import { Modal } from "./modules/modal.js"; import { _get, _post, toggleLoader } from "./modules/common.js"; import { loadLangSelector } from "./modules/lang.js"; interface formWindow extends Window { validationStrings: pwValStrings; invalidPassword: string; modal: Modal; code: string; messages: { [key: string]: string }; confirmation: boolean; confirmationModal: Modal userDurationEnabled: boolean; userDurationDays: number; userDurationHours: number; userDurationMinutes: number; userDurationMessage: string; } interface pwValString { singular: string; plural: string; } interface pwValStrings { length: pwValString; uppercase: pwValString; lowercase: pwValString; number: pwValString; special: pwValString; [ type: string ]: pwValString; } loadLangSelector("form"); window.modal = new Modal(document.getElementById("modal-success"), true); if (window.confirmation) { window.confirmationModal = new Modal(document.getElementById("modal-confirmation"), true); } declare var window: formWindow; if (window.userDurationEnabled) { const messageEl = document.getElementById("user-duration-message") as HTMLElement; const calculateTime = () => { let time = new Date() time.setDate(time.getDate() + window.userDurationDays); time.setHours(time.getHours() + window.userDurationHours); time.setMinutes(time.getMinutes() + window.userDurationMinutes); messageEl.textContent = window.userDurationMessage.replace("{date}", time.toDateString() + " " + time.toLocaleTimeString()); setTimeout(calculateTime, 1000); }; calculateTime(); } var defaultPwValStrings: pwValStrings = { length: { singular: "Must have at least {n} character", plural: "Must have at least {n} characters" }, uppercase: { singular: "Must have at least {n} uppercase character", plural: "Must have at least {n} uppercase characters" }, lowercase: { singular: "Must have at least {n} lowercase character", plural: "Must have at least {n} lowercase characters" }, number: { singular: "Must have at least {n} number", plural: "Must have at least {n} numbers" }, special: { singular: "Must have at least {n} special character", plural: "Must have at least {n} special characters" } } const form = document.getElementById("form-create") as HTMLFormElement; const submitButton = form.querySelector("input[type=submit]") as HTMLInputElement; const submitSpan = form.querySelector("span.submit") as HTMLSpanElement; let usernameField = document.getElementById("create-username") as HTMLInputElement; const emailField = document.getElementById("create-email") as HTMLInputElement; if (!window.usernameEnabled) { usernameField.parentElement.remove(); usernameField = emailField; } const passwordField = document.getElementById("create-password") as HTMLInputElement; const rePasswordField = document.getElementById("create-reenter-password") as HTMLInputElement; const checkPasswords = () => { if (passwordField.value != rePasswordField.value) { rePasswordField.setCustomValidity(window.invalidPassword); submitButton.disabled = true; submitSpan.setAttribute("disabled", ""); } else { rePasswordField.setCustomValidity(""); submitButton.disabled = false; submitSpan.removeAttribute("disabled"); } }; rePasswordField.addEventListener("keyup", checkPasswords); passwordField.addEventListener("keyup", checkPasswords); interface respDTO { response: boolean; error: string; } interface sendDTO { code: string; email: string; username: string; password: string; } const create = (event: SubmitEvent) => { event.preventDefault(); toggleLoader(submitSpan); let send: sendDTO = { code: window.code, username: usernameField.value, email: emailField.value, password: passwordField.value }; _post("/newUser", send, (req: XMLHttpRequest) => { if (req.readyState == 4) { let vals = req.response as respDTO; let valid = true; for (let type in vals) { if (requirements[type]) { requirements[type].valid = vals[type]; } if (!vals[type]) { valid = false; } } if (req.status == 200 && valid) {; } else { submitSpan.classList.add("~critical"); submitSpan.classList.remove("~urge"); setTimeout(() => { submitSpan.classList.add("~urge"); submitSpan.classList.remove("~critical"); }, 1000); } } }, true, (req: XMLHttpRequest) => { if (req.readyState == 4) { toggleLoader(submitSpan); if (req.status == 401) { if (req.response["error"] as string) { if (req.response["error"] == "confirmEmail") {; return; } const old = submitSpan.textContent; if (req.response["error"] in window.messages) { submitSpan.textContent = window.messages[req.response["error"]]; } else { submitSpan.textContent = req.response["error"]; } setTimeout(() => { submitSpan.textContent = old; }, 1000); } } } }); }; form.onsubmit = create; class Requirement { private _name: string; protected _minCount: number; private _content: HTMLSpanElement; private _valid: HTMLSpanElement; private _li: HTMLLIElement; get valid(): boolean { return this._valid.classList.contains("~positive"); } set valid(state: boolean) { if (state) { this._valid.classList.add("~positive"); this._valid.classList.remove("~critical"); this._valid.innerHTML = ``; } else { this._valid.classList.add("~critical"); this._valid.classList.remove("~positive"); this._valid.innerHTML = ``; } } constructor(name: string, el: HTMLLIElement) { this._name = name; this._li = el; this._content = this._li.querySelector("span.requirement-content") as HTMLSpanElement; this._valid = this._li.querySelector("span.requirement-valid") as HTMLSpanElement; this.valid = false; this._minCount = +this._li.getAttribute("min"); let text = ""; if (this._minCount == 1) { text = window.validationStrings[this._name].singular.replace("{n}", "1"); } else { text = window.validationStrings[this._name].plural.replace("{n}", ""+this._minCount); } this._content.textContent = text; } validate = (count: number) => { this.valid = (count >= this._minCount); } } // Incredible code right here const isInt = (s: string): boolean => { return (s in ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9"]); } const testStrings = (f: pwValString): boolean => { const testString = (s: string): boolean => { if (s == "" || !s.includes("{n}")) { return false; } return true; } return testString(f.singular) && testString(f.plural); } interface Validation { [name: string]: number } const validate = (s: string): Validation => { let v: Validation = {}; for (let criteria of ["length", "lowercase", "uppercase", "number", "special"]) { v[criteria] = 0; } v["length"] = s.length; for (let c of s) { if (isInt(c)) { v["number"]++; } else { const upper = c.toUpperCase(); if (upper == c.toLowerCase()) { v["special"]++; } else { if (upper == c) { v["uppercase"]++; } else if (upper != c) { v["lowercase"]++; } } } } return v } passwordField.addEventListener("keyup", () => { const v = validate(passwordField.value); for (let criteria in requirements) { requirements[criteria].validate(v[criteria]); } }); var requirements: { [category: string]: Requirement} = {}; if (!window.validationStrings) { window.validationStrings = defaultPwValStrings; } else { for (let category in window.validationStrings) { if (!testStrings(window.validationStrings[category])) { window.validationStrings[category] = defaultPwValStrings[category]; } const el = document.getElementById("requirement-" + category); if (el) { requirements[category] = new Requirement(category, el as HTMLLIElement); } } }