Your ROOT_URL in app.ini is but you are visiting
You should set ROOT_URL correctly, otherwise the web may not work correctly.
* **api:** correctly return firstAirDate for series in search endpoints ([32b4c99](, closes [#462](
* **email:** correctly log errors when emails fail to send ([0980fa5](
* **frontend:** added new Radarr v3 logo ([#471]( ([3bbc716](
* **frontend:** approve and decline button (in manage panel) will now fit on mobile ([#441]( ([66ef72d](
* **frontend:** filter out undefined backdrop paths for person details page ([2e0e4d5](
* **frontend:** show backdrops instead of posters for new person detail design ([9f5f920](
* clarify full sync runs every 24 hours ([0c8a180](
* **plex-sync:** match correct tmdb format for movies ([4205e32](
### Features
* **email:** option to allow self signed certificates ([6898357](
* **frontend:** adjust person details design and add improved truncate ([1fb7ea7](
* **frontend:** first air date added to TV details page ([#470]( ([a7db01f](
* **lang:** translations update from Weblate ([#410]( ([941fe19](
* **logs:** rotate log files if they reach 20MB in size ([22002ab](, closes [#438](
* **notifications:** include direct links to media in notifications ([659fa50](, closes [#437](
* **plex-sync:** add support for hama guid's ([ffe9e19](, closes [#453](
* **api:** fix cross-imported type crashing build ([f35dae5](
* **api:** prevent checking first admin account for plex server access ([22006e9](
* **frontend:** add name, short_name and start_url to manifest ([#424]( ([c6836e0](
* **frontend:** adjust person card layout to deal with overflowing content ([4891298](, closes [#416](
* **frontend:** allow more special characters in search input ([5deb64a](, closes [#430](
* **logs:** improve logging when adding to sonarr/radarr ([4b50522](
* only run migrations in production ([ab9cef3](
* **notifications:** always update the media table when seasons become available ([0916b58](
* **plex-sync:** fixes processing movies using TMDB agent ([764db94](, closes [#363](
### Features
* **frontend:** add crew related movies/shows to person details page ([12127a7](
* **frontend:** add full crew page for movies/shows ([604ba2a](
* default user permissions added to settings ([e7ee85c](, closes [#388](
* import users from plex ([#428]( ([7e8f361](, closes [#281](
* **frontend:** add prioritized crew under overview ([6753d9d](, closes [#406](
* **notifications:** added ability to send test notifications ([44a3054](, closes [#309](
### Reverts
* **deps:** revert react-use-clipboard to 1.0.2 ([7083ddf](
* **frontend:** add language picker to setup/login ([ff2ab29](
* **frontend:** add support overseerr block to about page ([c128898](
* **frontend:** releases added to about page ([b7f5739](, closes [#303](
* **lang:** add support for Italian, Portuguese (Brazil) and Serbian ([108dfc4](
* **lang:** add support for swedish language ([c9fe6cb](
* **lang:** translations update from Weblate ([#400]( ([1bd0e64](
* **lang:** translations update from Weblate ([#403]( ([3778ad8](
* **email:** fix link to Overseerr in email templates ([816fec1](, closes [#392](
* **frontend:** adjust padding of search box so placeholder text fits on mobile ([3601d44](, closes [#393](
* **frontend:** changed request block for slideover on mobile UI ([#387]( ([549567a](
* **frontend:** hide Request More button if all current seasons are available ([2a4dd52](, closes [#343](
* **frontend:** try not to render broken rottentomatoes data ([a0c5608](
### Features
* **lang:** translations update from Weblate ([#391]( ([5f71fb7](
* add missing tzdata package to image ([53bede6](, closes [#394](
* **frontend:** add external links to movie and tv detail pages ([a0024a0](
* **lang:** translations update from Weblate ([#380]( ([8408e19](
* change default internal port to 5055 ([#389]( ([5e5ba40](
* api key regeneration ([6beac73](
* **api:** add movie keyword search ([f88c4a6](
* **frontend:** add studio/networks to movie/tv details ([4b6ad8a](, closes [#370](
* **frontend:** added user deletion to the user list ([727fa06](, closes [#348](
* **holiday:** special seasonal slider added to discover :) ([908f635](
* allow to listen server on specific host interface ([#381]( ([086183b](, closes [#273](
* anime profile support ([#384]( ([0972f40](, closes [#266](
* **email:** do not pass auth object to transport if no auth data present ([d5eb4d8](, closes [#312](
* **frontend:** add http/https prefix to hostname fields for plex/radarr/sonarr ([ce0266f](, closes [#357](
* **frontend:** clarify that radarr/sonnarr servers must be tested before profiles/folders appear ([fc12ab8](, closes [#326]( [#328](
