* fix(notif): include year in notifications
* fix(lang): fix shared overwritten strings
* fix: check if email agent is actually enabled when generating passwords
telegramsettingsfailed:'Telegram notification settings failed to save.',
testsent:'Telegram test notification sent!',
telegramtestsent:'Telegram test notification sent!',
'To configure Telegram notifications, you will need to <CreateBotLink>create a bot</CreateBotLink> and get the bot API key. Additionally, you will need the chat ID for the chat to which you would like to send notifications. You can find this by adding <GetIdBotLink>@get_id_bot</GetIdBotLink> to the chat and issuing the <code>/my_id</code> command.',
"components.Settings.Notifications.discordtestsent":"Discord test notification sent!",
"components.Settings.Notifications.emailNotificationTypesAlertDescription":"<strong>Media Requested</strong>, <strong>Media Automatically Approved</strong>, and <strong>Media Failed</strong> email notifications are sent to all users with the <strong>Manage Requests</strong> permission.",
"components.Settings.Notifications.emailNotificationTypesAlertDescriptionPt2":"<strong>Media Approved</strong>, <strong>Media Declined</strong>, and <strong>Media Available</strong> email notifications are sent to the user who submitted the request.",