jfa-go is a user management app for [Jellyfin](https://github.com/jellyfin/jellyfin) (and now [Emby](https://emby.media/)) that provides invite-based account creation as well as other features that make one's instance much easier to manage.
* 🧑 Invite based account creation: Sends invites to your friends or family, and let them choose their own username and password without relying on you.
* Send invites via a link and/or email
* Granular control over invites: Validity period as well as number of uses can be specified.
* Account profiles: Assign settings profiles to invites so new users have your predefined permissions, homescreen layout, etc. applied to their account on creation.
* 🔗 Ombi Integration: Automatically creates Ombi accounts for new users using their email address and login details, and your own defined set of permissions.
* Account management: Apply settings to your users individually or en masse, and delete users, optionally sending them an email notification with a reason.
* 🔑 Password resets: When users forget their passwords and request a change in Jellyfin, jfa-go reads the PIN from the created file and sends it straight to the user via email/telegram.
`TrayIcon` builds include a tray icon to start/stop/restart, and an option to automatically start when you log-in to your computer. For Linux users, these builds depend on the `libappindicator3-1`/`libappindicator-gtk3`/`libappindicator` package for Debian/Ubuntu, Fedora, and Alpine respectively.
Available on the AUR as [jfa-go](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/jfa-go/), [jfa-go-bin](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/jfa-go) or [jfa-go-git](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/jfa-go-git/).
For other platforms, grab an archive from the release section for your platform (or nightly builds [here](https://builds.hrfee.dev/view/hrfee/jfa-go)), and extract the `jfa-go` executable to somewhere useful.
* For \*nix/macOS users, `chmod +x jfa-go` then place it somewhere in your PATH like `/usr/bin`.
Simply run `jfa-go` to start the application. A setup wizard will start on `localhost:8056` (or your own specified address). Upon completion, refresh the page.
jfa-go does not run as a daemon by default. Run `jfa-go systemd` to create a systemd `.service` file in your current directory, which you can copy into `~/.config/systemd/user` or somewhere else.