@ -1,28 +1,40 @@
import cacheManager from '@server/lib/cache' ;
import { getSettings } from '@server/lib/settings' ;
import ExternalAPI from './externalapi' ;
interface RTSearchResult {
meterClass : 'certified_fresh' | 'fresh' | 'rotten' ;
meterScore : number ;
url : string ;
interface RTAlgoliaSearchResponse {
results : {
hits : RTAlgoliaHit [ ] ;
index : 'content_rt' | 'people_rt' ;
} [ ] ;
interface RTTvSearchResult extends RTSearchResult {
interface RTAlgoliaHit {
emsId : string ;
emsVersionId : string ;
tmsId : string ;
type : string ;
title : string ;
startYear : number ;
endYear : number ;
interface RTMovieSearchResult extends RTSearchResult {
name : string ;
url : string ;
year : number ;
interface RTMultiSearchResponse {
tvCount : number ;
tvSeries : RTTvSearchResult [ ] ;
movieCount : number ;
movies : RTMovieSearchResult [ ] ;
titles : string [ ] ;
description : string ;
releaseYear : string ;
rating : string ;
genres : string [ ] ;
updateDate : string ;
isEmsSearchable : boolean ;
rtId : number ;
vanity : string ;
aka : string [ ] ;
posterImageUrl : string ;
rottenTomatoes : {
audienceScore : number ;
criticsIconUrl : string ;
wantToSeeCount : number ;
audienceIconUrl : string ;
scoreSentiment : string ;
certifiedFresh : boolean ;
criticsScore : number ;
} ;
export interface RTRating {
@ -47,13 +59,20 @@ export interface RTRating {
* /
class RottenTomatoes extends ExternalAPI {
constructor ( ) {
const settings = getSettings ( ) ;
super (
'https://www.rottentomatoes.com/api/private' ,
{ } ,
'https://79frdp12pn-dsn.algolia.net/1/indexes/*' ,
'x-algolia-agent' :
'Algolia%20for%20JavaScript%20(4.14.3)%3B%20Browser%20(lite)' ,
'x-algolia-api-key' : '175588f6e5f8319b27702e4cc4013561' ,
'x-algolia-application-id' : '79FRDP12PN' ,
} ,
headers : {
'Content-Type' : 'application/json' ,
Accept : 'application/json' ,
'x-algolia-usertoken' : settings . clientId ,
} ,
nodeCache : cacheManager.getCache ( 'rt' ) . data ,
@ -61,14 +80,11 @@ class RottenTomatoes extends ExternalAPI {
/ * *
* Search the 1.0 api for the movie title
* Search the RT algolia api for the movie title
* We compare the release date to make sure its the correct
* match . But it ' s not guaranteed to have results .
* We use the 1.0 API here because the 2.0 search api does
* not return audience ratings .
* @param name Movie name
* @param year Release Year
* /
@ -77,30 +93,45 @@ class RottenTomatoes extends ExternalAPI {
year : number
) : Promise < RTRating | null > {
try {
const data = await this . get < RTMultiSearchResponse > ( '/v2.0/search/' , {
params : { q : name , limit : 10 } ,
const data = await this . post < RTAlgoliaSearchResponse > ( '/queries' , {
requests : [
indexName : 'content_rt' ,
query : name ,
params : 'filters=isEmsSearchable%20%3D%201&hitsPerPage=20' ,
} ,
] ,
} ) ;
const contentResults = data . results . find ( ( r ) = > r . index === 'content_rt' ) ;
if ( ! contentResults ) {
return null ;
// First, attempt to match exact name and year
let movie = data . movies . find (
( movie ) = > movie . year === year && movie . name === name
let movie = contentResults. hit s. find (
( movie ) = > movie . releaseYear === year . toString ( ) && movie . titl e === name
) ;
// If we don't find a movie, try to match partial name and year
if ( ! movie ) {
movie = data . movies . find (
( movie ) = > movie . year === year && movie . name . includes ( name )
movie = contentResults . hits . find (
( movie ) = >
movie . releaseYear === year . toString ( ) && movie . title . includes ( name )
) ;
// If we still dont find a movie, try to match just on year
if ( ! movie ) {
movie = data . movies . find ( ( movie ) = > movie . year === year ) ;
movie = contentResults . hits . find (
( movie ) = > movie . releaseYear === year . toString ( )
) ;
// One last try, try exact name match only
if ( ! movie ) {
movie = data. movie s. find ( ( movie ) = > movie . nam e === name ) ;
movie = contentResults. hit s. find ( ( movie ) = > movie . titl e === name ) ;
if ( ! movie ) {
@ -108,16 +139,15 @@ class RottenTomatoes extends ExternalAPI {
return {
title : movie.name ,
url : ` https://www.rottentomatoes.com ${ movie . url } ` ,
criticsRating :
movie . meterClass === 'certified_fresh'
? 'Certified Fresh'
: movie . meterClass === 'fresh'
? 'Fresh'
: 'Rotten' ,
criticsScore : movie.meterScore ,
year : movie.year ,
title : movie.title ,
url : ` https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/ ${ movie . vanity } ` ,
criticsRating : movie.rottenTomatoes.certifiedFresh
? 'Certified Fresh'
: movie . rottenTomatoes . criticsScore >= 60
? 'Fresh'
: 'Rotten' ,
criticsScore : movie.rottenTomatoes.criticsScore ,
year : Number ( movie . releaseYear ) ,
} ;
} catch ( e ) {
throw new Error (
@ -131,14 +161,28 @@ class RottenTomatoes extends ExternalAPI {
year? : number
) : Promise < RTRating | null > {
try {
const data = await this . get < RTMultiSearchResponse > ( '/v2.0/search/' , {
params : { q : name , limit : 10 } ,
const data = await this . post < RTAlgoliaSearchResponse > ( '/queries' , {
requests : [
indexName : 'content_rt' ,
query : name ,
params : 'filters=isEmsSearchable%20%3D%201&hitsPerPage=20' ,
} ,
] ,
} ) ;
let tvshow : RTTvSearchResult | undefined = data . tvSeries [ 0 ] ;
const contentResults = data . results . find ( ( r ) = > r . index === 'content_rt' ) ;
if ( ! contentResults ) {
return null ;
let tvshow : RTAlgoliaHit | undefined = contentResults . hits [ 0 ] ;
if ( year ) {
tvshow = data . tvSeries . find ( ( series ) = > series . startYear === year ) ;
tvshow = contentResults . hits . find (
( series ) = > series . releaseYear === year . toString ( )
) ;
if ( ! tvshow ) {
@ -147,10 +191,11 @@ class RottenTomatoes extends ExternalAPI {
return {
title : tvshow.title ,
url : ` https://www.rottentomatoes.com ${ tvshow . url } ` ,
criticsRating : tvshow.meterClass === 'fresh' ? 'Fresh' : 'Rotten' ,
criticsScore : tvshow.meterScore ,
year : tvshow.startYear ,
url : ` https://www.rottentomatoes.com/tv/ ${ tvshow . vanity } ` ,
criticsRating :
tvshow . rottenTomatoes . criticsScore >= 60 ? 'Fresh' : 'Rotten' ,
criticsScore : tvshow.rottenTomatoes.criticsScore ,
year : Number ( tvshow . releaseYear ) ,
} ;
} catch ( e ) {
throw new Error ( ` [RT API] Failed to retrieve tv ratings: ${ e . message } ` ) ;