Contains(ItemFields.SyncInfo))
var userCanSync = user != null && user.Policy.EnableSync;
dto.SupportsSync = userCanSync && _syncManager.SupportsSync(item);
if (dto.SupportsSync ?? false)
dto.HasSyncJob = syncProgress.Any(i => i.Status != SyncJobItemStatus.Synced && string.Equals(i.ItemId, dto.Id, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
dto.IsSynced = syncProgress.Any(i => i.Status == SyncJobItemStatus.Synced && string.Equals(i.ItemId, dto.Id, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
if (dto.IsSynced.Value)
dto.SyncStatus = SyncJobItemStatus.Synced;
else if (dto.HasSyncJob.Value)
dto.SyncStatus = SyncJobItemStatus.Queued;
private BaseItemDto GetBaseItemDtoInternal(BaseItem item, DtoOptions options, Dictionary<string, SyncedItemProgress> syncProgress, User user = null, BaseItem owner = null)
var fields = options.Fields;
if (item == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("item");
if (fields == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("fields");
var dto = new BaseItemDto
ServerId = _appHost.SystemId
if (fields.Contains(ItemFields.People))
AttachPeople(dto, item);
if (fields.Contains(ItemFields.PrimaryImageAspectRatio))
AttachPrimaryImageAspectRatio(dto, item);
catch (Exception ex)
// Have to use a catch-all unfortunately because some .net image methods throw plain Exceptions
_logger.ErrorException("Error generating PrimaryImageAspectRatio for {0}", ex, item.Name);
if (fields.Contains(ItemFields.DisplayPreferencesId))
dto.DisplayPreferencesId = item.DisplayPreferencesId.ToString("N");
if (user != null)
AttachUserSpecificInfo(dto, item, user, fields, syncProgress);
var hasMediaSources = item as IHasMediaSources;
if (hasMediaSources != null)
if (fields.Contains(ItemFields.MediaSources))
if (user == null)
dto.MediaSources = _mediaSourceManager().GetStaticMediaSources(hasMediaSources, true).ToList();
dto.MediaSources = _mediaSourceManager().GetStaticMediaSources(hasMediaSources, true, user).ToList();
if (fields.Contains(ItemFields.Studios))
AttachStudios(dto, item);
AttachBasicFields(dto, item, owner, options);
var tvChannel = item as LiveTvChannel;
if (tvChannel != null)
_livetvManager().AddChannelInfo(dto, tvChannel, options, user);
var collectionFolder = item as ICollectionFolder;
if (collectionFolder != null)
dto.CollectionType = user == null ?
collectionFolder.CollectionType :
var playlist = item as Playlist;
if (playlist != null)
AttachLinkedChildImages(dto, playlist, user, options);
if (fields.Contains(ItemFields.CanDelete))
dto.CanDelete = user == null
? item.CanDelete()
: item.CanDelete(user);
if (fields.Contains(ItemFields.CanDownload))
dto.CanDownload = user == null
? item.CanDownload()
: item.CanDownload(user);
if (fields.Contains(ItemFields.Etag))
dto.Etag = item.GetEtag(user);
if (item is ILiveTvRecording)
_livetvManager().AddInfoToRecordingDto(item, dto, user);
else if (item is LiveTvProgram)
_livetvManager().AddInfoToProgramDto(item, dto, fields.Contains(ItemFields.ChannelInfo), user);
return dto;
public BaseItemDto GetItemByNameDto(BaseItem item, DtoOptions options, List<BaseItem> taggedItems, User user = null)
var syncProgress = GetSyncedItemProgress(options);
var dto = GetBaseItemDtoInternal(item, options, GetSyncedItemProgressDictionary(syncProgress), user);
if (options.Fields.Contains(ItemFields.ItemCounts))
SetItemByNameInfo(item, dto, taggedItems, user);
FillSyncInfo(dto, item, options, user, syncProgress);
return dto;
private void SetItemByNameInfo(BaseItem item, BaseItemDto dto, List<BaseItem> taggedItems, User user = null)
if (item is MusicArtist || item is MusicGenre)
dto.AlbumCount = taggedItems.Count(i => i is MusicAlbum);
dto.MusicVideoCount = taggedItems.Count(i => i is MusicVideo);
dto.SongCount = taggedItems.Count(i => i is Audio);
else if (item is GameGenre)
dto.GameCount = taggedItems.Count(i => i is Game);
// This populates them all and covers Genre, Person, Studio, Year
dto.AlbumCount = taggedItems.Count(i => i is MusicAlbum);
dto.EpisodeCount = taggedItems.Count(i => i is Episode);
dto.GameCount = taggedItems.Count(i => i is Game);
dto.MovieCount = taggedItems.Count(i => i is Movie);
dto.MusicVideoCount = taggedItems.Count(i => i is MusicVideo);
dto.SeriesCount = taggedItems.Count(i => i is Series);
dto.SongCount = taggedItems.Count(i => i is Audio);
dto.ChildCount = taggedItems.Count;
/// <summary>
/// Attaches the user specific info.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="dto">The dto.</param>
/// <param name="item">The item.</param>
/// <param name="user">The user.</param>
/// <param name="fields">The fields.</param>
/// <param name="syncProgress">The synchronize progress.</param>
private void AttachUserSpecificInfo(BaseItemDto dto, BaseItem item, User user, List<ItemFields> fields, Dictionary<string, SyncedItemProgress> syncProgress)
if (item.IsFolder)
var userData = _userDataRepository.GetUserData(user.Id, item.GetUserDataKey());
// Skip the user data manager because we've already looped through the recursive tree and don't want to do it twice
// TODO: Improve in future
dto.UserData = GetUserItemDataDto(userData);
var folder = (Folder)item;
dto.ChildCount = GetChildCount(folder, user);
// These are just far too slow.
