@ -1,5 +1,12 @@
package logmessages
/* Log strings for (almost) all the program.
* Helps avoid writing redundant, slightly different
* strings constantly.
* Also would help if I were to ever set up translation
* for logs. Mostly split by file, but obviously there's
* re-use, and occasionally related stuff is grouped.
const (
Jellyseerr = "Jellyseerr"
Jellyfin = "Jellyfin"
@ -12,16 +19,20 @@ const (
// main.go
FailedLogging = "Failed to start log wrapper: %v\n"
NoConfig = "Couldn't find default config file"
Write = "Wrote to \"%s\""
FailedWriting = "Failed to write to \"%s\": %v"
FailedReading = "Failed to read from \"%s\": %v"
FailedOpen = "Failed to open \"%s\": %v"
NoConfig = "Couldn't find default config file"
Write = "Wrote to \"%s\""
FailedWriting = "Failed to write to \"%s\": %v"
FailedCreateDir = "Failed to create directory \"%s\": %v"
FailedReading = "Failed to read from \"%s\": %v"
FailedOpen = "Failed to open \"%s\": %v"
FailedStat = "Failed to stat \"%s\": %v"
PathNotFound = "Path \"%s\" not found"
CopyConfig = "Copied default configuration to \"%s\""
FailedCopyConfig = "Failed to copy default configuration to \"%s\": %v"
LoadConfig = "Loaded config file \"%s\""
FailedLoadConfig = "Failed to load config file \"%s\": %v"
ModifyConfig = "Config saved to \"%s\""
SocketPath = "Socket Path: \"%s\""
FailedSocketConnect = "Couldn't establish socket connection at \"%s\": %v"
@ -65,10 +76,12 @@ const (
Serving = "Loaded @ \"%s\""
QuitReceived = "Restart/Quit signal received, please be patient."
Quitting = "Shutting down..."
Quit = "Server shut down."
FailedQuit = "Server shutdown failed: %v"
QuitReceived = "Restart/Quit signal received, please be patient."
Quitting = "Shutting down..."
Restarting = "Restarting..."
FailedHardRestartWindows = "hard restarts not available on windows"
Quit = "Server shut down."
FailedQuit = "Server shutdown failed: %v"
// api-activities.go
FailedDBReadActivities = "Failed to read activities from DB: %v"
@ -79,11 +92,12 @@ const (
FailedGetUpload = "Failed to retrieve file from form data: %v"
// api-invites.go
DeleteOldInvite = "Deleting old invite \"%s\""
DeleteInvite = "Deleting invite \"%s\""
FailedDeleteInvite = "Failed to delete invite \"%s\": %v"
GenerateInvite = "Generating new invite"
InvalidInviteCode = "Invalid invite code \"%s\""
DeleteOldInvite = "Deleting old invite \"%s\""
DeleteInvite = "Deleting invite \"%s\""
FailedDeleteInvite = "Failed to delete invite \"%s\": %v"
GenerateInvite = "Generating new invite"
FailedGenerateInvite = "Failed to generate new invite: %v"
InvalidInviteCode = "Invalid invite code \"%s\""
FailedSendToTooltipNoUser = "Failed: \"%s\" not found"
FailedSendToTooltipMultiUser = "Failed: \"%s\" linked to multiple users"
@ -94,22 +108,25 @@ const (
SetAdminNotify = "Set \"%s\" to %t for admin address \"%s\""
// api-jellyseerr.go
// *jellyseerr*.go
FailedGetUsers = "Failed to get user(s) from %s: %v"
// FIXME: Once done, look back at uses of FailedGetUsers for places where this would make more sense.
