**A:** Use a 3rd party updating mechanism such as [Watchtower](https://github.com/containrrr/watchtower) or [Ouroboros](https://github.com/pyouroboros/ouroboros) to keep Overseerr up-to-date automatically.
### How can I access Overseerr outside my home network?
**A:** The easy and least secure method is to forward an external port \(`5055`\) on your router to the internal port used by Overseerr \(default is TCP `5055`\). Visit [Port Forward](http://portforward.com/) for instructions for your particular router. You will then be able to access Overseerr via `http://EXTERNAL-IP-ADDRESS:5055`.
The more advanced and most preferred method \(and more secure if you use SSL\) is to set up a web server with NGINX/Apache, and use a reverse proxy to access Overseerr. You can lookup many guides on the internet to find out how to do this. There are several reverse proxy config examples located [here](../extending-overseerr/reverse-proxy-examples.md).
The most secure method, but also the most inconvenient, is to set up a VPN tunnel to your home server, then you can access Overseerr as if it is on a local network via `http://LOCAL-IP-ADDRESS:5055`.
### Overseerr is amazing! But it is not translated in my language yet! Can I help with translations?
**A:** You sure can! We are using Weblate for translations! Check it out [here](https://hosted.weblate.org/engage/overseerr/). If your language is not listed please open an [enhancement request in issues](https://github.com/sct/overseerr/issues/new/choose).
**A:** You can find the changelog in the **Settings → About** page in your instance. You can also find it on github [here](https://github.com/sct/overseerr/releases).
**A:** Yes! When adding your 4K Sonarr/Radarr server in **Settings → Services**, tick the `4K Server` checkbox. You also need to tick the `Default Server` checkbox if it is the default server you would like to use for 4K content requests. (To enable 4K requests, there need to be default Sonarr/Radarr servers for both 4K content **and** non-4K content.)
**A:** Overseerr supports the new Plex Movie, legacy Plex Movie, TheTVDB, and TMDb agents. Please verify that your library is using one of the agents previously listed. If you are changing agents, a full metadata refresh will need to be performed. Caution, this can take a long time depending on how many items you have in your movie library.
Check the Overseerr logs for media items that are missing. The logs will contain an error as to why that item could not be matched. One example might be `errorMessage":"SQLITE_CONSTRAINT: NOT NULL`. This means that the TMDb ID is missing from the Plex XML for that item.
1. Verify that you are using one of the agents mentioned above.
3. Run a full scan in Overseerr to see if that item is now matched properly.
4. If the item is now seen by Overseerr then repeat step 2 for each missing item. If you have a large amount of items missing then a full metadata refresh is recommended for that library.
5. Run a full scan on Overseerr after refreshing all unmatched items.
**A:** Navigate to your **User List** in Overseerr and click **Import Users from Plex** button. Don't forget to check the default user permissions in the **Settings → General Settings** page beforehand.
**A:** User roles can be set for each user on the **Users** page. The list of assignable permissions is one that is still growing, so if you have any suggestions, [make a feature request](https://github.com/sct/overseerr/issues/new/choose) on GitHub.
**A:** Check the minimum availability setting in your Radarr server. If a movie does not meet the minimum availability requirement, no search will be performed. Also verify that Radarr did not perform a search, by checking the Radarr logs. Lastly, verify that the item was not already being monitored by Radarr prior to approving the request.
**A:** See "[Some media is missing from Overseerr that I know is in Plex!](./faq.md#some-media-is-missing-from-overseerr-that-i-know-is-in-plex)" for troubleshooting steps.
### I am getting "Username and Password not accepted" when sending email notifications to gmail!
**A:** If you have 2-Step Verification enabled on your account you will need to create an app password. More details can be found [here](https://support.google.com/mail/answer/185833).