// TODO: Disable for CollectionFolder
if (!(folder is UserRootFolder) && !(folder is UserView))
SetSpecialCounts(folder, user, dto, fields, syncProgress);
dto.UserData.Played = dto.UserData.PlayedPercentage.HasValue && dto.UserData.PlayedPercentage.Value >= 100;
dto.UserData = _userDataRepository.GetUserDataDto(item, user);
dto.PlayAccess = item.GetPlayAccess(user);
if (fields.Contains(ItemFields.SeasonUserData))
var episode = item as Episode;
if (episode != null)
var season = episode.Season;
if (season != null)
dto.SeasonUserData = _userDataRepository.GetUserDataDto(season, user);
var userView = item as UserView;
if (userView != null)
dto.HasDynamicCategories = userView.ContainsDynamicCategories(user);
var collectionFolder = item as ICollectionFolder;
if (collectionFolder != null)
dto.HasDynamicCategories = false;
private int GetChildCount(Folder folder, User user)
return folder.GetChildren(user, true)
/// <summary>
/// Gets client-side Id of a server-side BaseItem
/// </summary>
/// <param name="item">The item.</param>
/// <returns>System.String.</returns>
/// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException">item</exception>
public string GetDtoId(BaseItem item)
if (item == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("item");
return item.Id.ToString("N");
/// <summary>
/// Converts a UserItemData to a DTOUserItemData
/// </summary>
/// <param name="data">The data.</param>
/// <returns>DtoUserItemData.</returns>
/// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException"></exception>
public UserItemDataDto GetUserItemDataDto(UserItemData data)
if (data == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("data");
return new UserItemDataDto
IsFavorite = data.IsFavorite,
Likes = data.Likes,
PlaybackPositionTicks = data.PlaybackPositionTicks,
PlayCount = data.PlayCount,
Rating = data.Rating,
Played = data.Played,
LastPlayedDate = data.LastPlayedDate,
Key = data.Key
private void SetBookProperties(BaseItemDto dto, Book item)
dto.SeriesName = item.SeriesName;
private void SetPhotoProperties(BaseItemDto dto, Photo item)
dto.Width = item.Width;
dto.Height = item.Height;
dto.CameraMake = item.CameraMake;
dto.CameraModel = item.CameraModel;
dto.Software = item.Software;
dto.ExposureTime = item.ExposureTime;
dto.FocalLength = item.FocalLength;
dto.ImageOrientation = item.Orientation;
dto.Aperture = item.Aperture;
dto.ShutterSpeed = item.ShutterSpeed;
dto.Latitude = item.Latitude;
dto.Longitude = item.Longitude;
dto.Altitude = item.Altitude;
dto.IsoSpeedRating = item.IsoSpeedRating;
var album = item.Album;
if (album != null)
dto.Album = album.Name;
dto.AlbumId = album.Id.ToString("N");
private void SetMusicVideoProperties(BaseItemDto dto, MusicVideo item)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Album))
var parentAlbum = _libraryManager.RootFolder
.GetRecursiveChildren(i => i is MusicAlbum && string.Equals(i.Name, item.Album, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
if (parentAlbum != null)
dto.AlbumId = GetDtoId(parentAlbum);
dto.Album = item.Album;
private void SetGameProperties(BaseItemDto dto, Game item)
dto.Players = item.PlayersSupported;
dto.GameSystem = item.GameSystem;
dto.MultiPartGameFiles = item.MultiPartGameFiles;
private void SetGameSystemProperties(BaseItemDto dto, GameSystem item)
dto.GameSystem = item.GameSystemName;
private List<string> GetBackdropImageTags(BaseItem item, int limit)
return GetCacheTags(item, ImageType.Backdrop, limit).ToList();
private List<string> GetScreenshotImageTags(BaseItem item, int limit)
var hasScreenshots = item as IHasScreenshots;
if (hasScreenshots == null)
return new List<string>();
return GetCacheTags(item, ImageType.Screenshot, limit).ToList();
private IEnumerable<string> GetCacheTags(BaseItem item, ImageType type, int limit)
return item.GetImages(type)
.Select(p => GetImageCacheTag(item, p))
.Where(i => i != null)
private string GetImageCacheTag(BaseItem item, ImageType type)
return _imageProcessor.GetImageCacheTag(item, type);
catch (Exception ex)
_logger.ErrorException("Error getting {0} image info", ex, type);
return null;
private string GetImageCacheTag(BaseItem item, ItemImageInfo image)
return _imageProcessor.GetImageCacheTag(item, image);
