import { Router } from 'express' ;
import { getRepository } from 'typeorm' ;
import { User } from '../entity/User' ;
import PlexTvAPI from '../api/plextv' ;
import { isAuthenticated } from '../middleware/auth' ;
import { Permission } from '../lib/permissions' ;
import logger from '../logger' ;
import { getSettings } from '../lib/settings' ;
import { UserType } from '../constants/user' ;
const authRoutes = Router ( ) ;
authRoutes . get ( '/me' , isAuthenticated ( ) , async ( req , res ) = > {
const userRepository = getRepository ( User ) ;
if ( ! req . user ) {
return res . status ( 500 ) . json ( {
status : 500 ,
error :
'Requested user endpoint without valid authenticated user in session' ,
} ) ;
const user = await userRepository . findOneOrFail ( {
where : { id : } ,
} ) ;
return res . status ( 200 ) . json ( user . filter ( ) ) ;
} ) ;
authRoutes . post ( '/login' , async ( req , res , next ) = > {
const settings = getSettings ( ) ;
const userRepository = getRepository ( User ) ;
const body = req . body as { authToken? : string } ;
if ( ! body . authToken ) {
return res . status ( 500 ) . json ( { error : 'You must provide an auth token' } ) ;
try {
// First we need to use this auth token to get the users email from plex tv
const plextv = new PlexTvAPI ( body . authToken ) ;
const account = await plextv . getUser ( ) ;
// Next let's see if the user already exists
let user = await userRepository . findOne ( {
where : { plexId : } ,
} ) ;
if ( user ) {
// Let's check if their plex token is up to date
if ( user . plexToken !== body . authToken ) {
user . plexToken = body . authToken ;
await userRepository . save ( user ) ;
// Update the users avatar with their plex thumbnail (incase it changed)
user . avatar = account . thumb ;
user . email = account . email ;
user . username = account . username ;
} else {
// Here we check if it's the first user. If it is, we create the user with no check
// and give them admin permissions
const totalUsers = await userRepository . count ( ) ;
if ( totalUsers === 0 ) {
user = new User ( {
email : ,
username : account.username ,
plexId : ,
plexToken : account.authToken ,
permissions : Permission.ADMIN ,
avatar : account.thumb ,
userType : UserType.PLEX ,
} ) ;
await userRepository . save ( user ) ;
// Double check that we didn't create the first admin user before running this
if ( ! user ) {
// If we get to this point, the user does not already exist so we need to create the
// user _assuming_ they have access to the plex server
const mainUser = await userRepository . findOneOrFail ( {
select : [ 'id' , 'plexToken' ] ,
order : { id : 'ASC' } ,
} ) ;
const mainPlexTv = new PlexTvAPI ( mainUser . plexToken ? ? '' ) ;
if ( await mainPlexTv . checkUserAccess ( account ) ) {
user = new User ( {
email : ,
username : account.username ,
plexId : ,
plexToken : account.authToken ,
permissions : settings.main.defaultPermissions ,
avatar : account.thumb ,
userType : UserType.PLEX ,
} ) ;
await userRepository . save ( user ) ;
} else {
logger . info (
'Failed login attempt from user without access to plex server' ,
label : 'Auth' ,
account : {
. . . account ,
authentication_token : '__REDACTED__' ,
authToken : '__REDACTED__' ,
} ,
) ;
return next ( {
status : 403 ,
message : 'You do not have access to this Plex server' ,
} ) ;
// Set logged in session
if ( req . session ) {
req . session . userId = user . id ;
return res . status ( 200 ) . json ( user ? . filter ( ) ? ? { } ) ;
} catch ( e ) {
logger . error ( e . message , { label : 'Auth' } ) ;
return next ( {
status : 500 ,
message : 'Something went wrong. Is your auth token valid?' ,
} ) ;
} ) ;
authRoutes . post ( '/local' , async ( req , res , next ) = > {
const userRepository = getRepository ( User ) ;
const body = req . body as { email? : string ; password? : string } ;
if ( ! body . email || ! body . password ) {
return res
. status ( 500 )
. json ( { error : 'You must provide an email and a password' } ) ;
try {
const user = await userRepository . findOne ( {
select : [ 'id' , 'password' ] ,
where : { email : , userType : UserType.LOCAL } ,
} ) ;
const isCorrectCredentials = await user ? . passwordMatch ( body . password ) ;
// User doesn't exist or credentials are incorrect
if ( ! isCorrectCredentials ) {
logger . info ( 'Failed login attempt from user with incorrect credentials' , {
label : 'Auth' ,
account : {
email : ,
password : '__REDACTED__' ,
} ,
} ) ;
return next ( {
status : 403 ,
message : 'You do not have access to this Plex server' ,
} ) ;
// Set logged in session
if ( user && req . session ) {
req . session . userId = user . id ;
return res . status ( 200 ) . json ( user ? . filter ( ) ? ? { } ) ;
} catch ( e ) {
logger . error ( e . message , { label : 'Auth' } ) ;
return next ( {
status : 500 ,
message : 'Something went wrong.' ,
} ) ;
} ) ;
authRoutes . get ( '/logout' , ( req , res , next ) = > {
req . session ? . destroy ( ( err ) = > {
if ( err ) {
return next ( {
status : 500 ,
message : 'Something went wrong while attempting to logout' ,
} ) ;
return res . status ( 200 ) . json ( { status : 'ok' } ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
export default authRoutes ;