expiry: add option to delete after n days

Much like activities, you can have an expired account disabled, then
deleted after n days (unless the admin intervenes and re-enables the

For #341.
Harvey Tindall 7 months ago
parent 3c3297c8e7
commit 86c37fb423
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: BBC65952848FB1A2

@ -1797,6 +1797,15 @@
"value": "disable_user",
"description": "Whether to delete or disable users on expiry."
"delete_expired_after_days": {
"name": "Delete expired accounts after (days)",
"required": false,
"requires_restart": false,
"type": "number",
"value": 0,
"depends_true": "behaviour",
"description": "When set, user accounts will be deleted this many days after expiring (if \"Behaviour\" is \"Disable user\"). Set to 0 to disable."
"send_email": {
"name": "Send email",
"required": false,

@ -63,8 +63,9 @@ type Activity struct {
type UserExpiry struct {
JellyfinID string `badgerhold:"key"`
Expiry time.Time
JellyfinID string `badgerhold:"key"`
Expiry time.Time
DeleteAfterPeriod bool // Whether or not to further disable the user later on
type DebugLogAction int

@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ func (app *appContext) checkUsers() {
if len(app.storage.GetUserExpiries()) == 0 {
users, status, err := app.jf.GetUsers(false)
if err != nil || status != 200 {
@ -29,87 +30,93 @@ func (app *appContext) checkUsers() {
mode := "disable"
phrase := lm.DisableExpiredUser
if app.config.Section("user_expiry").Key("behaviour").MustString("disable_user") == "delete_user" {
mode = "delete"
phrase = lm.DeleteExpiredUser
deleteAfterPeriod := app.config.Section("user_expiry").Key("delete_expired_after_days").MustInt(0)
if mode == "delete" {
deleteAfterPeriod = 0
contact := false
if messagesEnabled && app.config.Section("user_expiry").Key("send_email").MustBool(true) {
contact = true
// Use a map to speed up checking for deleted users later
userExists := map[string]bool{}
userExists := map[string]mediabrowser.User{}
for _, user := range users {
userExists[user.ID] = true
userExists[user.ID] = user
for _, expiry := range app.storage.GetUserExpiries() {
id := expiry.JellyfinID
if _, ok := userExists[id]; !ok {
user, ok := userExists[id]
if !ok {
app.info.Printf(lm.DeleteExpiryForOldUser, id)
} else if time.Now().After(expiry.Expiry) {
found := false
var user mediabrowser.User
for _, u := range users {
if u.ID == id {
found = true
user = u
if !found {
app.info.Printf(phrase, user.Name)
if !time.Now().After(expiry.Expiry) {
deleteUserLater := deleteAfterPeriod != 0 && expiry.DeleteAfterPeriod
// Record activity
activity := Activity{
UserID: id,
SourceType: ActivityDaemon,
Time: time.Now(),
// Record activity
activity := Activity{
UserID: id,
SourceType: ActivityDaemon,
Time: time.Now(),
if mode == "delete" {
deleted := false
err, deleted = app.DeleteUser(user)
// Silence unimportant errors
if deleted {
err = nil
activity.Type = ActivityDeletion
// Store the user name, since there's no longer a user ID to reference back to
activity.Value = user.Name
} else if mode == "disable" {
// Admins can't be disabled
// so they're not an admin anymore, sorry
user.Policy.IsAdministrator = false
err, _, _ = app.SetUserDisabled(user, true)
activity.Type = ActivityDisabled
if !(status == 200 || status == 204) || err != nil {
app.err.Printf(lm.FailedDeleteOrDisableExpiredUser, user.ID, err)
deleteUserNow := deleteUserLater && time.Now().After(expiry.Expiry.AddDate(0, 0, deleteAfterPeriod))
if mode == "delete" || deleteUserNow {
app.info.Printf(lm.DeleteExpiredUser, user.Name)
deleted := false
err, deleted = app.DeleteUser(user)
// Silence unimportant errors
if deleted {
err = nil
activity.Type = ActivityDeletion
// Store the user name, since there's no longer a user ID to reference back to
activity.Value = user.Name
} else if mode == "disable" && !deleteUserLater {
app.info.Printf(lm.DisableExpiredUser, user.Name)
// Admins can't be disabled
// so they're not an admin anymore, sorry
user.Policy.IsAdministrator = false
err, _, _ = app.SetUserDisabled(user, true)
activity.Type = ActivityDisabled
if !(status == 200 || status == 204) || err != nil {
app.err.Printf(lm.FailedDeleteOrDisableExpiredUser, user.ID, err)
app.storage.SetActivityKey(shortuuid.New(), activity, nil, false)
app.storage.SetActivityKey(shortuuid.New(), activity, nil, false)
app.jf.CacheExpiry = time.Now()
if contact {
if !ok {
name := app.getAddressOrName(user.ID)
msg, err := app.email.constructUserExpired(app, false)
if err != nil {
app.err.Printf(lm.FailedConstructExpiryMessage, user.ID, err)
} else if err := app.sendByID(msg, user.ID); err != nil {
app.err.Printf(lm.FailedConstructExpiryMessage, user.ID, name, err)
} else {
app.err.Printf(lm.SentExpiryMessage, user.ID, name)
// If the we're not gonna be deleting the user later, we don't need this.
// also, if the admin re-enabled the user, we should get rid of the countdown.
if deleteAfterPeriod <= 0 || mode == "delete" || deleteUserNow || (deleteUserLater && !user.Policy.IsDisabled) {
} else if deleteAfterPeriod > 0 && !deleteUserLater {
expiry.DeleteAfterPeriod = true
app.storage.SetUserExpiryKey(user.ID, expiry)
app.jf.CacheExpiry = time.Now()
if contact {
if !ok {
name := app.getAddressOrName(user.ID)
msg, err := app.email.constructUserExpired(app, false)
if err != nil {
app.err.Printf(lm.FailedConstructExpiryMessage, user.ID, err)
} else if err := app.sendByID(msg, user.ID); err != nil {
app.err.Printf(lm.FailedSendExpiryMessage, user.ID, name, err)
} else {
app.err.Printf(lm.SentExpiryMessage, user.ID, name)
