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332 lines
17 KiB
332 lines
17 KiB
"SettingsSaved": "Einstellungen gespeichert",
"AddUser": "Benutzer hinzuf\u00fcgen",
"Users": "Benutzer",
"Delete": "L\u00f6schen",
"Administrator": "Administrator",
"Password": "Passwort",
"DeleteImage": "Bild l\u00f6schen",
"DeleteImageConfirmation": "M\u00f6chten Sie das Bild wirklich l\u00f6schen?",
"FileReadCancelled": "Das Einlesen der Datei wurde abgebrochen.",
"FileNotFound": "Datei nicht gefunden",
"FileReadError": "Beim Lesen der Datei ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.",
"DeleteUser": "Benutzer l\u00f6schen",
"DeleteUserConfirmation": "M\u00f6chten Sie {0} wirklich l\u00f6schen?",
"PasswordResetHeader": "Passwort zur\u00fccksetzen",
"PasswordResetComplete": "Das Passwort wurde zur\u00fcckgesetzt.",
"PasswordResetConfirmation": "M\u00f6chten Sie das Passwort wirklich zur\u00fccksetzen?",
"PasswordSaved": "Passwort gespeichert",
"PasswordMatchError": "Passwort und Passwortbest\u00e4tigung stimmen nicht \u00fcberein.",
"OptionRelease": "Offizielles Release",
"OptionBeta": "Beta",
"OptionDev": "Entwickler (instabil)",
"UninstallPluginHeader": "Deinstalliere Plugin",
"UninstallPluginConfirmation": "M\u00f6chten Sie {0} wirklich deinstallieren?",
"NoPluginConfigurationMessage": "Bei diesem Plugin kann nichts eingestellt werden.",
"NoPluginsInstalledMessage": "Sie haben keine Plugins installiert.",
"BrowsePluginCatalogMessage": "Durchsuchen Sie unsere Bibliothek um alle verf\u00fcgbaren Plugins anzuzeigen.",
"MessageKeyEmailedTo": "Key emailed to {0}.",
"MessageKeysLinked": "Schl\u00fcssel verkn\u00fcpft.",
"HeaderConfirmation": "Best\u00e4tigung",
"MessageKeyUpdated": "Danke. Ihr Unterst\u00fctzerschl\u00fcssel wurde aktualisiert.",
"MessageKeyRemoved": "Danke. Ihr Unterst\u00fctzerschl\u00fcssel wurde entfernt.",
"ErrorLaunchingChromecast": "There was an error launching chromecast. Please ensure your device is connected to your wireless network.",
"HeaderSearch": "Suche",
"LabelArtist": "K\u00fcnstler",
"LabelMovie": "Film",
"LabelMusicVideo": "Musikvideo",
"LabelEpisode": "Episode",
"LabelSeries": "Serie",
"LabelStopping": "Stopping",
"LabelCancelled": "(abgebrochen)",
"LabelFailed": "(fehlgeschlagen)",
"LabelAbortedByServerShutdown": "(Aborted by server shutdown)",
"LabelScheduledTaskLastRan": "Last ran {0}, taking {1}.",
"HeaderDeleteTaskTrigger": "Entferne Aufgabenausl\u00f6ser",
"HeaderTaskTriggers": "Aufgabenausl\u00f6ser",
"MessageDeleteTaskTrigger": "Sind Sie sicher, dass sie diesen Aufgabenausl\u00f6ser entfernen wollen?",
"MessageNoPluginsInstalled": "Sie haben keine Plugins installiert.",
"LabelVersionInstalled": "{0} installiert",
"LabelNumberReviews": "{0} Rezensionen",
"LabelFree": "Frei",
"HeaderSelectAudio": "W\u00e4hle Audio",
"HeaderSelectSubtitles": "W\u00f6hle Untertitel",
"LabelDefaultStream": "(Default)",
"LabelForcedStream": "(Forced)",
"LabelDefaultForcedStream": "(Default\/Forced)",
"LabelUnknownLanguage": "Unbekannte Sprache",
"ButtonMute": "Stumm",
"ButtonUnmute": "Unmute",
"ButtonStop": "Stop",
"ButtonNextTrack": "N\u00e4chster Track",
"ButtonPause": "Pause",
"ButtonPlay": "Abspielen",
"ButtonEdit": "Bearbeiten",
"ButtonQueue": "Warteschlange",
