Harvey Tindall
replace og setup
4 years ago
Harvey Tindall
add jellyfin connection test, submission
fully functional now, but still need to add some sections (ombi mainly).
4 years ago
Harvey Tindall
Add ts to link setting dependance
Also make store each setting as classes in a settings object, to make it
easier to serialize on submitting. Also, added
"substitute_jellyfin_strings", "no_username" and welcome_email.
4 years ago
Harvey Tindall
split some strings into common file; use lang file to setup page
4 years ago
Harvey Tindall
compiles, basic issues fixed
Server type is found under the Jellyfin settings tab, where you can
change it to emby. Currently:
* logs in
* creates users
* parses accounts
4 years ago
Harvey Tindall
add cache_timeout option
controls how old the Jellyfin user cache can be before refetching. defaults to 30 minutes.
4 years ago
Harvey Tindall
refactor; separate jfapi and ombi into modules
4 years ago
Harvey Tindall
use newJellyfin instead of constructor method
4 years ago
Harvey Tindall
Use bs5-jf on setup, fix bugs
No longer quits if the program times out connecting to the given
jellyfin host.
4 years ago
Harvey Tindall
use app identifier instead of ctx
changing this because ctx is commonly used with the context package.
5 years ago
Harvey Tindall
Added setup, self restarts
5 years ago