Your ROOT_URL in app.ini is but you are visiting You should set ROOT_URL correctly, otherwise the web may not work correctly.

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# Asking for Support
## Before Asking for Support
Before seeking help, please make sure you have tried these following first:
- **Update** to the latest version.
- ["Have you tried turning it off and on again?"](
- **Analyze** your logs, you just might find the solution yourself!
- **Search** the [Wiki](../), [Installation Guides](../getting-started/, and [FAQs](
- If you have questions, feel free to ask on [Discord]( \(Please review our [Code of Conduct](\) Be sure to include a link to your logs. See [How can I share my logs?]( below.
## What should I include when asking for support?
When you contact support, a vague statement like "it doesn't work" leaves little to go on to figure out what is wrong for you. When contacting support, try to include as much information as possible. Try to answer the following questions:
- What did you try to do? When you describe what you did to reach the state you are in, we may notice something you did differently from the official instructions, or something required by your unique setup. The following are questions that should be answered in your request:
- What command did you enter?
- What did you click on?
- What settings did you change?
- Provide a step-by-step list of what you tried.
- What do you see? We cannot see your screen so some of the following is necessary for us to know what is going on:
- Did something happen?
- Did something not happen?
- Are there any error messages showing?
- Provide screenshots to help us see what you are seeing.
- Share your Overseerr logs, which show exactly what happened and are often critical for identifying issues \(see [How can I share my logs?]( below\).
## How can I share my logs?
1. Locate the log file at `<Overseeerr-install-directory>/logs/overseerr.log`
2. Open the log file and **copy its contents** into a [**secret gist** on GitHub]( If you upload your logs elsewhere, we may ask you to share them again via GitHub Gist.
3. **Share the link/URL to your secret gist** in the [`#support` channel in our Discord server](