catch (Exception ex)
_logger.ErrorException("Error getting {0} image info for {1}", ex, image.Type, image.Path);
return null;
/// <summary>
/// Attaches People DTO's to a DTOBaseItem
/// </summary>
/// <param name="dto">The dto.</param>
/// <param name="item">The item.</param>
/// <returns>Task.</returns>
private void AttachPeople(BaseItemDto dto, BaseItem item)
// Ordering by person type to ensure actors and artists are at the front.
// This is taking advantage of the fact that they both begin with A
// This should be improved in the future
var people = _libraryManager.GetPeople(item).OrderBy(i => i.SortOrder ?? int.MaxValue)
.ThenBy(i =>
if (i.IsType(PersonType.Actor))
return 0;
if (i.IsType(PersonType.GuestStar))
return 1;
if (i.IsType(PersonType.Director))
return 2;
if (i.IsType(PersonType.Writer))
return 3;
if (i.IsType(PersonType.Producer))
return 4;
if (i.IsType(PersonType.Composer))
return 4;
return 10;
var list = new List<BaseItemPerson>();
var dictionary = people.Select(p => p.Name)
.Distinct(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase).Select(c =>
return _libraryManager.GetPerson(c);
catch (Exception ex)
_logger.ErrorException("Error getting person {0}", ex, c);
return null;
}).Where(i => i != null)
.DistinctBy(i => i.Name, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
.ToDictionary(i => i.Name, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
for (var i = 0; i < people.Count; i++)
var person = people[i];
var baseItemPerson = new BaseItemPerson
Name = person.Name,
Role = person.Role,
Type = person.Type
Person entity;
if (dictionary.TryGetValue(person.Name, out entity))
baseItemPerson.PrimaryImageTag = GetImageCacheTag(entity, ImageType.Primary);
baseItemPerson.Id = entity.Id.ToString("N");
dto.People = list.ToArray();
/// <summary>
/// Attaches the studios.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="dto">The dto.</param>
/// <param name="item">The item.</param>
/// <returns>Task.</returns>
private void AttachStudios(BaseItemDto dto, BaseItem item)
var studios = item.Studios.ToList();
dto.Studios = new StudioDto[studios.Count];
var dictionary = studios.Distinct(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase).Select(name =>
return _libraryManager.GetStudio(name);
catch (IOException ex)
_logger.ErrorException("Error getting studio {0}", ex, name);
return null;
.Where(i => i != null)
.DistinctBy(i => i.Name, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
.ToDictionary(i => i.Name, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
for (var i = 0; i < studios.Count; i++)
var studio = studios[i];
var studioDto = new StudioDto
Name = studio
Studio entity;
if (dictionary.TryGetValue(studio, out entity))
studioDto.Id = entity.Id.ToString("N");
studioDto.PrimaryImageTag = GetImageCacheTag(entity, ImageType.Primary);
dto.Studios[i] = studioDto;
/// <summary>
/// If an item does not any backdrops, this can be used to find the first parent that does have one
/// </summary>
/// <param name="item">The item.</param>
/// <param name="owner">The owner.</param>
/// <returns>BaseItem.</returns>
private BaseItem GetParentBackdropItem(BaseItem item, BaseItem owner)
var parent = item.Parent ?? owner;
while (parent != null)
if (parent.GetImages(ImageType.Backdrop).Any())
return parent;
parent = parent.Parent;
return null;
/// <summary>
/// If an item does not have a logo, this can be used to find the first parent that does have one
/// </summary>
/// <param name="item">The item.</param>
/// <param name="type">The type.</param>
/// <param name="owner">The owner.</param>
/// <returns>BaseItem.</returns>
private BaseItem GetParentImageItem(BaseItem item, ImageType type, BaseItem owner)
var parent = item.Parent ?? owner;
while (parent != null)
if (parent.HasImage(type))
return parent;
parent = parent.Parent;
return null;
/// <summary>
/// Gets the chapter info dto.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="chapterInfo">The chapter info.</param>
/// <param name="item">The item.</param>
/// <returns>ChapterInfoDto.</returns>
private ChapterInfoDto GetChapterInfoDto(ChapterInfo chapterInfo, BaseItem item)
var dto = new ChapterInfoDto
Name = chapterInfo.Name,
StartPositionTicks = chapterInfo.StartPositionTicks
