import subprocess
import shutil
import os
import argparse
from pathlib import Path
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
"-y", "--yes", help="use assumed node bin directory.", action="store_true"
def runcmd(cmd):
if os.name == "nt":
return subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell=True)
proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd.split(), stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
return proc.communicate()
local_path = Path(__file__).resolve().parent
out = runcmd("npm bin")
node_bin = Path(out[0].decode("utf-8").rstrip())
node_bin = Path(out.decode("utf-8").rstrip())
args = parser.parse_args()
if not args.yes:
print(f'assuming npm bin directory "{node_bin}". Is this correct?')
if input("[yY/nN]: ").lower() == "n":
node_bin = local_path.parent / "node_modules" / ".bin"
print(f'this? "{node_bin}"')
if input("[yY/nN]: ").lower() == "n":
node_bin = input("input bin directory: ")
for mjml in [f for f in local_path.iterdir() if f.is_file() and "mjml" in f.suffix]:
print(f"Compiling {mjml.name}")
fname = mjml.with_suffix(".html")
runcmd(f'{str(node_bin / "mjml")} {str(mjml)} -o {str(fname)}')
if fname.is_file():
html = [f for f in local_path.iterdir() if f.is_file() and "html" in f.suffix]
output = local_path.parent / "data"
for f in html:
shutil.copy(str(f), str(output / f.name))
print(f"Copied {f.name} to {str(output / f.name)}")
txtfile = f.with_suffix(".txt")
if txtfile.is_file():
shutil.copy(str(txtfile), str(output / txtfile.name))
print(f"Copied {txtfile.name} to {str(output / txtfile.name)}")
f"Warning: {txtfile.name} does not exist. Text versions of emails should be supplied."