import { _get, _post, _delete, toDateString, addLoader, removeLoader } from "../modules/common.js"; import { Search, SearchConfiguration, QueryType, SearchableItem } from "../modules/search.js"; import { accountURLEvent } from "../modules/accounts.js"; import { inviteURLEvent } from "../modules/invites.js"; export interface activity { id: string; type: string; user_id: string; source_type: string; source: string; invite_code: string; value: string; time: number; username: string; source_username: string; } var activityTypeMoods = { "creation": 1, "deletion": -1, "disabled": -1, "enabled": 1, "contactLinked": 1, "contactUnlinked": -1, "changePassword": 0, "resetPassword": 0, "createInvite": 1, "deleteInvite": -1 }; // var moodColours = ["~warning", "~neutral", "~urge"]; export var activityReload = new CustomEvent("activity-reload"); export class Activity implements activity, SearchableItem { private _card: HTMLElement; private _title: HTMLElement; private _time: HTMLElement; private _timeUnix: number; private _sourceType: HTMLElement; private _source: HTMLElement; private _referrer: HTMLElement; private _expiryTypeBadge: HTMLElement; private _delete: HTMLElement; private _act: activity; private _urlBase: string = ((): string => { let link = window.location.href; for (let split of ["#", "?", "/activity"]) { link = link.split(split)[0]; } if (link.slice(-1) != "/") { link += "/"; } return link; })(); _genUserText = (): string => { return `${this._act.username || this._act.user_id.substring(0, 5)}`; } _genSrcUserText = (): string => { return `${this._act.source_username || this._act.source.substring(0, 5)}`; } _genUserLink = (): string => { return `${this._genUserText()}`; } _genSrcUserLink = (): string => { return `${this._genSrcUserText()}`; } private _renderInvText = (): string => { return `${this.value || this.invite_code || "???"}`; } private _genInvLink = (): string => { return `${this._renderInvText()}`; } get accountCreation(): boolean { return this.type == "creation"; } get accountDeletion(): boolean { return this.type == "deletion"; } get accountDisabled(): boolean { return this.type == "disabled"; } get accountEnabled(): boolean { return this.type == "enabled"; } get contactLinked(): boolean { return this.type == "contactLinked"; } get contactUnlinked(): boolean { return this.type == "contactUnlinked"; } get passwordChange(): boolean { return this.type == "changePassword"; } get passwordReset(): boolean { return this.type == "resetPassword"; } get inviteCreated(): boolean { return this.type == "createInvite"; } get inviteDeleted(): boolean { return this.type == "deleteInvite"; } get mentionedUsers(): string { return (this.username + " " + this.source_username).toLowerCase(); } get actor(): string { let out = this.source_type + " "; if (this.source_type == "admin" || this.source_type == "user") out += this.source_username; return out.toLowerCase(); } get referrer(): string { if (this.type != "creation" || this.source_type != "user") return ""; return this.source_username.toLowerCase(); } get type(): string { return this._act.type; } set type(v: string) { this._act.type = v; let mood = activityTypeMoods[v]; // 1 = positive, 0 = neutral, -1 = negative for (let el of [this._card, this._delete]) { el.classList.remove("~warning"); el.classList.remove("~neutral"); el.classList.remove("~urge"); if (mood == -1) { el.classList.add("~warning"); } else if (mood == 0) { el.classList.add("~neutral"); } else if (mood == 1) { el.classList.add("~urge"); } } /* for (let i = 0; i < moodColours.length; i++) { if (i-1 == mood) this._card.classList.add(moodColours[i]); else this._card.classList.remove(moodColours[i]); } */ if (this.type == "changePassword" || this.type == "resetPassword") { let innerHTML = ``; if (this.type == "changePassword") innerHTML = window.lang.strings("accountChangedPassword"); else innerHTML = window.lang.strings("accountResetPassword"); innerHTML = innerHTML.replace("{user}", this._genUserLink()); this._title.innerHTML = innerHTML; } else if (this.type == "contactLinked" || this.type == "contactUnlinked") { let platform = this.value; if (platform == "email") { platform = window.lang.strings("emailAddress"); } else { platform = platform.