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(chapterInfo.ImagePath))
dto.ImageTag = GetImageCacheTag(item, new ItemImageInfo
Path = chapterInfo.ImagePath,
Type = ImageType.Chapter,
DateModified = _fileSystem.GetLastWriteTimeUtc(chapterInfo.ImagePath)
return dto;
public List<ChapterInfoDto> GetChapterInfoDtos(BaseItem item)
return _itemRepo.GetChapters(item.Id)
.Select(c => GetChapterInfoDto(c, item))
/// <summary>
/// Sets simple property values on a DTOBaseItem
/// </summary>
/// <param name="dto">The dto.</param>
/// <param name="item">The item.</param>
/// <param name="owner">The owner.</param>
/// <param name="options">The options.</param>
private void AttachBasicFields(BaseItemDto dto, BaseItem item, BaseItem owner, DtoOptions options)
var fields = options.Fields;
if (fields.Contains(ItemFields.DateCreated))
dto.DateCreated = item.DateCreated;
if (fields.Contains(ItemFields.DisplayMediaType))
dto.DisplayMediaType = item.DisplayMediaType;
if (fields.Contains(ItemFields.Settings))
dto.LockedFields = item.LockedFields;
dto.LockData = item.IsLocked;
dto.ForcedSortName = item.ForcedSortName;
var hasBudget = item as IHasBudget;
if (hasBudget != null)
if (fields.Contains(ItemFields.Budget))
dto.Budget = hasBudget.Budget;
if (fields.Contains(ItemFields.Revenue))
dto.Revenue = hasBudget.Revenue;
dto.EndDate = item.EndDate;
if (fields.Contains(ItemFields.HomePageUrl))
dto.HomePageUrl = item.HomePageUrl;
if (fields.Contains(ItemFields.ExternalUrls))
dto.ExternalUrls = _providerManager.GetExternalUrls(item).ToArray();
if (fields.Contains(ItemFields.Tags))
var hasTags = item as IHasTags;
if (hasTags != null)
dto.Tags = hasTags.Tags;
if (dto.Tags == null)
dto.Tags = new List<string>();
if (fields.Contains(ItemFields.Keywords))
var hasTags = item as IHasKeywords;
if (hasTags != null)
dto.Keywords = hasTags.Keywords;
if (dto.Keywords == null)
dto.Keywords = new List<string>();
if (fields.Contains(ItemFields.ProductionLocations))
SetProductionLocations(item, dto);
var hasAspectRatio = item as IHasAspectRatio;
if (hasAspectRatio != null)
dto.AspectRatio = hasAspectRatio.AspectRatio;
if (fields.Contains(ItemFields.Metascore))
var hasMetascore = item as IHasMetascore;
if (hasMetascore != null)
dto.Metascore = hasMetascore.Metascore;
if (fields.Contains(ItemFields.AwardSummary))
var hasAwards = item as IHasAwards;
if (hasAwards != null)
dto.AwardSummary = hasAwards.AwardSummary;
var backdropLimit = options.GetImageLimit(ImageType.Backdrop);
if (backdropLimit > 0)
dto.BackdropImageTags = GetBackdropImageTags(item, backdropLimit);
if (fields.Contains(ItemFields.ScreenshotImageTags))
var screenshotLimit = options.GetImageLimit(ImageType.Screenshot);
if (screenshotLimit > 0)
dto.ScreenshotImageTags = GetScreenshotImageTags(item, screenshotLimit);
if (fields.Contains(ItemFields.Genres))
dto.Genres = item.Genres;
dto.ImageTags = new Dictionary<ImageType, string>();
// Prevent implicitly captured closure
var currentItem = item;
foreach (var image in currentItem.ImageInfos.Where(i => !currentItem.AllowsMultipleImages(i.Type))
if (options.GetImageLimit(image.Type) > 0)
var tag = GetImageCacheTag(item, image);
if (tag != null)
dto.ImageTags[image.Type] = tag;
dto.Id = GetDtoId(item);
dto.IndexNumber = item.IndexNumber;
dto.IsFolder = item.IsFolder;
dto.MediaType = item.MediaType;
dto.LocationType = item.LocationType;
dto.IsHD = item.IsHD;
dto.PreferredMetadataCountryCode = item.PreferredMetadataCountryCode;
dto.PreferredMetadataLanguage = item.PreferredMetadataLanguage;
var hasCriticRating = item as IHasCriticRating;
if (hasCriticRating != null)
dto.CriticRating = hasCriticRating.CriticRating;
if (fields.Contains(ItemFields.CriticRatingSummary))
dto.CriticRatingSummary = hasCriticRating.CriticRatingSummary;
var hasTrailers = item as IHasTrailers;
if (hasTrailers != null)
dto.LocalTrailerCount = hasTrailers.GetTrailerIds().Count;
var hasDisplayOrder = item as IHasDisplayOrder;
if (hasDisplayOrder != null)
dto.DisplayOrder = hasDisplayOrder.DisplayOrder;
var userView = item as UserView;
if (userView != null)
dto.CollectionType = userView.ViewType;
if (fields.Contains(ItemFields.RemoteTrailers))
dto.RemoteTrailers = hasTrailers != null ?