* **frontend:** correctly show an unauthorized error when a user fails to login ([18925de](, closes [#322](
* **frontend:** fix tv shows failing to open when firstAirDate is undefined ([c21fa5b](, closes [#347](
* **frontend:** make minimum availability required for Radarr servers ([2fe53ec](, closes [#345](
* **plex-sync:** bundle duplicate ratingKeys to speed up recently added sync ([67146c3](, closes [#360](
* **frontend:** show alert when there are no default radarr/sonarr servers ([0d088e0](, closes [#344](
* **api:** accept the api key to perform actions on the api with X-API-Key header ([33f8831](
* **api:** filter out libraries that do not have any metadata agent or are not movie/show ([01c179f](
* **api:** only run recently added sync on enabled libraries ([e08fa35](, closes [#259](
* **api:** set plex libraries to disabled if the name changes ([675060b](, closes [#324](
* **frontend:** adds a tip to plex setup to clarify that syncing runs in the background ([df4ac83](, closes [#325](
* **frontend:** aligned movie and tv details ([#331]( ([db0a5c4](
* **frontend:** close sidebar when clicking outside ([#333]( ([6d7907e](
* spelling mistake on the word 'requested' fixed ([#319]( ([961d110](
### Features
* add version to startup logs ([2948f93](
* **frontend:** temporary logs page to clear up confusion about it 404ing ([d9788c4](, closes [#272](
* **lang:** add support for Spanish language ([6cd2049](
* **lang:** Translations update from Weblate ([#291]( ([fddbb3c](
* **api:** require package.json directly so typescript doesnt compile it into dist folder ([b9faa64](
* **frontend:** add validation for Radarr/Sonarr server name ([b5988f9](
* **frontend:** only show alpha notice to admins ([ff61895](
* add support for ssl when connecting to plex ([3ba09d0](, closes [#275](
* **services:** improve logging for when Radarr movie already exists ([#285]( ([f998873](, closes [#260](
### Features
* **lang:** add i18n strings for new about page ([900827b](
* about page initial version ([3f2a04c](
* changing parameter name to use correct 'port' [#276]( ([#277]( ([6d08b10](
* **services:** include radarr/sonarr baseUrl when adding media ([78af1a3](
### Features
* **lang:** Translations update from Weblate ([#240]( ([e17c637](
* **frontend:** convert plex port to a number before posting to the api ([8cb05c4](
* **frontend:** converts email smtp port to a number before posting to the api ([2098a2d](, closes [#251](
* **frontend:** encode special characters in search input to prevent crashing router ([15013d6](, closes [#252](
* **plex sync:** catch errors that occur during processMovie ([edbbccf](, closes [#244]( [#246]( [#250](
* **services:** improve logging for adding movies to Radarr ([6c1ee83](
* **services:** radarr/sonarr will use the correct default server ([0658b79](
* **frontend:** also convert activeProfileId to a number for radarr/sonarr submissions ([7bf924f](
* **frontend:** also convert ports to numbers when saving radarr/sonarr servers ([c53dc3b](
* **frontend:** new radarr/sonarr ports will be converted to a number before posting ([92c9001](
* **frontend:** person cards now show correctly in ListView's ([ccb9855](
* **frontend:** properly remove site overlay when closing modals ([3fa7ff9](
* **frontend:** switch to using Transition component for modals ([b16fbaf](, closes [#220](
* fix missing personid in Discover ([d8060af](
* missing personId in ListView component ([6502feb](
* fix a few misc unused imports and useless assignments/conditionals ([8e6daf7](
* **frontend:** dont show delete button in request list for users without correct permission ([83fde46](
* generate real api key ([a839370](
* **frontend:** add i18n strings for request list and request item ([6c4022f](
* **frontend:** initial version of the requests page (no filtering/sorting) ([1ba027b](
* **frontend:** only load request/tmdb cards when in the browser view ([2d51efd](
* **api:** fix scheduling for plex full sync (maybe) ([7287a6a](
* **frontend:** always show request modal option for tv ([2b46268](
* **frontend:** canceled movie request should set parent movie status back to unknown ([#198]( ([139871f](
* **frontend:** close request modals when complete ([85ae499](
* **frontend:** dont show runtime if there is no runtime data ([e0c39ae](
* **frontend:** fix missing data for request modal title i18n ([a56fd16](
* **frontend:** fix missing import for ReactNode type in Slider ([b26a234](
* **frontend:** fix modal design and rename some text for adding servers ([46d99b0](
* **frontend:** fix opening popups on safari ([364d9d1](
* **frontend:** fix request card placeholder sizes for mobile ([ef62c67](