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + platform.slice(1); } let innerHTML = ``; if (this.type == "contactLinked") innerHTML = window.lang.strings("accountLinked"); else innerHTML = window.lang.strings("accountUnlinked"); innerHTML = innerHTML.replace("{user}", this._genUserLink()).replace("{contactMethod}", platform); this._title.innerHTML = innerHTML; } else if (this.type == "creation") { this._title.innerHTML = window.lang.strings("accountCreated").replace("{user}", this._genUserLink()); if (this.source_type == "user") { this._referrer.innerHTML = `${window.lang.strings("referrer")}${this._genSrcUserLink()}`; } else { this._referrer.textContent = ``; } } else if (this.type == "deletion") { if (this.source_type == "daemon") { this._title.innerHTML = window.lang.strings("accountExpired").replace("{user}", this._genUserText()); this._expiryTypeBadge.classList.add("~critical"); this._expiryTypeBadge.classList.remove("~info"); this._expiryTypeBadge.textContent = window.lang.strings("deleted"); } else { this._title.innerHTML = window.lang.strings("accountDeleted").replace("{user}", this._genUserText()); } } else if (this.type == "enabled") { this._title.innerHTML = window.lang.strings("accountReEnabled").replace("{user}", this._genUserLink()); } else if (this.type == "disabled") { if (this.source_type == "daemon") { this._title.innerHTML = window.lang.strings("accountExpired").replace("{user}", this._genUserLink()); this._expiryTypeBadge.classList.add("~info"); this._expiryTypeBadge.classList.remove("~critical"); this._expiryTypeBadge.textContent = window.lang.strings("disabled"); } else { this._title.innerHTML = window.lang.strings("accountDisabled").replace("{user}", this._genUserLink()); } } else if (this.type == "createInvite") { this._title.innerHTML = window.lang.strings("inviteCreated").replace("{invite}", this._genInvLink()); } else if (this.type == "deleteInvite") { let innerHTML = ``; if (this.source_type == "daemon") { innerHTML = window.lang.strings("inviteExpired"); } else { innerHTML = window.lang.strings("inviteDeleted"); } this._title.innerHTML = innerHTML.replace("{invite}", this._renderInvText()); } } get time(): number { return this._timeUnix; } set time(v: number) { this._timeUnix = v; this._time.textContent = toDateString(new Date(v*1000)); } get source_type(): string { return this._act.source_type; } set source_type(v: string) { this._act.source_type = v; if ((this.source_type == "anon" || this.source_type == "user") && this.type == "creation") { this._sourceType.textContent = window.lang.strings("fromInvite"); } else if (this.source_type == "admin") { this._sourceType.textContent = window.lang.strings("byAdmin"); } else if (this.source_type == "user" && this.type != "creation") { this._sourceType.textContent = window.lang.strings("byUser"); } else if (this.source_type == "daemon") { this._sourceType.textContent = window.lang.strings("byJfaGo"); } } get invite_code(): string { return this._act.invite_code; } set invite_code(v: string) { this._act.invite_code = v; } get value(): string { return this._act.value; } set value(v: string) { this._act.value = v; } get source(): string { return this._act.source; } set source(v: string) { this._act.source = v; if ((this.source_type == "anon" || this.source_type == "user") && this.type == "creation") { this._source.innerHTML = this._genInvLink(); } else if ((this.source_type == "admin" || this.source_type == "user") && this._act.source != "" && this._act.source_username != "") { this._source.innerHTML = this._genSrcUserLink(); } } get id(): string { return; } set id(v: string) { = v; } get user_id(): string { return this._act.user_id; } set user_id(v: string) { this._act.user_id = v; } get username(): string { return this._act.username; } set username(v: string) { this._act.username = v; } get source_username(): string { return this._act.source_username; } set source_username(v: string) { this._act.source_username = v; } get title(): string { return this._title.textContent; } matchesSearch = (query: string): boolean => { // console.log(this.title, "matches", query, ":", this.title.includes(query)); return ( this.title.toLowerCase().includes(query) || this.username.toLowerCase().includes(query) || this.source_username.toLowerCase().includes(query) ); } constructor(act: activity) { this._card = document.createElement("div"); this._card.classList.add("card", "@low", "my-2"); this._card.innerHTML = `
