'Grant permission to manage Overseerr users. Users with this permission cannot modify users with or grant the Admin privilege.',
settings:'Manage Settings',
'Grant permission to modify all Overseerr settings. A user must have this permission to grant it to others.',
'Grant permission to modify Overseerr settings. A user must have this permission to grant it to others.',
managerequests:'Manage Requests',
'Grant permission to manage Overseerr requests (includes approving and denying requests). All requests made by a user with this permission will be automatically approved.',
'Grant permission to manage Overseerr requests. All requests made by a user with this permission will be automatically approved.',
requestDescription:'Grant permission to request movies and series.',
'Grant permission to vote on requests (voting not yet implemented).',
requestDescription:'Grant permission to request non-4K media.',
requestMovies:'Request Movies',
requestMoviesDescription:'Grant permission to request non-4K movies.',
requestTv:'Request Series',
requestTvDescription:'Grant permission to request non-4K series.',
'Grant automatic approval for all non-4K requests made by this user.',
autoapproveDescription:'Grant automatic approval for all non-4K requests.',
autoapproveMovies:'Auto-Approve Movies',
'Grant automatic approval for non-4K movie requests made by this user.',
'Grant automatic approval for non-4K movie requests.',
autoapproveSeries:'Auto-Approve Series',
'Grant automatic approval for non-4K series requests made by this user.',
'Grant automatic approval for non-4K series requests.',
autoapprove4k:'Auto-Approve 4K',
'Grant automatic approval for all 4K requests made by this user.',
autoapprove4kDescription:'Grant automatic approval for all 4K requests.',
autoapprove4kMovies:'Auto-Approve 4K Movies',
'Grant automatic approval for 4K movie requests made by this user.',
'Grant automatic approval for 4K movie requests.',
autoapprove4kSeries:'Auto-Approve 4K Series',
'Grant automatic approval for 4K series requests made by this user.',
'Grant automatic approval for 4K series requests.',
request4k:'Request 4K',
request4kDescription:'Grant permission to request 4K movies and series.',
request4kDescription:'Grant permission to request 4K media.',
request4kMovies:'Request 4K Movies',
request4kMoviesDescription:'Grant permission to request 4K movies.',
request4kTv:'Request 4K Series',
request4kTvDescription:'Grant permission to request 4K Series.',
request4kTvDescription:'Grant permission to request 4K series.',
advancedrequest:'Advanced Requests',
'Grant permission to use advanced request options (e.g., changing servers, profiles, or paths).',
'Grant permission to use advanced request options.',
viewrequests:'View Requests',
viewrequestsDescription:"Grant permission to view other users' requests.",
'* This will irreversibly remove all data for this TV series, including any requests. If this item exists in your Plex library, the media information will be recreated during the next scan.',
'* This will irreversibly remove all data for this series, including any requests. If this item exists in your Plex library, the media information will be recreated during the next scan.',
"components.PermissionEdit.advancedrequestDescription":"Grant permission to use advanced request options (e.g., changing servers, profiles, or paths).",
"components.PermissionEdit.advancedrequestDescription":"Grant permission to use advanced request options.",
"components.PermissionEdit.managerequestsDescription":"Grant permission to manage Overseerr requests (includes approving and denying requests). All requests made by a user with this permission will be automatically approved.",
"components.PermissionEdit.managerequestsDescription":"Grant permission to manage Overseerr requests. All requests made by a user with this permission will be automatically approved.",
"components.PermissionEdit.settingsDescription":"Grant permission to modify all Overseerr settings. A user must have this permission to grant it to others.",
"components.PermissionEdit.settingsDescription":"Grant permission to modify Overseerr settings. A user must have this permission to grant it to others.",
"components.PermissionEdit.users":"Manage Users",
"components.PermissionEdit.usersDescription":"Grant permission to manage Overseerr users. Users with this permission cannot modify users with or grant the Admin privilege.",
"components.TvDetails.firstAirDate":"First Air Date",
"components.TvDetails.manageModalClearMedia":"Clear Media Data",
"components.TvDetails.manageModalClearMediaWarning":"* This will irreversibly remove all data for this TV series, including any requests. If this item exists in your Plex library, the media information will be recreated during the next scan.",
"components.TvDetails.manageModalClearMediaWarning":"* This will irreversibly remove all data for this series, including any requests. If this item exists in your Plex library, the media information will be recreated during the next scan.",