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using System;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
namespace Emby.Server.Implementations.Localization
public class TextLocalizer : ITextLocalizer
public string RemoveDiacritics(string text)
if (text == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("text");
var chars = Normalize(text, NormalizationForm.FormD)
.Where(ch => CharUnicodeInfo.GetUnicodeCategory(ch) != UnicodeCategory.NonSpacingMark);
return Normalize(String.Concat(chars), NormalizationForm.FormC);
private static string Normalize(string text, NormalizationForm form, bool stripStringOnFailure = true)
if (stripStringOnFailure)
return text.Normalize(form);
catch (ArgumentException)
// will throw if input contains invalid unicode chars
text = StripInvalidUnicodeCharacters(text);
return Normalize(text, form, false);
return text.Normalize(form);
catch (ArgumentException)
// if it still fails, return the original text
return text;
private static string StripInvalidUnicodeCharacters(string str)
var invalidCharactersRegex = new Regex("([\ud800-\udbff](?![\udc00-\udfff]))|((?<![\ud800-\udbff])[\udc00-\udfff])");
return invalidCharactersRegex.Replace(str, "");
public string NormalizeFormKD(string text)
return text.Normalize(NormalizationForm.FormKD);