mirror of https://github.com/hrfee/jfa-go
You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
324 lines
9.8 KiB
324 lines
9.8 KiB
package main
import (
// Username is JWT!
type User struct {
UserID string `json:"id"`
Username string `json:"username"`
Password string `json:"password"`
type appContext struct {
config *ini.File
config_path string
configBase_path string
configBase map[string]interface{}
data_path string
local_path string
cssFile string
bsVersion int
jellyfinLogin bool
users []User
jf Jellyfin
authJf Jellyfin
datePattern string
timePattern string
storage Storage
validator Validator
email Emailer
info, debug, err *log.Logger
host string
port int
version string
func GenerateSecret(length int) (string, error) {
bytes := make([]byte, length)
_, err := rand.Read(bytes)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return base64.URLEncoding.EncodeToString(bytes), err
func setGinLogger(router *gin.Engine, debugMode bool) {
if debugMode {
router.Use(gin.LoggerWithFormatter(func(param gin.LogFormatterParams) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("[GIN/DEBUG] %s: %s(%s) => %d in %s; %s\n",
func() string {
if param.ErrorMessage != "" {
return "Error: " + param.ErrorMessage
return ""
} else {
router.Use(gin.LoggerWithFormatter(func(param gin.LogFormatterParams) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("[GIN] %s(%s) => %d\n",
func main() {
ctx := new(appContext)
userConfigDir, _ := os.UserConfigDir()
ctx.data_path = filepath.Join(userConfigDir, "jfa-go")
ctx.config_path = filepath.Join(ctx.data_path, "config.ini")
executable, _ := os.Executable()
ctx.local_path = filepath.Join(filepath.Dir(executable), "data")
ctx.info = log.New(os.Stdout, "[INFO] ", log.Ltime)
ctx.err = log.New(os.Stdout, "[ERROR] ", log.Ltime|log.Lshortfile)
dataPath := flag.String("data", ctx.data_path, "alternate path to data directory.")
configPath := flag.String("config", ctx.config_path, "alternate path to config file.")
host := flag.String("host", "", "alternate address to host web ui on.")
port := flag.Int("port", 0, "alternate port to host web ui on.")
if ctx.config_path == *configPath && ctx.data_path != *dataPath {
ctx.config_path = filepath.Join(*dataPath, "config.ini")
} else {
ctx.config_path = *configPath
ctx.data_path = *dataPath
// Env variables are necessary because syscall.Exec for self-restarts doesn't doesn't work with arguments for some reason.
if v := os.Getenv("JFA_CONFIGPATH"); v != "" {
ctx.config_path = v
if v := os.Getenv("JFA_DATAPATH"); v != "" {
ctx.data_path = v
os.Setenv("JFA_CONFIGPATH", ctx.config_path)
os.Setenv("JFA_DATAPATH", ctx.data_path)
var firstRun bool
if _, err := os.Stat(ctx.data_path); os.IsNotExist(err) {
os.Mkdir(ctx.data_path, 0700)
if _, err := os.Stat(ctx.config_path); os.IsNotExist(err) {
firstRun = true
dConfigPath := filepath.Join(ctx.local_path, "config-default.ini")
var dConfig *os.File
dConfig, err = os.Open(dConfigPath)
if err != nil {
ctx.err.Fatalf("Couldn't find default config file \"%s\"", dConfigPath)
defer dConfig.Close()
var nConfig *os.File
nConfig, err := os.Create(ctx.config_path)
if err != nil {
ctx.err.Fatalf("Couldn't open config file for writing: \"%s\"", dConfigPath)
defer nConfig.Close()
_, err = io.Copy(nConfig, dConfig)
if err != nil {
ctx.err.Fatalf("Couldn't copy default config. To do this manually, copy\n%s\nto\n%s", dConfigPath, ctx.config_path)
ctx.info.Printf("Copied default configuration to \"%s\"", ctx.config_path)
var debugMode bool
var address string
if ctx.loadConfig() != nil {
ctx.err.Fatalf("Failed to load config file \"%s\"", ctx.config_path)
ctx.version = ctx.config.Section("jellyfin").Key("version").String()
debugMode = ctx.config.Section("ui").Key("debug").MustBool(true)
if debugMode {
ctx.debug = log.New(os.Stdout, "[DEBUG] ", log.Ltime|log.Lshortfile)
} else {
ctx.debug = log.New(ioutil.Discard, "", 0)
if !firstRun {
ctx.host = ctx.config.Section("ui").Key("host").String()
ctx.port = ctx.config.Section("ui").Key("port").MustInt(8056)
if *host != ctx.host && *host != "" {
ctx.host = *host
if *port != ctx.port && *port > 0 {
ctx.port = *port
if h := os.Getenv("JFA_HOST"); h != "" {
ctx.host = h
if p := os.Getenv("JFA_PORT"); p != "" {
var port int
_, err := fmt.Sscan(p, &port)
if err == nil {
ctx.port = port
address = fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", ctx.host, ctx.port)
ctx.debug.Printf("Loaded config file \"%s\"", ctx.config_path)
if ctx.config.Section("ui").Key("bs5").MustBool(false) {
ctx.cssFile = "bs5-jf.css"
ctx.bsVersion = 5
} else {
ctx.cssFile = "bs4-jf.css"
ctx.bsVersion = 4
ctx.debug.Println("Loading storage")
ctx.storage.invite_path = filepath.Join(ctx.data_path, "invites.json")
ctx.storage.emails_path = filepath.Join(ctx.data_path, "emails.json")
ctx.storage.policy_path = filepath.Join(ctx.data_path, "user_template.json")
ctx.storage.configuration_path = filepath.Join(ctx.data_path, "user_configuration.json")
ctx.storage.displayprefs_path = filepath.Join(ctx.data_path, "user_displayprefs.json")
ctx.configBase_path = filepath.Join(ctx.local_path, "config-base.json")
config_base, _ := ioutil.ReadFile(ctx.configBase_path)
json.Unmarshal(config_base, &ctx.configBase)
themes := map[string]string{
"Jellyfin (Dark)": fmt.Sprintf("bs%d-jf.css", ctx.bsVersion),
"Bootstrap (Light)": fmt.Sprintf("bs%d.css", ctx.bsVersion),
"Custom CSS": "",
if val, ok := themes[ctx.config.Section("ui").Key("theme").String()]; ok {
ctx.cssFile = val
ctx.debug.Printf("Using css file \"%s\"", ctx.cssFile)
secret, err := GenerateSecret(16)
if err != nil {
os.Setenv("JFA_SECRET", secret)
ctx.jellyfinLogin = true
if val, _ := ctx.config.Section("ui").Key("jellyfin_login").Bool(); !val {
ctx.jellyfinLogin = false
user := User{}
user.UserID = shortuuid.New()
user.Username = ctx.config.Section("ui").Key("username").String()
user.Password = ctx.config.Section("ui").Key("password").String()
ctx.users = append(ctx.users, user)
} else {
ctx.debug.Println("Using Jellyfin for authentication")
server := ctx.config.Section("jellyfin").Key("server").String()
ctx.jf.init(server, "jfa-go", ctx.version, "hrfee-arch", "hrfee-arch")
var status int
_, status, err = ctx.jf.authenticate(ctx.config.Section("jellyfin").Key("username").String(), ctx.config.Section("jellyfin").Key("password").String())
if status != 200 || err != nil {
ctx.err.Fatalf("Failed to authenticate with Jellyfin @ %s: Code %d", server, status)
ctx.info.Printf("Authenticated with %s", server)
ctx.authJf.init(server, "jfa-go", ctx.version, "auth", "auth")
validatorConf := ValidatorConf{
"characters": ctx.config.Section("password_validation").Key("min_length").MustInt(0),
"uppercase characters": ctx.config.Section("password_validation").Key("upper").MustInt(0),
"lowercase characters": ctx.config.Section("password_validation").Key("lower").MustInt(0),
"numbers": ctx.config.Section("password_validation").Key("number").MustInt(0),
"special characters": ctx.config.Section("password_validation").Key("special").MustInt(0),
if !ctx.config.Section("password_validation").Key("enabled").MustBool(false) {
for key := range validatorConf {
validatorConf[key] = 0
inviteDaemon := NewRepeater(time.Duration(60*time.Second), ctx)
go inviteDaemon.Run()
if ctx.config.Section("password_resets").Key("enabled").MustBool(false) {
go ctx.StartPWR()
} else {
debugMode = false
address = ""
ctx.info.Println("Loading routes")
router := gin.New()
setGinLogger(router, debugMode)
router.Use(static.Serve("/", static.LocalFile(filepath.Join(ctx.local_path, "static"), false)))
router.LoadHTMLGlob(filepath.Join(ctx.local_path, "templates", "*"))
if debugMode {
ctx.debug.Println("Loading pprof")
if !firstRun {
router.GET("/", ctx.AdminPage)
router.GET("/getToken", ctx.GetToken)
router.POST("/newUser", ctx.NewUser)
router.Use(static.Serve("/invite/", static.LocalFile(filepath.Join(ctx.local_path, "static"), false)))
router.GET("/invite/:invCode", ctx.InviteProxy)
api := router.Group("/", ctx.webAuth())
api.POST("/generateInvite", ctx.GenerateInvite)
api.GET("/getInvites", ctx.GetInvites)
api.POST("/setNotify", ctx.SetNotify)
api.POST("/deleteInvite", ctx.DeleteInvite)
api.GET("/getUsers", ctx.GetUsers)
api.POST("/modifyUsers", ctx.ModifyEmails)
api.POST("/setDefaults", ctx.SetDefaults)
api.GET("/getConfig", ctx.GetConfig)
api.POST("/modifyConfig", ctx.ModifyConfig)
ctx.info.Printf("Starting router @ %s", address)
} else {
router.GET("/", func(gc *gin.Context) {
gc.HTML(200, "setup.html", gin.H{})
router.POST("/testJF", ctx.TestJF)
router.POST("/modifyConfig", ctx.ModifyConfig)
ctx.info.Printf("Loading setup @ %s", address)