FailedGetUser = "Failed to get user \"%s\" from %s: %v"
FailedGetJellyseerrNotificationPrefs = "Failed to get user's notification prefs from " + Jellyseerr + ": %v"
FailedGetJellyseerrNotificationPrefs = "Failed to get user \"%s\"'s notification prefs from " + Jellyseerr + ": %v"
FailedSyncContactMethods = "Failed to sync contact methods with %s: %v"
ImportJellyseerrUser = "Triggered import for " + Jellyseerr + " user \"%s\" (New ID: %d)"
FailedMustGetJellyseerrUser = "Failed to get or trigger import for " + Jellyseerr + " user \"%s\": %v"
// api-messages.go
FailedGetCustomMessage = "Failed to get custom message \"%s\""
SetContactPrefForService = "Set contact preference for %s (\"%s\"): %t"
// Matrix
InvalidPIN = "Invalid PIN \"%s\""
UnauthorizedPIN = "Unauthorized PIN \"%s\""
FailedCreateRoom = "Failed to create room: %v"
FailedGenerateToken = "Failed to generate token: %v"
InvalidPIN = "Invalid PIN \"%s\""
ExpiredPIN = "Expired PIN \"%s\""
InvalidPassword = "Invalid Password"
UnauthorizedPIN = "Unauthorized PIN \"%s\""
FailedCreateRoom = "Failed to create room: %v"
// api-profiles.go
SetDefaultProfile = "Setting default profile to \"%s\""
@ -123,6 +140,7 @@ const (
FailedGetJellyfinDisplayPrefs = "Failed to get DisplayPreferences for user \"%s\" from " + Jellyfin + ": %v"
ProfileNoHomescreen = "No homescreen template in profile \"%s\""
Profile = "profile"
Lang = "language"
User = "user"
ApplyingTemplatesFrom = "Applying templates from %s: \"%s\" to %d users"
DelayingRequests = "Delay will be added between requests (count = %d)"
@ -153,7 +171,7 @@ const (
FailedSetEmailAddress = "Failed to set email address for %s user \"%s\": %v"
AdditionalOmbiErrors = "Additional errors from " + Ombi + ": %v"
AdditionalErrors = "Additional errors from %s: %v"
IncorrectCaptcha = "captcha incorrect"
@ -162,14 +180,148 @@ const (
UserEmailAdjusted = "Email for user \"%s\" adjusted"
UserAdminAdjusted = "Admin state for user \"%s\" set to %t"
UserLabelAdjusted = "Label for user \"%s\" set to \"%s\""
// api.go
ApplyUpdate = "Applied update"
FailedApplyUpdate = "Failed to apply update: %v"
UpdateManual = "update is manual"
// backups.go
DeleteOldBackup = "Deleted old backup \"%s\""
FailedDeleteOldBackup = "Failed to delete old backup \"%s\": %v"
CreateBackup = "Created database backup \"%+v\""
FailedCreateBackup = "Faled to create database backup: %v"
MoveOldDB = "Moved existing database to \"%s\""
FailedMoveOldDB = "Failed to move existing database to \"%s\": %v"
RestoreDB = "Restored database from \"%s\""
FailedRestoreDB = "Failed to resotre database from \"%s\": %v"
// config.go
EnableAllPWRMethods = "No PWR method preferences set in [user_page], all will be enabled"
InitProxy = "Initialized proxy @ \"%s\""
FailedInitProxy = "Failed to initialize proxy @ \"%s\": %v\nStartup will pause for a bit to grab your attention."
// discord.go
StartDaemon = "Started %s daemon"
FailedStartDaemon = "Failed to start %s daemon: %v"
FailedGetDiscordGuildMembers = "Failed to get " + Discord + " guild members: %v"
FailedGetDiscordGuild = "Failed to get " + Discord + " guild: %v"
FailedGetDiscordRoles = "Failed to get " + Discord + " roles: %v"
FailedCreateDiscordInviteChannel = "Failed to create " + Discord + " invite channel: %v"
InviteChannelEmpty = "no invite channel set in settings"
FailedGetDiscordChannels = "Failed to get " + Discord + " channel(s): %v"
FailedGetDiscordChannel = "Failed to get " + Discord + " channel \"%s\": %v"
MonitorAllDiscordChannels = "Will monitor all " + Discord + " channels"
FailedCreateDiscordDMChannel = "Failed to create " + Discord + " private DM channel with \"%s\": %v"
NotFound = "not found"
RegisterDiscordChoice = "Registered " + Discord + " %s choice \"%s\""
FailedRegisterDiscordChoices = "Failed to register " + Discord + " %s choices: %v"
FailedDeregDiscordChoice = "Failed to deregister " + Discord + " %s choice \"%s\": %v"
RegisterDiscordCommand = "Registered " + Discord + " command \"%s\""
FailedRegisterDiscordCommand = "Failed to register " + Discord + " command \"%s\": %v"
FailedGetDiscordCommands = "Failed to get " + Discord + " commands: %v"
FailedDeregDiscordCommand = "Failed to deregister " + Discord + " command \"%s\": %v"
FailedReply = "Failed to reply to %s message from \"%s\": %v"
FailedMessage = "Failed to send %s message to \"%s\": %v"
IgnoreOutOfChannelMessage = "Ignoring out-of-channel %s message"
FailedGenerateDiscordInvite = "Failed to generate " + Discord + " invite: %v"
// email.go
FailedInitSMTP = "Failed to initialize SMTP mailer: %v"
FailedGeneratePWRLink = "Failed to generate PWR link: %v"
// housekeeping-d.go
hk = "Housekeeping: "
hkcu = hk + "cleaning up "
HousekeepingEmail = hkcu + Email + " addresses"
HousekeepingDiscord = hkcu + Discord + " IDs"
HousekeepingTelegram = hkcu + Telegram + " IDs"
HousekeepingMatrix = hkcu + Matrix + " IDs"
HousekeepingCaptcha = hkcu + "PWR Captchas"
HousekeepingActivity = hkcu + "Activity log"
HousekeepingInvites = hkcu + "Invites"
ActivityLogTxnTooBig = hk + "Activity log delete transaction was too big, going one-by-one"
// matrix*.go
FailedSyncMatrix = "Failed to sync " + Matrix + " daemon: %v"
FailedCreateMatrixRoom = "Failed to create " + Matrix + " room with user \"%s\": %v"
MatrixOLMLog = "Matrix/OLM: %v"
MatrixOLMTraceLog = "Matrix/OLM [TRACE]:"
FailedDecryptMatrixMessage = "Failed to decrypt " + Matrix + " E2EE'd message: %v"
FailedEnableMatrixEncryption = "Failed to enable encryption in " + Matrix + " room \"%s\": %v"
// NOTE: "migrations.go" is the one file where log messages are not part of logmessages/logmessages.go.
