package main
import (
func ( app * appContext ) loadArgs ( firstCall bool ) {
if firstCall {
flag . Usage = helpFunc
help := flag . Bool ( "help" , false , "prints this message." )
flag . BoolVar ( help , "h" , false , "SHORTHAND" )
DATA = flag . String ( "data" , app . dataPath , "alternate path to data directory." )
flag . StringVar ( DATA , "d" , app . dataPath , "SHORTHAND" )
CONFIG = flag . String ( "config" , app . configPath , "alternate path to config file." )
flag . StringVar ( CONFIG , "c" , app . configPath , "SHORTHAND" )
HOST = flag . String ( "host" , "" , "alternate address to host web ui on." )
PORT = flag . Int ( "port" , 0 , "alternate port to host web ui on." )
flag . IntVar ( PORT , "p" , 0 , "SHORTHAND" )
DEBUG = flag . Bool ( "debug" , false , "Enables debug logging." )
PPROF = flag . Bool ( "pprof" , false , "Exposes pprof profiler on /debug/pprof." )
SWAGGER = flag . Bool ( "swagger" , false , "Enable swagger at /swagger/index.html" )
flag . Parse ( )
if * help {
flag . Usage ( )
os . Exit ( 0 )
if * SWAGGER {
os . Setenv ( "SWAGGER" , "1" )
if * DEBUG {
os . Setenv ( "DEBUG" , "1" )
if * PPROF {
os . Setenv ( "PPROF" , "1" )
if os . Getenv ( "SWAGGER" ) == "1" {
* SWAGGER = true
if os . Getenv ( "DEBUG" ) == "1" {
* DEBUG = true
if os . Getenv ( "PPROF" ) == "1" {
* PPROF = true
// attempt to apply command line flags correctly
if app . configPath == * CONFIG && app . dataPath != * DATA {
app . dataPath = * DATA
app . configPath = filepath . Join ( app . dataPath , "config.ini" )
} else if app . configPath != * CONFIG && app . dataPath == * DATA {
app . configPath = * CONFIG
} else {
app . configPath = * CONFIG
app . dataPath = * DATA
// Previously used for self-restarts but leaving them here as they might be useful.
if v := os . Getenv ( "JFA_CONFIGPATH" ) ; v != "" {
app . configPath = v
if v := os . Getenv ( "JFA_DATAPATH" ) ; v != "" {
app . dataPath = v
os . Setenv ( "JFA_CONFIGPATH" , app . configPath )
os . Setenv ( "JFA_DATAPATH" , app . dataPath )
/ *
Adds start / stop / systemd to help message , and
also gets rid of usage for shorthand flags , and merge them with the full - length one .
implementation is 🤢 , will clean this up eventually .
- help
prints this message .
becomes :
- help , - h
prints this message .
* /
func helpFunc ( ) {
fmt . Fprint ( stderr , ` Usage of jfa - go :
start jfa - go as a daemon and run in the background .
stop a daemonized instance of jfa - go .
generate a systemd . service file .
` )
shortHands := [ ] string { "-help" , "-data" , "-config" , "-port" }
var b bytes . Buffer
// Write defaults into buffer then remove any shorthands
flag . CommandLine . SetOutput ( & b )
flag . PrintDefaults ( )
flag . CommandLine . SetOutput ( stderr )
scanner := bufio . NewScanner ( & b )
out := ""
line := scanner . Text ( )
eof := ! scanner . Scan ( )
lastLine := false
for ! eof || lastLine {
nextline := scanner . Text ( )
start := 0
if len ( nextline ) != 0 {
for nextline [ start ] == ' ' && start < len ( nextline ) {
start ++
if strings . Contains ( line , "SHORTHAND" ) || ( len ( nextline ) != 0 && strings . Contains ( nextline , "SHORTHAND" ) && nextline [ start ] != '-' ) {
line = nextline
if lastLine {
eof := ! scanner . Scan ( )
if eof {
lastLine = true
// if !strings.Contains(line, "SHORTHAND") && !(strings.Contains(nextline, "SHORTHAND") && !strings.Contains(nextline, "-")) {
match := false
for i , c := range line {
if c != '-' {
for _ , s := range shortHands {
if i + len ( s ) <= len ( line ) && line [ i : i + len ( s ) ] == s {
out += line [ : i + len ( s ) ] + ", " + s [ : 2 ] + line [ i + len ( s ) : ] + "\n"
match = true
if ! match {
out += line + "\n"
line = nextline
if lastLine {
eof := ! scanner . Scan ( )
if eof {
lastLine = true
fmt . Fprint ( stderr , out )