"customMessagePlaceholderHeader":"Customize this card",
"customMessagePlaceholderContent":"Click the user page edit button in settings to customize this card, or show one on the login screen, and don't worry, the user can't see this.",
"userPageSuccessMessage":"You can see and change details about your account later on the {myAccount} page.",
"myAccount":"My Account"
"resetPassword":"Reset Password",
"resetPasswordThroughJellyfin":"To reset your password, visit {jfLink} and press the \"Forgot Password\" button.",
"resetPasswordThroughLink":"To reset your password, enter your email address or a linked contact method username, and submit. A link will be sent to reset your password.",
"resetSent":"Reset Sent.",
"resetSentDescription":"If an account with the given contact method exists, a password reset link has been sent to all contact methods available. The code will expire in 30 minutes."