hasTrailers.RemoteTrailers :
new List<MediaUrl>();
dto.Name = item.Name;
dto.OfficialRating = item.OfficialRating;
if (fields.Contains(ItemFields.Overview))
dto.Overview = item.Overview;
if (fields.Contains(ItemFields.ShortOverview))
var hasShortOverview = item as IHasShortOverview;
if (hasShortOverview != null)
dto.ShortOverview = hasShortOverview.ShortOverview;
// If there are no backdrops, indicate what parent has them in case the Ui wants to allow inheritance
if (backdropLimit > 0 && dto.BackdropImageTags.Count == 0)
var parentWithBackdrop = GetParentBackdropItem(item, owner);
if (parentWithBackdrop != null)
dto.ParentBackdropItemId = GetDtoId(parentWithBackdrop);
dto.ParentBackdropImageTags = GetBackdropImageTags(parentWithBackdrop, backdropLimit);
if (fields.Contains(ItemFields.ParentId))
var displayParent = item.DisplayParent;
if (displayParent != null)
dto.ParentId = GetDtoId(displayParent);
dto.ParentIndexNumber = item.ParentIndexNumber;
// If there is no logo, indicate what parent has one in case the Ui wants to allow inheritance
if (!dto.HasLogo && options.GetImageLimit(ImageType.Logo) > 0)
var parentWithLogo = GetParentImageItem(item, ImageType.Logo, owner);
if (parentWithLogo != null)
dto.ParentLogoItemId = GetDtoId(parentWithLogo);
dto.ParentLogoImageTag = GetImageCacheTag(parentWithLogo, ImageType.Logo);
// If there is no art, indicate what parent has one in case the Ui wants to allow inheritance
if (!dto.HasArtImage && options.GetImageLimit(ImageType.Art) > 0)
var parentWithImage = GetParentImageItem(item, ImageType.Art, owner);
if (parentWithImage != null)
dto.ParentArtItemId = GetDtoId(parentWithImage);
dto.ParentArtImageTag = GetImageCacheTag(parentWithImage, ImageType.Art);
// If there is no thumb, indicate what parent has one in case the Ui wants to allow inheritance
if (!dto.HasThumb && options.GetImageLimit(ImageType.Thumb) > 0)
var parentWithImage = GetParentImageItem(item, ImageType.Thumb, owner);
if (parentWithImage != null)
dto.ParentThumbItemId = GetDtoId(parentWithImage);
dto.ParentThumbImageTag = GetImageCacheTag(parentWithImage, ImageType.Thumb);
if (fields.Contains(ItemFields.Path))
dto.Path = GetMappedPath(item);
dto.PremiereDate = item.PremiereDate;
dto.ProductionYear = item.ProductionYear;
if (fields.Contains(ItemFields.ProviderIds))
dto.ProviderIds = item.ProviderIds;
dto.RunTimeTicks = item.RunTimeTicks;
if (fields.Contains(ItemFields.SortName))
dto.SortName = item.SortName;
if (fields.Contains(ItemFields.CustomRating))
dto.CustomRating = item.CustomRating;
if (fields.Contains(ItemFields.Taglines))
var hasTagline = item as IHasTaglines;
if (hasTagline != null)
dto.Taglines = hasTagline.Taglines;
if (dto.Taglines == null)
dto.Taglines = new List<string>();
dto.Type = item.GetClientTypeName();
dto.CommunityRating = item.CommunityRating;
if (fields.Contains(ItemFields.VoteCount))
dto.VoteCount = item.VoteCount;
if (item.IsFolder)
var folder = (Folder)item;
if (fields.Contains(ItemFields.IndexOptions))
dto.IndexOptions = folder.IndexByOptionStrings.ToArray();
var supportsPlaceHolders = item as ISupportsPlaceHolders;
if (supportsPlaceHolders != null)
dto.IsPlaceHolder = supportsPlaceHolders.IsPlaceHolder;
// Add audio info
var audio = item as Audio;
if (audio != null)
dto.Album = audio.Album;
var albumParent = audio.AlbumEntity;
if (albumParent != null)
dto.AlbumId = GetDtoId(albumParent);
dto.AlbumPrimaryImageTag = GetImageCacheTag(albumParent, ImageType.Primary);
//if (fields.Contains(ItemFields.MediaSourceCount))
// Songs always have one
var hasArtist = item as IHasArtist;
if (hasArtist != null)
dto.Artists = hasArtist.Artists;
dto.ArtistItems = hasArtist
