import axios, { AxiosInstance } from 'axios';
interface SearchOptions {
query: string;
page?: number;
includeAdult?: boolean;
interface DiscoverMovieOptions {
page?: number;
includeAdult?: boolean;
language?: string;
| 'popularity.asc'
| 'popularity.desc'
| 'release_date.asc'
| 'release_date.desc'
| 'revenue.asc'
| 'revenue.desc'
| 'primary_release_date.asc'
| 'primary_release_date.desc'
| 'original_title.asc'
| 'original_title.desc'
| 'vote_average.asc'
| 'vote_average.desc'
| 'vote_count.asc'
| 'vote_count.desc';
interface DiscoverTvOptions {
page?: number;
language?: string;
| 'popularity.asc'
| 'popularity.desc'
| 'vote_average.asc'
| 'vote_average.desc'
| 'vote_count.asc'
| 'vote_count.desc'
| 'first_air_date.asc'
| 'first_air_date.desc';
interface TmdbMediaResult {
id: number;
media_type: string;
popularity: number;
poster_path?: string;
backdrop_path?: string;
vote_count: number;
vote_average: number;
genre_ids: number[];
overview: string;
original_language: string;
export interface TmdbMovieResult extends TmdbMediaResult {
media_type: 'movie';
title: string;
original_title: string;
release_date: string;
adult: boolean;
video: boolean;
export interface TmdbTvResult extends TmdbMediaResult {
media_type: 'tv';
name: string;
original_name: string;
origin_country: string[];
first_air_Date: string;
export interface TmdbPersonResult {
id: number;
name: string;
popularity: number;
profile_path?: string;
adult: boolean;
media_type: 'person';
known_for: (TmdbMovieResult | TmdbTvResult)[];
interface TmdbPaginatedResponse {
page: number;
total_results: number;
total_pages: number;
interface TmdbSearchMultiResponse extends TmdbPaginatedResponse {
results: (TmdbMovieResult | TmdbTvResult | TmdbPersonResult)[];
interface TmdbSearchMovieResponse extends TmdbPaginatedResponse {
results: TmdbMovieResult[];
interface TmdbSearchTvResponse extends TmdbPaginatedResponse {
results: TmdbTvResult[];
interface TmdbMovieDetails {
id: number;
imdb_id?: string;
adult: boolean;
backdrop_path?: string;
poster_path?: string;
budget: number;
genres: {
id: number;
name: string;
homepage?: string;
original_language: string;
original_title: string;
overview?: string;
popularity: number;
production_companies: {
id: number;
name: string;
logo_path?: string;
origin_country: string;
production_countries: {
iso_3166_1: string;
name: string;
release_date: string;
revenue: number;
runtime?: number;
spoken_languages: {
iso_639_1: string;
name: string;
status: string;
tagline?: string;
title: string;
video: boolean;
vote_average: number;
vote_count: number;
interface TmdbTvEpisodeDetails {
id: number;
air_date: string;
episode_number: number;
name: string;
overview: string;
production_code: string;
season_number: number;
show_id: number;
still_path: string;
vote_average: number;
vote_cuont: number;
interface TmdbTvDetails {
id: number;
backdrop_path?: string;
created_by: {
id: number;
credit_id: string;
name: string;
gender: number;
profile_path?: string;
episode_run_time: number[];
first_air_date: string;
genres: {
id: number;
name: string;
homepage: string;
in_production: boolean;
languages: string[];
last_air_date: string;
last_episode_to_air?: TmdbTvEpisodeDetails;
name: string;
next_episode_to_air?: TmdbTvEpisodeDetails;
networks: {
id: number;
name: string;
logo_path: string;
origin_country: string;
number_of_episodes: number;
number_of_seasons: number;
origin_country: string[];
original_language: string;
original_name: string;
overview: string;
popularity: number;
poster_path?: string;
production_companies: {
id: number;
logo_path?: string;
name: string;
origin_country: string;
seasons: {
id: number;
air_date: string;
episode_count: number;
name: string;
overview: string;
poster_path: string;
season_number: number;
status: string;
type: string;
vote_average: number;
vote_count: number;
class TheMovieDb {
private apiKey = 'db55323b8d3e4154498498a75642b381';
private axios: AxiosInstance;
constructor() {
this.axios = axios.create({
baseURL: 'https://api.themoviedb.org/3',
params: {
api_key: this.apiKey,
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
Accept: 'application/json',
public searchMulti = async ({
page = 1,
includeAdult = false,
}: SearchOptions): Promise<TmdbSearchMultiResponse> => {
try {
const response = await this.axios.get('/search/multi', {
params: { query, page, include_adult: includeAdult },
return response.data;
} catch (e) {
throw new Error(`[TMDB] Failed to search multi: ${e.message}`);
public getMovie = async ({
language = 'en-US',
}: {
movieId: number;
language?: string;
}): Promise<TmdbMovieDetails> => {
try {
const response = await this.axios.get<TmdbMovieDetails>(
params: { language },
return response.data;
} catch (e) {
throw new Error(`[TMDB] Failed to fetch movie details: ${e.message}`);
public getTvShow = async ({
language = 'en-US',
}: {
tvId: number;
language?: string;
}): Promise<TmdbTvDetails> => {
try {
const response = await this.axios.get<TmdbTvDetails>(`/tv/${tvId}`, {
params: { language },
return response.data;
} catch (e) {
throw new Error(`[TMDB] Failed to fetch tv show details: ${e.message}`);
public getDiscoverMovies = async ({
sortBy = 'popularity.desc',
page = 1,
includeAdult = false,
language = 'en-US',
}: DiscoverMovieOptions = {}): Promise<TmdbSearchMovieResponse> => {
try {
const response = await this.axios.get<TmdbSearchMovieResponse>(
params: {
sort_by: sortBy,
include_adult: includeAdult,
return response.data;
} catch (e) {
throw new Error(`[TMDB] Failed to fetch discover movies: ${e.message}`);
public getDiscoverTv = async ({
sortBy = 'popularity.desc',
page = 1,
language = 'en-US',
}: DiscoverTvOptions = {}): Promise<TmdbSearchTvResponse> => {
try {
const response = await this.axios.get<TmdbSearchTvResponse>(
params: {
sort_by: sortBy,
return response.data;
} catch (e) {
throw new Error(`[TMDB] Failed to fetch discover tv: ${e.message}`);
public getAllTrending = async ({
page = 1,
timeWindow = 'day',
}: { page?: number; timeWindow?: 'day' | 'week' } = {}): Promise<
> => {
try {
const response = await this.axios.get<TmdbSearchMultiResponse>(
params: {
return response.data;
} catch (e) {
throw new Error(`[TMDB] Failed to fetch all trending: ${e.message}`);
public getMovieTrending = async ({
page = 1,
timeWindow = 'day',
}: { page?: number; timeWindow?: 'day' | 'week' } = {}): Promise<
> => {
try {
const response = await this.axios.get<TmdbSearchMovieResponse>(
params: {
return response.data;
} catch (e) {
throw new Error(`[TMDB] Failed to fetch all trending: ${e.message}`);
public getTvTrending = async ({
page = 1,
timeWindow = 'day',
}: { page?: number; timeWindow?: 'day' | 'week' } = {}): Promise<
> => {
try {
const response = await this.axios.get<TmdbSearchTvResponse>(
params: {
return response.data;
} catch (e) {
throw new Error(`[TMDB] Failed to fetch all trending: ${e.message}`);
export default TheMovieDb;