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"meta": {
"name": "简体中文(CN)"
"strings": {
"ifItWasNotYou": "如果这不是您,请忽略本邮件。",
"helloUser": "你好{username}",
"reason": "原因"
"userCreated": {
"name": "创建用户",
"title": "注意:用户已创建",
"aUserWasCreated": "使用代码{code}创建了一个用户。",
"time": "时间",
"notificationNotice": "注意:通知邮件可以在管理仪表板上进行切换。"
"inviteExpiry": {
"name": "邀请到期",
"title": "注意:邀请已过期",
"inviteExpired": "邀请已过期。",
"expiredAt": "代码 {code} 已于 {time} 过期。",
"notificationNotice": "注意:通知邮件可以在管理仪表板上进行切换。"
"passwordReset": {
"name": "重设密码",
"title": "要求重设密码 - Jellyfin",
"someoneHasRequestedReset": "最近在Jellyfin上有一个重设密码的请求。",
"ifItWasYou": "如果这是您请在提示中输入下面的PIN。",
"ifItWasYouLink": "如果这是您,请单击下面的链接。",
"codeExpiry": "该代码将在UTC时间{日期} {时间}到期,也就是{expires In Minutes}。",
"pin": "PIN"
"userDeleted": {
"name": "删除用户",
"title": "您的账户已被删除 - Jellyfin",
"yourAccountWasDeleted": "您的 Jellyfin 帐户已被删除。"
"userDisabled": {
"name": "用户禁用",
"title": "您的帐户已被禁用 - Jellyfin",
"yourAccountWasDisabled": "您的帐户已被禁用。"
"userEnabled": {
"name": "用户已启用",
"title": "您的帐户已重新启用 - Jellyfin",
"yourAccountWasEnabled": "您的帐户已重新启用。"
"inviteEmail": {
"name": "邀请邮件",
"title": "邀请 - Jellyfin",
"hello": "您好",
"youHaveBeenInvited": "您已受邀注册 Jellyfin。",
"toJoin": "若要加入,请点击以下链接。",
"inviteExpiry": "此邀请将于 {date} 的 {time} 到期,即 {expires In Minutes},因此请迅速行动。",
"linkButton": "设置您的帐户"
"welcomeEmail": {
"name": "欢迎",
"title": "欢迎使用Jellyfin",
"welcome": "欢迎使用Jellyfin",
"youCanLoginWith": "您可以使用以下信息登录",
"yourAccountWillExpire": "您的帐户将于 {date}到期。",
"jellyfinURL": "链接"
"emailConfirmation": {
"name": "确认邮件",
"title": "确认您的电子邮件 - Jellyfin",
"clickBelow": "单击下面的链接以确认您的电子邮件地址并开始使用 Jellyfin。",
"confirmEmail": "确认电子邮件"
"userExpired": {
"name": "用户到期",
"title": "您的帐户已过期 - Jellyfin",
"yourAccountHasExpired": "您的帐户已过期。",
"contactTheAdmin": "请联系管理员了解更多信息。"