.Select(i =>
var artist = _libraryManager.GetArtist(i);
return new NameIdPair
Name = artist.Name,
Id = artist.Id.ToString("N")
catch (Exception ex)
_logger.ErrorException("Error getting artist", ex);
return null;
.Where(i => i != null)
var hasAlbumArtist = item as IHasAlbumArtist;
if (hasAlbumArtist != null)
dto.AlbumArtist = hasAlbumArtist.AlbumArtists.FirstOrDefault();
dto.AlbumArtists = hasAlbumArtist
.Select(i =>
var artist = _libraryManager.GetArtist(i);
return new NameIdPair
Name = artist.Name,
Id = artist.Id.ToString("N")
catch (Exception ex)
_logger.ErrorException("Error getting album artist", ex);
return null;
.Where(i => i != null)
// Add video info
var video = item as Video;
if (video != null)
dto.VideoType = video.VideoType;
dto.Video3DFormat = video.Video3DFormat;
dto.IsoType = video.IsoType;
if (video.HasSubtitles)
dto.HasSubtitles = video.HasSubtitles;
if (video.AdditionalParts.Count != 0)
dto.PartCount = video.AdditionalParts.Count + 1;
if (fields.Contains(ItemFields.MediaSourceCount))
if (video.MediaSourceCount != 1)
dto.MediaSourceCount = video.MediaSourceCount;
if (fields.Contains(ItemFields.Chapters))
dto.Chapters = GetChapterInfoDtos(item);
if (fields.Contains(ItemFields.MediaStreams))
// Add VideoInfo
var iHasMediaSources = item as IHasMediaSources;
if (iHasMediaSources != null)
List<MediaStream> mediaStreams;
if (dto.MediaSources != null && dto.MediaSources.Count > 0)
mediaStreams = dto.MediaSources.Where(i => new Guid(i.Id) == item.Id)
.SelectMany(i => i.MediaStreams)
mediaStreams = _mediaSourceManager().GetStaticMediaSources(iHasMediaSources, true).First().MediaStreams;
dto.MediaStreams = mediaStreams;
// Add MovieInfo
var movie = item as Movie;
if (movie != null)
if (fields.Contains(ItemFields.TmdbCollectionName))
dto.TmdbCollectionName = movie.TmdbCollectionName;
var hasSpecialFeatures = item as IHasSpecialFeatures;
if (hasSpecialFeatures != null)
var specialFeatureCount = hasSpecialFeatures.SpecialFeatureIds.Count;
if (specialFeatureCount > 0)
dto.SpecialFeatureCount = specialFeatureCount;
// Add EpisodeInfo
var episode = item as Episode;
if (episode != null)
dto.IndexNumberEnd = episode.IndexNumberEnd;
if (fields.Contains(ItemFields.AlternateEpisodeNumbers))
dto.DvdSeasonNumber = episode.DvdSeasonNumber;
dto.DvdEpisodeNumber = episode.DvdEpisodeNumber;
dto.AbsoluteEpisodeNumber = episode.AbsoluteEpisodeNumber;
if (fields.Contains(ItemFields.SpecialEpisodeNumbers))
dto.AirsAfterSeasonNumber = episode.AirsAfterSeasonNumber;
dto.AirsBeforeEpisodeNumber = episode.AirsBeforeEpisodeNumber;
dto.AirsBeforeSeasonNumber = episode.AirsBeforeSeasonNumber;
var episodeSeason = episode.Season;
if (episodeSeason != null)
dto.SeasonId = episodeSeason.Id.ToString("N");
if (fields.Contains(ItemFields.SeasonName))
dto.SeasonName = episodeSeason.Name;
if (fields.Contains(ItemFields.SeriesGenres))
var episodeseries = episode.Series;
if (episodeseries != null)
dto.SeriesGenres = episodeseries.Genres.ToList();
// Add SeriesInfo
var series = item as Series;
if (series != null)
dto.AirDays = series.AirDays;
dto.AirTime = series.AirTime;
dto.SeriesStatus = series.Status;
if (fields.Contains(ItemFields.Settings))
dto.DisplaySpecialsWithSeasons = series.DisplaySpecialsWithSeasons;
dto.AnimeSeriesIndex = series.AnimeSeriesIndex;
if (episode != null)
series = episode.Series;
if (series != null)
dto.SeriesId = GetDtoId(series);
dto.SeriesName = series.Name;
if (fields.Contains(ItemFields.AirTime))
dto.AirTime = series.AirTime;
if (options.GetImageLimit(ImageType.Thumb) > 0)
dto.SeriesThumbImageTag = GetImageCacheTag(series, ImageType.Thumb);