// pwreset.go
PWRExpired = "PWR for user \"%s\" already expired @ %s, check system time!"
// router.go
UseDefaultHTML = "Using default HTML \"%s\""
UseCustomHTML = "Using custom HTML \"%s\""
FailedLoadTemplates = "Failed to load %s templates: %v"
Internal = "internal"
External = "external"
RegisterPprof = "Registered pprof"
SwaggerWarning = "Warning: Swagger should not be used on a public instance."
// storage.go
ConnectDB = "Connected to DB \"%s\""
FailedConnectDB = "Failed to open/connect to database \"%s\": %v"
// updater.go
NoUpdate = "No new updates available"
FoundUpdate = "Found update"
FailedGetUpdateTag = "Failed to get latest tag: %v"
FailedGetUpdate = "Failed to get update: %v"
UpdateTagDetails = "Update/Tag details: %+v"
// user-auth.go
UserPage = "userpage"
UserPageRequiresJellyfinAuth = "Jellyfin login must be enabled for user page access."
// user-d.go
CheckUserExpiries = "Checking for user expiry"
DeleteExpiryForOldUser = "Deleting expiry for old user \"%s\""
DeleteExpiredUser = "Deleting expired user \"%s\""
DisableExpiredUser = "Disabling expired user \"%s\""
FailedDeleteOrDisableExpiredUser = "Failed to delete/disable expired user \"%s\": %v"
// views.go
FailedServerPush = "Failed to use HTTP/2 Server Push: %v"
IgnoreBotPWR = "Ignore PWR magic link visit from bot"
FailedGenerateCaptcha = "Failed to generate captcha: %v"
CaptchaNotFound = "Captcha \"%s\" not found in invite \"%s\""
FailedVerifyReCAPTCHA = "Failed to verify reCAPTCHA: %v"
InvalidHostname = "invalid hostname (wanted \"%s\", got \"%s\")"
const (
FailedGetCookies = "Failed to get cookie(s) \"%s\": %v"
FailedParseJWT = "Failed to parse JWT: %v"
FailedCastJWT = "JWT claims unreadable"
InvalidJWT = "JWT was invalidated, of incorrect type or has expired"
FailedSignJWT = "Failed to sign JWT: %v"
FailedGetCookies = "Failed to get cookie(s) \"%s\": %v"
FailedParseJWT = "Failed to parse JWT: %v"
FailedCastJWT = "JWT claims unreadable"
InvalidJWT = "JWT was invalidated, of incorrect type or has expired"
LocallyInvalidatedJWT = "JWT is listed as invalidated"
FailedSignJWT = "Failed to sign JWT: %v"
RequestingToken = "Token requested (%s)"
TokenLoginAttempt = "login attempt"
TokenRefresh = "refresh token"
UserTokenLoginAttempt = UserPage + " " + TokenLoginAttempt
UserTokenRefresh = UserPage + " " + TokenRefresh
GenerateToken = "Token generated for user \"%s\""
FailedGenerateToken = "Failed to generate token: %v"
FailedAuthRequest = "Failed to authorize request: %v"
InvalidAuthHeader = "invalid auth header"
NonAdminToken = "token not for admin use"
NonAdminUser = "user \"%s\" not admin"
InvalidUserOrPass = "invalid user/pass"
EmptyUserOrPass = "invalid user/pass"
UserDisabled = "user is disabled"
const (
@ -209,6 +361,10 @@ const (
FailedSendExpiryAdjustmentMessage = "Failed to send expiry adjustment message for \"%s\" to \"%s\": %v"
SentExpiryAdjustmentMessage = "Sent expiry adjustment message for \"%s\" to \"%s\""
FailedConstructExpiryMessage = "Failed to construct expiry message for \"%s\": %v"
FailedSendExpiryMessage = "Failed to send expiry message for \"%s\" to \"%s\": %v"
SentExpiryMessage = "Sent expiry message for \"%s\" to \"%s\""
FailedConstructAnnouncementMessage = "Failed to construct announcement message for \"%s\": %v"
FailedSendAnnouncementMessage = "Failed to send announcement message for \"%s\" to \"%s\": %v"
SentAnnouncementMessage = "Sent announcement message for \"%s\" to \"%s\""