"ButtonPlayTrailer": "Spiele Trailer",
"ButtonPlaylist": "Playlist",
"ButtonPreviousTrack": "Vorheriger Track",
"LabelEnabled": "Aktivieren",
"LabelDisabled": "Deaktivieren",
"ButtonMoreInformation": "mehr Informationen",
"LabelNoUnreadNotifications": "keine ungelesenen Benachrichtigungen",
"ButtonViewNotifications": "Benachrichtigungen anschauen",
"ButtonMarkTheseRead": "Mark these read",
"ButtonClose": "Close",
"LabelAllPlaysSentToPlayer": "All plays will be sent to the selected player.",
"MessageInvalidUser": "Invalid user or password.",
"HeaderAllRecordings": "Alle Aufnahmen",
"RecommendationBecauseYouLike": "Because you like {0}",
"RecommendationBecauseYouWatched": "Because you watched {0}",
"RecommendationDirectedBy": "Directed by {0}",
"RecommendationStarring": "Starring {0}",
"HeaderConfirmRecordingCancellation": "Confirm Recording Cancellation",
"MessageConfirmRecordingCancellation": "Are you sure you wish to cancel this recording?",
"MessageRecordingCancelled": "Recording cancelled.",
"HeaderConfirmSeriesCancellation": "Confirm Series Cancellation",
"MessageConfirmSeriesCancellation": "Are you sure you wish to cancel this series?",
"MessageSeriesCancelled": "Series cancelled.",
"HeaderConfirmRecordingDeletion": "Confirm Recording Deletion",
"MessageConfirmRecordingDeletion": "Are you sure you wish to delete this recording?",
"MessageRecordingDeleted": "Recording deleted.",
"ButonCancelRecording": "Cancel Recording",
"MessageRecordingSaved": "Recording saved.",
"OptionSunday": "Sonntag",
"OptionMonday": "Montag",
"OptionTuesday": "Dienstag",
"OptionWednesday": "Mittwoch",
"OptionThursday": "Donnerstag",
"OptionFriday": "Freitag",
"OptionSaturday": "Samstag",
"HeaderConfirmDeletion": "Confirm Deletion",
"MessageConfirmPathSubstitutionDeletion": "Are you sure you wish to delete this path substitution?",
"LiveTvUpdateAvailable": "(Update verf\u00fcgbar)",
"LabelVersionUpToDate": "Auf dem neuesten Stand!",
"ButtonResetTuner": "Tuner zur\u00fccksetzen",
"HeaderResetTuner": "Tuner zur\u00fccksetzen",
"MessageConfirmResetTuner": "sind Sie sicher, dass Sie diesen Tuner zur\u00fccksetzen wollen? Alle aktiven Wiedergaben und Aufnahmen werden sofort beendet.",
"ButtonCancelSeries": "Cancel Series",
"HeaderSeriesRecordings": "Series Recordings",
"LabelAnytime": "Jederzeit",
"StatusRecording": "Aufnehmen",
"StatusWatching": "Anschauing",
"StatusRecordingProgram": "Recording {0}",
"StatusWatchingProgram": "Watching {0}",
"HeaderSplitMedia": "Trenne Medien ab",
"MessageConfirmSplitMedia": "Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie die Medienquellen in seperate Elemente aufteilen wollen?",
"HeaderError": "Fehler",
"MessagePleaseSelectOneItem": "Please select at least one item.",
"MessagePleaseSelectTwoItems": "Please select at least two items.",
"MessageTheFollowingItemsWillBeGrouped": "Die folgenden Titel werden zu einem Element gruppiert:",
"MessageConfirmItemGrouping": "Media Browser clients will automatically choose the optimal version to play based on device and network performance. Are you sure you wish to continue?",
"HeaderResume": "Fortsetzen",
"HeaderMyViews": "My Views",
"HeaderLibraryFolders": "Media Folders",
"HeaderLatestMedia": "Letzte Medien",
