import { copyFileSync } from 'fs';
import { UserType } from '../constants/user';
import { User } from '../entity/User';
import path from 'path';
import dataSource, { getRepository } from '../datasource';
const prepareDb = async () => {
// Copy over test settings.json
path.join(__dirname, '../../cypress/config/settings.cypress.json'),
path.join(__dirname, '../../config/settings.json')
// Connect to DB and seed test data
const dbConnection = await dataSource.initialize();
await dbConnection.dropDatabase();
// Run migrations in production
if (process.env.WITH_MIGRATIONS === 'true') {
await dbConnection.runMigrations();
} else {
await dbConnection.synchronize();
const userRepository = getRepository(User);
// Create the admin user
const user = new User();
user.plexId = 1;
user.plexToken = '1234';
user.plexUsername = 'admin';
user.username = 'admin';
user.email = 'admin@seerr.dev';
user.userType = UserType.PLEX;
await user.setPassword('test1234');
user.permissions = 2;
user.avatar = 'https://plex.tv/assets/images/avatar/default.png';
await userRepository.save(user);
// Create the other user
const otherUser = new User();
otherUser.plexId = 1;
otherUser.username = 'friend';
otherUser.email = 'friend@seerr.dev';
otherUser.userType = UserType.LOCAL;
await otherUser.setPassword('test1234');
otherUser.permissions = 32;
otherUser.avatar = 'https://plex.tv/assets/images/avatar/default.png';
await userRepository.save(otherUser);