* **frontend:** show a badge on requestcard for partially available status ([59056c4](
* dont cross import SyncStatus type ([e032e38](
* fix type import from server side crashing build process ([89be56d](
* **frontend:** fix title detail background image to be centered ([b92f64f](
* **frontend:** fixed similar/recommendations showing when empty ([#180]( ([a3ca9b4](
* **frontend:** have tvDetail use the new RequestModal ([6aca826](
* **frontend:** reinitalize plex form after data loads ([97e3036](
* **frontend:** remove requestId from tilecard request modal component ([61b6152](
* **frontend:** run initial props for children components after getting the user ([fdf9f38](
* **frontend:** when there were no results in the list view, it would call fetch more infinitely ([c0ce87b](
* fixed an issue with eslint-prettier on windows ([#32]( ([b673ea1](
* fixes next.js build to not include server files ([de8ee9b](
### Features
* add migration for delete cascades on season requests/seasons ([c688cf6](
* **frontend:** add french language file ([cd6d8a8](
* **frontend:** add translatable strings for request card ([0d2f360](
* **frontend:** added more localized strings ([659a601](
* actually include email templates in built server files ([a28a8b3](
* add application url config to main settings ui ([a359672](
* add filtering for requests api ([cb9ae25](
* add trending to discover page ([ff8b9d8](
* force setup if app is not initialized ([a99705f](
* initial user list (no edit/delete yet) and job schedules ([24a0423](
* manage series slideover added (and approve/decline/delete hooked up) ([236c4e5](
* media delete option in manage media slideover ([250f484](
* other email notifications for approved/available ([0d73d88](
* throw 404 when movie/tv show doesnt exist ([0601b44](
* **api:** sonarr api wrapper / send to sonarr ([9385592](
* **frontend:** add header styling to movie/tv recommendation and similar list views ([f5f2545](
* **frontend:** add links to detail pages from new request card ([6ad3384](
* **frontend:** new design for request card ([93738e1](
* notifications for media_available and media_approved ([a6c5e65](
* rotten tomatoes scores on movie/tv details pages ([1694f60](
* upcoming movies on discover ([67290dd](
* upcoming/trending list views and larger title cards ([94eaaf9](
* upgrade tailwindcss to 2.0.1 ([fb5c791](
* user edit functionality (managing permissions) ([185ac26](
* **api:** plex tv sync and recently added sync ([1390cc1](
* **frontend:** allow permission check for showing nav items ([0b239f0](
* **api:** add external ids to movie/tv response ([4aa7431](
* **api:** add movie details endpoint ([b176148](
* **api:** add tmdb discover api wrapper ([#67]( ([839448f](
* **api:** allow plex logins from users who have access to the server ([5147140](
* **api:** decouple media requests from media info ([8577db1](
* **api:** discover endpoint for movie/tv ([#73]( ([258bb93](
* **api:** initial implementation of the auth system ([#30]( ([5343f35](
* **api:** public settings route ([#57]( ([c0166e7](
* **api:** radarr api wrapper / send to radarr when requests approved ([#93]( ([48d62c3](
* **api:** request api ([#80]( ([f4c2c47](
* **api:** tmdb api wrapper / multi search route ([#62]( ([c702c17](
* **api:** tmdb trending api wrapper ([#68]( ([ba34e54](
* **api:** tv details endpoint ([a3beeed](
* **api:** validate plex when settings are saved ([8f6247d](
* **api-user:** add basic User Entity and basic routing to fetch all users ([d902ef7](
* **extensions.json:** added recommended extensions for VSCode ([5dc9b51](
* **frontend:** add cancel request modal for titlecards ([f22f8c5](
* **frontend:** approve/decline request well added to movie detail ([8f21358](
* **frontend:** title detail (movie) initial version ([73ce24a](
* **frontend/api:** beginning of new request modal ([2bf7e10](
* **frontend/api:** cast included with movie request and cast list on detail page ([04252f8](
* **frontend/api:** i18n support ([9131254](
* **frontend/api:** movie recommendations/similar request and frontend detail page update ([6398e36](
* **frontend/api:** tv details page ([02cbb5b](
* **frontend/api:** tv request modal (no status. only request) ([608b966](
* logout route/sign out button ([#54]( ([cb9098f](
* user avatars from plex ([#53]( ([e6349c1](
* **layout:** created Layout component ([1f497e8](
* **login component/route:** add: Login Component and Route ([6e47be2](
* **login route conditional:** on login route, do not display layout ([7d179ae](
* **pass pageprops to loginpage:** pass page props to loginPage ([1597188](
* **plex/utils:** added Plex OAuth class ([72f9624](
* bootstrap the basic app structure ([89a6017](