interface valWindow extends Window {
validationStrings : pwValStrings ;
invalidPassword : string ;
messages : { [ key : string ] : string } ;
interface pwValString {
singular : string ;
plural : string ;
interface pwValStrings {
length : pwValString ;
uppercase : pwValString ;
lowercase : pwValString ;
number : pwValString ;
special : pwValString ;
[ type : string ] : pwValString ;
declare var window : valWindow ;
class Requirement {
private _name : string ;
protected _minCount : number ;
private _content : HTMLSpanElement ;
private _valid : HTMLSpanElement ;
private _li : HTMLLIElement ;
get valid ( ) : boolean { return this . _valid . classList . contains ( "~positive" ) ; }
set valid ( state : boolean ) {
if ( state ) {
this . _valid . classList . add ( "~positive" ) ;
this . _valid . classList . remove ( "~critical" ) ;
this . _valid . innerHTML = ` <i class="icon ri-check-line" title="valid"></i> ` ;
} else {
this . _valid . classList . add ( "~critical" ) ;
this . _valid . classList . remove ( "~positive" ) ;
this . _valid . innerHTML = ` <i class="icon ri-close-line" title="invalid"></i> ` ;
constructor ( name : string , el : HTMLLIElement ) {
this . _name = name ;
this . _li = el ;
this . _content = this . _li . querySelector ( "span.requirement-content" ) as HTMLSpanElement ;
this . _valid = this . _li . querySelector ( "span.requirement-valid" ) as HTMLSpanElement ;
this . valid = false ;
this . _minCount = + this . _li . getAttribute ( "min" ) ;
let text = "" ;
if ( this . _minCount == 1 ) {
text = window . validationStrings [ this . _name ] . singular . replace ( "{n}" , "1" ) ;
} else {
text = window . validationStrings [ this . _name ] . plural . replace ( "{n}" , "" + this . _minCount ) ;
this . _content . textContent = text ;
validate = ( count : number ) = > { this . valid = ( count >= this . _minCount ) ; }
export function initValidator ( passwordField : HTMLInputElement , rePasswordField : HTMLInputElement , submitButton : HTMLInputElement , submitSpan : HTMLSpanElement , validatorFunc ? : ( oncomplete : ( valid : boolean ) = > void ) = > void ) : ( { [ category : string ] : Requirement } | ( ( ) = > void ) ) [ ] {
var defaultPwValStrings : pwValStrings = {
length : {
singular : "Must have at least {n} character" ,
plural : "Must have at least {n} characters"
} ,
uppercase : {
singular : "Must have at least {n} uppercase character" ,
plural : "Must have at least {n} uppercase characters"
} ,
lowercase : {
singular : "Must have at least {n} lowercase character" ,
plural : "Must have at least {n} lowercase characters"
} ,
number : {
singular : "Must have at least {n} number" ,
plural : "Must have at least {n} numbers"
} ,
special : {
singular : "Must have at least {n} special character" ,
plural : "Must have at least {n} special characters"
const checkPasswords = ( ) = > {
return passwordField . value == rePasswordField . value ;
const checkValidity = ( ) = > {
const pw = checkPasswords ( ) ;
validatorFunc ( ( valid : boolean ) = > {
if ( pw && valid ) {
rePasswordField . setCustomValidity ( "" ) ;
submitButton . disabled = false ;
submitSpan . removeAttribute ( "disabled" ) ;
} else if ( ! pw ) {
rePasswordField . setCustomValidity ( window . invalidPassword ) ;
submitButton . disabled = true ;
submitSpan . setAttribute ( "disabled" , "" ) ;
} else {
rePasswordField . setCustomValidity ( "" ) ;
submitButton . disabled = true ;
submitSpan . setAttribute ( "disabled" , "" ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
rePasswordField . addEventListener ( "keyup" , checkValidity ) ;
passwordField . addEventListener ( "keyup" , checkValidity ) ;
// Incredible code right here
const isInt = ( s : string ) : boolean = > { return ( s in [ "0" , "1" , "2" , "3" , "4" , "5" , "6" , "7" , "8" , "9" ] ) ; }
const testStrings = ( f : pwValString ) : boolean = > {
const testString = ( s : string ) : boolean = > {
if ( s == "" || ! s . includes ( "{n}" ) ) { return false ; }
return true ;
return testString ( f . singular ) && testString ( f . plural ) ;
interface Validation { [ name : string ] : number }
const validate = ( s : string ) : Validation = > {
let v : Validation = { } ;
for ( let criteria of [ "length" , "lowercase" , "uppercase" , "number" , "special" ] ) { v [ criteria ] = 0 ; }
v [ "length" ] = s . length ;
for ( let c of s ) {
if ( isInt ( c ) ) { v [ "number" ] ++ ; }
else {
const upper = c . toUpperCase ( ) ;
if ( upper == c . toLowerCase ( ) ) { v [ "special" ] ++ ; }
else {
if ( upper == c ) { v [ "uppercase" ] ++ ; }
else if ( upper != c ) { v [ "lowercase" ] ++ ; }
return v
passwordField . addEventListener ( "keyup" , ( ) = > {
const v = validate ( passwordField . value ) ;
for ( let criteria in requirements ) {
requirements [ criteria ] . validate ( v [ criteria ] ) ;
} ) ;
var requirements : { [ category : string ] : Requirement } = { } ;
if ( ! window . validationStrings ) {
window . validationStrings = defaultPwValStrings ;
} else {
for ( let category in window . validationStrings ) {
if ( ! testStrings ( window . validationStrings [ category ] ) ) {
window . validationStrings [ category ] = defaultPwValStrings [ category ] ;
const el = document . getElementById ( "requirement-" + category ) ;
if ( el ) {
requirements [ category ] = new Requirement ( category , el as HTMLLIElement ) ;
return [ requirements , checkValidity ]