`; this._title = this._card.querySelector(".activity-title"); this._time = this._card.querySelector(".activity-time"); this._sourceType = this._card.querySelector(".activity-source-type"); this._source = this._card.querySelector(".activity-source"); this._referrer = this._card.querySelector(".activity-referrer"); this._expiryTypeBadge = this._card.querySelector(".activity-expiry-type"); this._delete = this._card.querySelector(".activity-delete"); document.addEventListener("timefmt-change", () => { this.time = this.time; }); this._delete.addEventListener("click", this.delete); this.update(act); const pseudoUsers = this._card.getElementsByClassName("activity-pseudo-link-user") as HTMLCollectionOf; const pseudoInvites = this._card.getElementsByClassName("activity-pseudo-link-invite") as HTMLCollectionOf; for (let i = 0; i < pseudoUsers.length; i++) { const navigate = (event: Event) => { event.preventDefault() window.tabs.switch("accounts"); document.dispatchEvent(accountURLEvent(pseudoUsers[i].getAttribute("data-id"))); window.history.pushState(null, document.title, pseudoUsers[i].getAttribute("data-href")); } pseudoUsers[i].onclick = navigate; pseudoUsers[i].onkeydown = navigate; } for (let i = 0; i < pseudoInvites.length; i++) { const navigate = (event: Event) => { event.preventDefault(); window.tabs.switch("invites"); document.dispatchEvent(inviteURLEvent(pseudoInvites[i].getAttribute("data-id"))); window.history.pushState(null, document.title, pseudoInvites[i].getAttribute("data-href")); } pseudoInvites[i].onclick = navigate; pseudoInvites[i].onkeydown = navigate; } } update = (act: activity) => { this._act = act; this.source_type = act.source_type; this.invite_code = act.invite_code; this.time = act.time; this.source = act.source; this.value = act.value; this.type = act.type; } delete = () => _delete("/activity/" +, null, (req: XMLHttpRequest) => { if (req.readyState != 4) return; if (req.status == 200) { window.notifications.customSuccess("activityDeleted", window.lang.notif("activityDeleted")); } document.dispatchEvent(activityReload); }); asElement = () => { return this._card; }; } interface ActivitiesDTO { activities: activity[]; last_page: boolean; } export class activityList { private _activityList: HTMLElement; private _activities: { [id: string]: Activity } = {}; private _ordering: string[] = []; private _filterArea = document.getElementById("activity-filter-area"); private _searchOptionsHeader = document.getElementById("activity-search-options-header"); private _sortingByButton = document.getElementById("activity-sort-by-field") as HTMLButtonElement; private _notFoundPanel = document.getElementById("activity-not-found"); private _searchBox = document.getElementById("activity-search") as HTMLInputElement; private _sortDirection = document.getElementById("activity-sort-direction") as HTMLButtonElement; private _loader = document.getElementById("activity-loader"); private _loadMoreButton = document.getElementById("activity-load-more") as HTMLButtonElement; private _loadAllButton = document.getElementById("activity-load-all") as HTMLButtonElement; private _refreshButton = document.getElementById("activity-refresh") as HTMLButtonElement; private _keepSearchingDescription = document.getElementById("activity-keep-searching-description"); private _keepSearchingButton = document.getElementById("activity-keep-searching"); private _totalRecords = document.getElementById("activity-total-records"); private _loadedRecords = document.getElementById("activity-loaded-records"); private _shownRecords = document.getElementById("activity-shown-records"); private _total: number; private _loaded: number; private _shown: number; get total(): number { return this._total; } set total(v: number) { this._total = v; this._totalRecords.textContent = window.lang.var("strings", "totalRecords", `${v}`); } get loaded(): number { return this._loaded; } set loaded(v: number) { this._loaded = v; this._loadedRecords.textContent = window.lang.var("strings", "loadedRecords", `${v}`); } get shown(): number { return this._shown; } set shown(v: number) { this._shown = v; this._shownRecords.textContent = window.lang.var("strings", "shownRecords", `${v}`); } private _search: Search; private _ascending: boolean; private _hasLoaded: boolean; private _lastLoad: number; private _page: number = 0; private _lastPage: boolean; setVisibility = (activities: string[], visible: boolean) => { this._activityList.textContent = ``; for (let id of this._ordering) { if (visible && activities.indexOf(id) != -1) { this._activityList.appendChild(this._activities[id].asElement()); } else if (!visible && activities.indexOf(id) == -1) { this._activityList.appendChild(this._activities[id].asElement()); } } } reload = () => { this._lastLoad =; this._lastPage = false; this._loadMoreButton.textContent = window.lang.strings("loadMore"); this._loadMoreButton.disabled = false; this._loadAllButton.classList.remove("unfocused"); this._loadAllButton.disabled = false; = 0; this.loaded = 0; this.shown = 0; // this._page = 0; let limit = 10; if (this._page != 0) { limit *= this._page+1; }; let send = { "type": [], "limit": limit, "page": 0, "ascending": this.ascending } _get("/activity/count", null, (req: XMLHttpRequest) => { if (req.readyState != 4 || req.status != 200) return; = req.response["count"] as number; }); _post("/activity", send, (req: XMLHttpRequest) => { if (req.readyState != 4) return; if (req.status != 200) { window.notifications.customError("loadActivitiesError", window.lang.notif("errorLoadActivities")); return; } this._hasLoaded = true; // Allow refreshes every 15s this._refreshButton.disabled = true; setTimeout(() => this._refreshButton.disabled = false, 15000); let resp = req.response as ActivitiesDTO; // FIXME: Don't destroy everything each reload! this._activities = {}; this._ordering = []; for (let act of resp.activities) { this._activities[] = new Activity(act); this._ordering.push(; } this._search.items = this._activities; this._search.ordering = this._ordering; this.loaded = this._ordering.length; if (this._search.inSearch) { this._search.onSearchBoxChange(true); this._loadAllButton.classList.remove("unfocused"); } else { this.setVisibility(this._ordering, true); this._loadAllButton.classList.add("unfocused"); this._notFoundPanel.classList.add("unfocused"); } }, true); } loadMore = (callback?: () => void, loadAll: boolean = false) => { this._lastLoad =; this._loadMoreButton.disabled = true; // this._loadAllButton.disabled = true; const timeout = setTimeout(() => { this._loadMoreButton.disabled = false; // this._loadAllButton.disabled = false; }, 1000); this._page += 1; let send = { "type": [], "limit": 10, "page": this._page, "ascending": this._ascending }; // this._activityList.classList.add("unfocused"); // addLoader(this._loader, false, true); _post("/activity", send, (req: XMLHttpRequest) => { if (req.readyState != 4) return; if (req.status != 200) { window.notifications.customError("loadActivitiesError", window.lang.notif("errorLoadActivities")); return; } let resp = req.response as ActivitiesDTO; this._lastPage = resp.last_page; if (this._lastPage) { clearTimeout(timeout); this._loadMoreButton.disabled = true; removeLoader(this._loadAllButton); this._loadAllButton.classList.add("unfocused"); this._loadMoreButton.textContent = window.lang.strings("noMoreResults"); } for (let act of resp.activities) { this._activities[] = new Activity(act); this._ordering.push(; } // this._search.items = this._activities; // this._search.ordering = this._ordering; this.loaded = this._ordering.length; if (this._search.inSearch || loadAll) { if (this._lastPage) { loadAll = false; } this._search.onSearchBoxChange(true, loadAll); } else { this.setVisibility(this._ordering, true); this._notFoundPanel.classList.add("unfocused"); } if (callback) callback(); // removeLoader(this._loader); // this._activityList.classList.remove("unfocused"); }, true); } private _queries: { [field: string]: QueryType } = { "id": { name: window.lang.strings("activityID"), getter: "id", bool: false, string: true, date: false }, "title": { name: window.lang.strings("title"), getter: "title", bool: false, string: true, date: false }, "user": { name: window.lang.strings("usersMentioned"), getter: "mentionedUsers", bool: false, string: true, date: false }, "actor": { name: window.lang.strings("actor"), description: window.lang.strings("actorDescription"), getter: "actor", bool: false, string: true, date: false }, "referrer": { name: window.lang.strings("referrer"), getter: "referrer", bool: true, string: true, date: false }, "date": { name: window.lang.strings("date"), getter: "date", bool: false, string: false, date: true }, "account-creation": { name: window.lang.strings("accountCreationFilter"), getter: "accountCreation", bool: true, string: false, date: false }, "account-deletion": { name: window.lang.strings("accountDeletionFilter"), getter: "accountDeletion", bool: true, string: false, date: false }, "account-disabled": { name: window.lang.strings("accountDisabledFilter"), getter: "accountDisabled", bool: true, string: false, date: false }, "account-enabled": { name: window.lang.strings("accountEnabledFilter"), getter: "accountEnabled", bool: true, string: false, date: false }, "contact-linked": { name: window.lang.strings("contactLinkedFilter"), getter: "contactLinked", bool: true, string: false, date: false }, "contact-unlinked": { name: window.lang.strings("contactUnlinkedFilter"), getter: "contactUnlinked", bool: true, string: false, date: false }, "password-change": { name: window.lang.strings("passwordChangeFilter"), getter: "passwordChange", bool: true, string: false, date: false }, "password-reset": { name: window.lang.strings("passwordResetFilter"), getter: "passwordReset", bool: true, string: false, date: false }, "invite-created": { name: window.lang.strings("inviteCreatedFilter"), getter: "inviteCreated", bool: true, string: false, date: false }, "invite-deleted": { name: window.lang.strings("inviteDeletedFilter"), getter: "inviteDeleted", bool: true, string: false, date: false } }; get ascending(): boolean { return this._ascending; } set ascending(v: boolean) { this._ascending = v; this._sortDirection.innerHTML = `${window.lang.strings("sortDirection")} `; if (this._hasLoaded) { this.reload(); } } detectScroll = () => { if (!this._hasLoaded) return; // console.log(window.innerHeight + document.documentElement.scrollTop, document.scrollingElement.scrollHeight); if (Math.abs(window.innerHeight + document.documentElement.scrollTop - document.scrollingElement.scrollHeight) < 50) { // window.notifications.customSuccess("scroll", "Reached bottom."); // Wait .5s between loads if (this._lastLoad + 500 > return; this.loadMore(); } } private _prevResultCount = 0; private _notFoundCallback = (notFound: boolean) => { if (notFound) this._loadMoreButton.classList.add("unfocused"); else this._loadMoreButton.classList.remove("unfocused"); if (notFound && !this._lastPage) { this._keepSearchingButton.classList.remove("unfocused"); this._keepSearchingDescription.classList.remove("unfocused"); } else { this._keepSearchingButton.classList.add("unfocused"); this._keepSearchingDescription.classList.add("unfocused"); } }; constructor() { this._activityList = document.getElementById("activity-card-list"); document.addEventListener("activity-reload", this.reload); let conf: SearchConfiguration = { filterArea: this._filterArea, sortingByButton: this._sortingByButton, searchOptionsHeader: this._searchOptionsHeader, notFoundPanel: this._notFoundPanel, search: this._searchBox, clearSearchButtonSelector: ".activity-search-clear", queries: this._queries, setVisibility: this.setVisibility, filterList: document.getElementById("activity-filter-list"), // notFoundCallback: this._notFoundCallback, onSearchCallback: (visibleCount: number, newItems: boolean, loadAll: boolean) => { this.shown = visibleCount; if (this._search.inSearch && !this._lastPage) this._loadAllButton.classList.remove("unfocused"); else this._loadAllButton.classList.add("unfocused"); if (visibleCount < 10 || loadAll) { if (!newItems || this._prevResultCount != visibleCount || (visibleCount == 0 && !this._lastPage) || loadAll) this.loadMore(() => {}, loadAll); } this._prevResultCount = visibleCount; } } this._search = new Search(conf); this._search.generateFilterList(); this._hasLoaded = false; this.ascending = false; this._sortDirection.addEventListener("click", () => this.ascending = !this.ascending); this._loadMoreButton.onclick = () => this.loadMore(); this._loadAllButton.onclick = () => { addLoader(this._loadAllButton, true); this.loadMore(() => {}, true); }; /* this._keepSearchingButton.onclick = () => { addLoader(this._keepSearchingButton, true); this.loadMore(() => removeLoader(this._keepSearchingButton, true)); }; */ this._refreshButton.onclick = this.reload; window.onscroll = this.detectScroll; } }