if (options.GetImageLimit(ImageType.Primary) > 0)
dto.SeriesPrimaryImageTag = GetImageCacheTag(series, ImageType.Primary);
if (fields.Contains(ItemFields.SeriesStudio))
dto.SeriesStudio = series.Studios.FirstOrDefault();
// Add SeasonInfo
var season = item as Season;
if (season != null)
series = season.Series;
if (series != null)
dto.SeriesId = GetDtoId(series);
dto.SeriesName = series.Name;
dto.AirTime = series.AirTime;
dto.SeriesStudio = series.Studios.FirstOrDefault();
if (options.GetImageLimit(ImageType.Primary) > 0)
dto.SeriesPrimaryImageTag = GetImageCacheTag(series, ImageType.Primary);
var game = item as Game;
if (game != null)
SetGameProperties(dto, game);
var gameSystem = item as GameSystem;
if (gameSystem != null)
SetGameSystemProperties(dto, gameSystem);
var musicVideo = item as MusicVideo;
if (musicVideo != null)
SetMusicVideoProperties(dto, musicVideo);
var book = item as Book;
if (book != null)
SetBookProperties(dto, book);
var photo = item as Photo;
if (photo != null)
SetPhotoProperties(dto, photo);
dto.ChannelId = item.ChannelId;
var channelItem = item as IChannelItem;
if (channelItem != null)
dto.ChannelName = _channelManagerFactory().GetChannel(channelItem.ChannelId).Name;
var channelMediaItem = item as IChannelMediaItem;
if (channelMediaItem != null)
dto.ExtraType = channelMediaItem.ExtraType;
private void AttachLinkedChildImages(BaseItemDto dto, Folder folder, User user, DtoOptions options)
List<BaseItem> linkedChildren = null;
var backdropLimit = options.GetImageLimit(ImageType.Backdrop);
if (backdropLimit > 0 && dto.BackdropImageTags.Count == 0)
linkedChildren = user == null
? folder.GetRecursiveChildren().ToList()
: folder.GetRecursiveChildren(user).ToList();
var parentWithBackdrop = linkedChildren.FirstOrDefault(i => i.GetImages(ImageType.Backdrop).Any());
if (parentWithBackdrop != null)
dto.ParentBackdropItemId = GetDtoId(parentWithBackdrop);
dto.ParentBackdropImageTags = GetBackdropImageTags(parentWithBackdrop, backdropLimit);
if (!dto.ImageTags.ContainsKey(ImageType.Primary) && options.GetImageLimit(ImageType.Primary) > 0)
if (linkedChildren == null)
linkedChildren = user == null
? folder.GetRecursiveChildren().ToList()
: folder.GetRecursiveChildren(user).ToList();
var parentWithImage = linkedChildren.FirstOrDefault(i => i.GetImages(ImageType.Primary).Any());
if (parentWithImage != null)
dto.ParentPrimaryImageItemId = GetDtoId(parentWithImage);
dto.ParentPrimaryImageTag = GetImageCacheTag(parentWithImage, ImageType.Primary);
private string GetMappedPath(IHasMetadata item)
var path = item.Path;
var locationType = item.LocationType;
if (locationType == LocationType.FileSystem || locationType == LocationType.Offline)
foreach (var map in _config.Configuration.PathSubstitutions)
path = _libraryManager.SubstitutePath(path, map.From, map.To);
return path;
private void SetProductionLocations(BaseItem item, BaseItemDto dto)
var hasProductionLocations = item as IHasProductionLocations;
if (hasProductionLocations != null)
dto.ProductionLocations = hasProductionLocations.ProductionLocations;
var person = item as Person;
if (person != null)
dto.ProductionLocations = new List<string>();
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(person.PlaceOfBirth))
if (dto.ProductionLocations == null)
dto.ProductionLocations = new List<string>();
/// <summary>
/// Since it can be slow to make all of these calculations independently, this method will provide a way to do them all at once
/// </summary>
/// <param name="folder">The folder.</param>
/// <param name="user">The user.</param>
/// <param name="dto">The dto.</param>
/// <param name="fields">The fields.</param>