"ButtonMore": "Mehr...",
"HeaderFavoriteMovies": "Favorite Movies",
"HeaderFavoriteShows": "Favorite Shows",
"HeaderFavoriteEpisodes": "Favorite Episodes",
"HeaderFavoriteGames": "Favorite Games",
"HeaderRatingsDownloads": "Rating \/ Downloads",
"HeaderConfirmProfileDeletion": "Best\u00e4tige Profill\u00f6schung",
"MessageConfirmProfileDeletion": "Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie dieses Profil l\u00f6schen wollen?",
"HeaderSelectServerCachePath": "W\u00e4hle Server Cache Pfad:",
"HeaderSelectTranscodingPath": "Select Transcoding Temporary Path",
"HeaderSelectImagesByNamePath": "W\u00e4hle 'Images By Name' Pfad",
"HeaderSelectMetadataPath": "W\u00e4hle Metadaten Pfad",
"HeaderSelectServerCachePathHelp": "Browse or enter the path to use for server cache files. The folder must be writeable. The location of this folder will directly impact server performance and should ideally be placed on a solid state drive.",
"HeaderSelectTranscodingPathHelp": "Browse or enter the path to use for transcoding temporary files. The folder must be writeable.",
"HeaderSelectImagesByNamePathHelp": "Browse or enter the path to your items by name folder. The folder must be writeable.",
"HeaderSelectMetadataPathHelp": "Browse or enter the path you'd like to store metadata within. The folder must be writeable.",
"HeaderSelectChannelDownloadPath": "Select Channel Download Path",
"HeaderSelectChannelDownloadPathHelp": "Browse or enter the path to use for storing channel cache files. The folder must be writeable.",
"OptionNewCollection": "New...",
"ButtonAdd": "Hinzuf\u00fcgen",
"ButtonRemove": "Entfernen",
"LabelChapterDownloaders": "Chapter downloaders:",
"LabelChapterDownloadersHelp": "Enable and rank your preferred chapter downloaders in order of priority. Lower priority downloaders will only be used to fill in missing information.",
"HeaderFavoriteAlbums": "Favorite Albums",
"HeaderLatestChannelMedia": "Latest Channel Items",
"ButtonOrganizeFile": "Organize File",
"ButtonDeleteFile": "Delete File",
"HeaderOrganizeFile": "Organize File",
"HeaderDeleteFile": "Delete File",
"StatusSkipped": "Skipped",
"StatusFailed": "Failed",
"StatusSuccess": "Success",
"MessageFileWillBeDeleted": "The following file will be deleted:",
"MessageSureYouWishToProceed": "Are you sure you wish to proceed?",
"MessageDuplicatesWillBeDeleted": "In addition the following dupliates will be deleted:",
"MessageFollowingFileWillBeMovedFrom": "The following file will be moved from:",
"MessageDestinationTo": "to:",
"HeaderSelectWatchFolder": "Select Watch Folder",
"HeaderSelectWatchFolderHelp": "Browse or enter the path to your watch folder. The folder must be writeable.",
"OrganizePatternResult": "Result: {0}",
"HeaderRestart": "Restart",
"HeaderShutdown": "Shutdown",
"MessageConfirmRestart": "Are you sure you wish to restart Media Browser Server?",
"MessageConfirmShutdown": "Are you sure you wish to shutdown Media Browser Server?",
"ButtonUpdateNow": "Jetzt aktualisieren",
"NewVersionOfSomethingAvailable": "A new version of {0} is available!",
"VersionXIsAvailableForDownload": "Version {0} is now available for download.",
"LabelVersionNumber": "Version {0}",
"LabelPlayMethodTranscoding": "Transcoding",
"LabelPlayMethodDirectStream": "Direct Streaming",
"LabelPlayMethodDirectPlay": "Direct Playing",
"LabelAudioCodec": "Audio: {0}",
"LabelVideoCodec": "Video: {0}",
"LabelRemoteAccessUrl": "Remote access: {0}",
"LabelRunningOnPort": "Running on port {0}.",
"HeaderLatestFromChannel": "Latest from {0}",
"ButtonDownload": "Download",
"LabelUnknownLanaguage": "Unknown language",
"HeaderCurrentSubtitles": "Current Subtitles",
"MessageDownloadQueued": "The download has been queued.",
"MessageAreYouSureDeleteSubtitles": "Are you sure you wish to delete this subtitle file?",
"ButtonRemoteControl": "Remote Control",
"HeaderLatestTvRecordings": "Latest Recordings",
"ButtonOk": "Ok",
"ButtonCancel": "Abbrechen",
"ButtonRefresh": "Refresh",
"LabelCurrentPath": "Current path:",
"HeaderSelectMediaPath": "Select Media Path",
"ButtonNetwork": "Network",
"MessageDirectoryPickerInstruction": "Network paths can be entered manually in the event the Network button fails to locate your devices. For example, {0} or {1}.",
"HeaderMenu": "Menu",
"ButtonOpen": "Open",
"ButtonOpenInNewTab": "Open in new tab",
"ButtonShuffle": "Shuffle",
"ButtonInstantMix": "Instant mix",
"ButtonResume": "Resume",
"HeaderScenes": "Szenen",
"HeaderAudioTracks": "Audio Tracks",
"HeaderSubtitles": "Subtitles",
"HeaderVideoQuality": "Video Quality",
"MessageErrorPlayingVideo": "There was an error playing the video.",
"MessageEnsureOpenTuner": "Please ensure there is an open tuner availalble.",
"ButtonHome": "Home",
"ButtonDashboard": "Dashboard",
"ButtonReports": "Reports",
"ButtonMetadataManager": "Metadata Manager",
"HeaderTime": "Time",
"HeaderName": "Name",
"HeaderAlbum": "Album",
"HeaderAlbumArtist": "Album Artist",
"HeaderArtist": "Artist",
"LabelAddedOnDate": "Added {0}",
"ButtonStart": "Start",
"HeaderChannels": "Kan\u00e4le",
"HeaderMediaFolders": "Medien Ordner",
"HeaderBlockItemsWithNoRating": "Block items with no rating information:",
"OptionBlockOthers": "Others",
"OptionBlockTvShows": "TV Shows",
"OptionBlockTrailers": "Trailers",
"OptionBlockMusic": "Music",
"OptionBlockMovies": "Movies",
"OptionBlockBooks": "Books",
"OptionBlockGames": "Games",
"OptionBlockLiveTvPrograms": "Live TV Programs",
"OptionBlockLiveTvChannels": "Live TV Channels",
"OptionBlockChannelContent": "Internet Channel Content",
"ButtonRevoke": "Revoke",
"MessageConfirmRevokeApiKey": "Are you sure you wish to revoke this api key? The application's connection to Media Browser will be abruptly terminated.",
"HeaderConfirmRevokeApiKey": "Revoke Api Key",
"ValueContainer": "Container: {0}",
"ValueAudioCodec": "Audio Codec: {0}",
"ValueVideoCodec": "Video Codec: {0}",
"ValueCodec": "Codec: {0}",
"ValueConditions": "Conditions: {0}",
"LabelAll": "All",
"HeaderDeleteImage": "Delete Image",
"MessageFileNotFound": "File not found.",
"MessageFileReadError": "An error occurred reading this file.",
"ButtonNextPage": "Next Page",
"ButtonPreviousPage": "Previous Page",
"ButtonMoveLeft": "Move left",
"ButtonMoveRight": "Move right",
"ButtonBrowseOnlineImages": "Browse online images",
"HeaderDeleteItem": "Delete Item",
"ConfirmDeleteItem": "Are you sure you wish to delete this item from your library?",
"MessagePleaseEnterNameOrId": "Please enter a name or an external Id.",