/// <param name="syncProgress">The synchronize progress.</param>
/// <returns>Task.</returns>
private void SetSpecialCounts(Folder folder, User user, BaseItemDto dto, List<ItemFields> fields, Dictionary<string, SyncedItemProgress> syncProgress)
var recursiveItemCount = 0;
var unplayed = 0;
long runtime = 0;
DateTime? dateLastMediaAdded = null;
double totalPercentPlayed = 0;
double totalSyncPercent = 0;
var addSyncInfo = fields.Contains(ItemFields.SyncInfo);
var children = folder.GetItems(new InternalItemsQuery
IsFolder = false,
Recursive = true,
IsVirtualUnaired = false,
IsMissing = false,
User = user
// Loop through each recursive child
foreach (var child in children)
if (!dateLastMediaAdded.HasValue)
dateLastMediaAdded = child.DateCreated;
dateLastMediaAdded = new[] { dateLastMediaAdded.Value, child.DateCreated }.Max();
var userdata = _userDataRepository.GetUserData(user.Id, child.GetUserDataKey());
var isUnplayed = true;
// Incrememt totalPercentPlayed
if (userdata != null)
if (userdata.Played)
totalPercentPlayed += 100;
isUnplayed = false;
else if (userdata.PlaybackPositionTicks > 0 && child.RunTimeTicks.HasValue && child.RunTimeTicks.Value > 0)
double itemPercent = userdata.PlaybackPositionTicks;
itemPercent /= child.RunTimeTicks.Value;
totalPercentPlayed += itemPercent;
if (isUnplayed)
runtime += child.RunTimeTicks ?? 0;
if (addSyncInfo)
double percent = 0;
SyncedItemProgress syncItemProgress;
if (syncProgress.TryGetValue(child.Id.ToString("N"), out syncItemProgress))
switch (syncItemProgress.Status)
case SyncJobItemStatus.Synced:
percent = 100;
case SyncJobItemStatus.Converting:
case SyncJobItemStatus.ReadyToTransfer:
case SyncJobItemStatus.Transferring:
percent = 50;
totalSyncPercent += percent;
dto.RecursiveItemCount = recursiveItemCount;
dto.UserData.UnplayedItemCount = unplayed;
if (recursiveItemCount > 0)
dto.UserData.PlayedPercentage = totalPercentPlayed / recursiveItemCount;
if (addSyncInfo)
var pct = totalSyncPercent / recursiveItemCount;
if (pct > 0)
dto.SyncPercent = pct;
if (runtime > 0 && fields.Contains(ItemFields.CumulativeRunTimeTicks))
dto.CumulativeRunTimeTicks = runtime;
if (fields.Contains(ItemFields.DateLastMediaAdded))
dto.DateLastMediaAdded = dateLastMediaAdded;
/// <summary>
/// Attaches the primary image aspect ratio.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="dto">The dto.</param>
/// <param name="item">The item.</param>
/// <returns>Task.</returns>
public void AttachPrimaryImageAspectRatio(IItemDto dto, IHasImages item)
dto.PrimaryImageAspectRatio = GetPrimaryImageAspectRatio(item);
public double? GetPrimaryImageAspectRatio(IHasImages item)
var imageInfo = item.GetImageInfo(ImageType.Primary, 0);
if (imageInfo == null || !imageInfo.IsLocalFile)
return null;
ImageSize size;
size = _imageProcessor.GetImageSize(imageInfo);
catch (Exception ex)
//_logger.ErrorException("Failed to determine primary image aspect ratio for {0}", ex, path);
return null;
var supportedEnhancers = _imageProcessor.GetSupportedEnhancers(item, ImageType.Primary).ToList();
foreach (var enhancer in supportedEnhancers)
size = enhancer.GetEnhancedImageSize(item, ImageType.Primary, 0, size);
catch (Exception ex)
_logger.ErrorException("Error in image enhancer: {0}", ex, enhancer.GetType().Name);
var width = size.Width;
var height = size.Height;
if (width == 0 || height == 0)
return null;
var photo = item as Photo;
if (photo != null && photo.Orientation.HasValue)
switch (photo.Orientation.Value)
case ImageOrientation.LeftBottom:
case ImageOrientation.LeftTop:
case ImageOrientation.RightBottom:
case ImageOrientation.RightTop:
var temp = height;
height = width;
width = temp;
return width / height;