"MessageValueNotCorrect": "The value entered is not correct. Please try again.",
"MessageItemSaved": "Item saved.",
"OptionEnded": "Beendent",
"OptionContinuing": "Fortdauernd",
"OptionOff": "Aus",
"OptionOn": "Ein",
"HeaderFields": "Fields",
"HeaderFieldsHelp": "Slide a field to 'off' to lock it and prevent it's data from being changed.",
"HeaderLiveTV": "Live TV",
"MissingLocalTrailer": "Missing local trailer.",
"MissingPrimaryImage": "Missing primary image.",
"MissingBackdropImage": "Missing backdrop image.",
"MissingLogoImage": "Missing logo image.",
"MissingEpisode": "Missing episode.",
"OptionScreenshots": "Screenshots",
"OptionBackdrops": "Backdrops",
"OptionImages": "Images",
"OptionKeywords": "Keywords",
"OptionTags": "Tags",
"OptionStudios": "Studios",
"OptionName": "Name",
"OptionOverview": "Overview",
"OptionGenres": "Genres",
"OptionParentalRating": "Altersfreigabe",
"OptionPeople": "People",
"OptionRuntime": "Dauer",
"OptionProductionLocations": "Production Locations",
"OptionBirthLocation": "Birth Location",
"LabelAllChannels": "Alle Channel",
"LabelLiveProgram": "LIVE",
"LabelNewProgram": "NEW",
"LabelPremiereProgram": "PREMIERE",
"LabelHDProgram": "HD",
"HeaderChangeFolderType": "Change Folder Type",
"HeaderChangeFolderTypeHelp": "To change the folder type, please remove and rebuild the collection with the new type.",
"HeaderAlert": "Alert",
"MessagePleaseRestart": "Please restart to finish updating.",
"ButtonRestart": "Neu starten",
"MessagePleaseRefreshPage": "Please refresh this page to receive new updates from the server.",
"ButtonHide": "Hide",
"MessageSettingsSaved": "Settings saved.",
"ButtonSignOut": "Sign Out",
"ButtonMyProfile": "My Profile",
"ButtonMyPreferences": "My Preferences",
"MessageBrowserDoesNotSupportWebSockets": "This browser does not support web sockets. For a better experience, try a newer browser such as Chrome, Firefox, IE10+, Safari (iOS) or Opera.",
"LabelInstallingPackage": "Installing {0}",
"LabelPackageInstallCompleted": "{0} installation completed.",
"LabelPackageInstallFailed": "{0} installation failed.",
"LabelPackageInstallCancelled": "{0} installation cancelled.",
"TabServer": "Server",
"TabUsers": "Users",
"TabLibrary": "Library",
"TabMetadata": "Metadata",
"TabDLNA": "DLNA",
"TabLiveTV": "Live TV",
"TabAutoOrganize": "Auto-Organize",
"TabPlugins": "Plugins",
"TabAdvanced": "Erweitert",
"TabHelp": "Help",
"TabScheduledTasks": "Scheduled Tasks",
"ButtonFullscreen": "Fullscreen",
"ButtonAudioTracks": "Audio Tracks",
"ButtonSubtitles": "Untertitel",
"ButtonScenes": "Szenen",
"ButtonQuality": "Quality",
"HeaderNotifications": "Notifications",
"HeaderSelectPlayer": "Select Player:",
"ButtonSelect": "Ausw\u00e4hlen",
"ButtonNew": "Neu",
"MessageInternetExplorerWebm": "For best results with Internet Explorer please install the WebM playback plugin.",
"HeaderVideoError": "Video Error",
"ButtonAddToPlaylist": "Add to playlist",
"HeaderAddToPlaylist": "Add to Playlist",
"LabelName": "Name:",
"ButtonSubmit": "Submit",
"LabelSelectPlaylist": "Playlist:",
"OptionNewPlaylist": "New playlist...",
"MessageAddedToPlaylistSuccess": "Ok",
"ButtonViewSeriesRecording": "View series recording",
"ValueOriginalAirDate": "Original air date: {0}"
} |