@ -22,8 +22,6 @@ const messages = defineMessages({
plexsettings : 'Plex Settings' ,
plexsettingsDescription :
'Configure the settings for your Plex server. Overseerr scans your Plex libraries to determine content availability.' ,
servername : 'Server Name' ,
servernameTip : 'Automatically retrieved from Plex after saving' ,
serverpreset : 'Server' ,
serverLocal : 'local' ,
serverRemote : 'remote' ,
@ -41,7 +39,7 @@ const messages = defineMessages({
'To set up Plex, you can either enter the details manually or select a server retrieved from <RegisterPlexTVLink>plex.tv</RegisterPlexTVLink>. Press the button to the right of the dropdown to fetch the list of available servers.' ,
hostname : 'Hostname or IP Address' ,
port : 'Port' ,
enablessl : ' Enabl e SSL',
enablessl : ' Us e SSL',
plexlibraries : 'Plex Libraries' ,
plexlibrariesDescription :
'The libraries Overseerr scans for titles. Set up and save your Plex connection settings, then click the button below if no libraries are listed.' ,
@ -57,6 +55,10 @@ const messages = defineMessages({
cancelscan : 'Cancel Scan' ,
validationHostnameRequired : 'You must provide a valid hostname or IP address' ,
validationPortRequired : 'You must provide a valid port number' ,
webAppUrl : '<WebAppLink>Web App</WebAppLink> URL' ,
webAppUrlTip :
'Optionally direct users to the web app on your server instead of the "hosted" web app' ,
validationWebAppUrl : 'You must provide a valid Plex Web App URL' ,
} ) ;
interface Library {
@ -108,14 +110,18 @@ const SettingsPlex: React.FC<SettingsPlexProps> = ({ onComplete }) => {
const { addToast , removeToast } = useToasts ( ) ;
const PlexSettingsSchema = Yup . object ( ) . shape ( {
hostname : Yup.string ( )
. nullable ( )
. required ( intl . formatMessage ( messages . validationHostnameRequired ) )
. matches (
/^(([a-z]|\d|_|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])([a-z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])*)?([a-z]|\d|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])$/i ,
intl . formatMessage ( messages . validationHostnameRequired )
) ,
port : Yup.number ( )
. typeError( intl . formatMessage ( messages . validationPortRequired ) )
. nullable( )
. required ( intl . formatMessage ( messages . validationPortRequired ) ) ,
webAppUrl : Yup.string ( )
. nullable ( )
. url ( intl . formatMessage ( messages . validationWebAppUrl ) ) ,
} ) ;
const activeLibraries =
@ -282,6 +288,7 @@ const SettingsPlex: React.FC<SettingsPlexProps> = ({ onComplete }) => {
port : data?.port ? ? 32400 ,
useSsl : data?.useSsl ,
selectedPreset : undefined ,
webAppUrl : data?.webAppUrl ,
} }
validationSchema = { PlexSettingsSchema }
onSubmit = { async ( values ) = > {
@ -301,6 +308,7 @@ const SettingsPlex: React.FC<SettingsPlexProps> = ({ onComplete }) => {
ip : values.hostname ,
port : Number ( values . port ) ,
useSsl : values.useSsl ,
webAppUrl : values.webAppUrl ,
} as PlexSettings ) ;
revalidate ( ) ;
@ -336,34 +344,12 @@ const SettingsPlex: React.FC<SettingsPlexProps> = ({ onComplete }) => {
} ) = > {
return (
< form className = "section" onSubmit = { handleSubmit } >
< div className = "form-row" >
< label htmlFor = "name" className = "text-label" >
< div className = "flex flex-col" >
< span > { intl . formatMessage ( messages . servername ) } < / span >
< span className = "text-gray-500" >
{ intl . formatMessage ( messages . servernameTip ) }
< / span >
< / div >
< / label >
< div className = "form-input" >
< div className = "form-input-field" >
< input
type = "text"
id = "name"
name = "name"
className = "cursor-not-allowed"
value = { data ? . name }
/ >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div className = "form-row" >
< label htmlFor = "preset" className = "text-label" >
{ intl . formatMessage ( messages . serverpreset ) }
< / label >
< div className = "form-input" >
< div className = "form-input-field input-group ">
< div className = "form-input-field" >
< select
id = "preset"
name = "preset"
@ -489,6 +475,43 @@ const SettingsPlex: React.FC<SettingsPlexProps> = ({ onComplete }) => {
/ >
< / div >
< / div >
< div className = "form-row" >
< label htmlFor = "webAppUrl" className = "text-label" >
{ intl . formatMessage ( messages . webAppUrl , {
WebAppLink : function WebAppLink ( msg ) {
return (
< a
href = "https://support.plex.tv/articles/200288666-opening-plex-web-app/"
target = "_blank"
rel = "noreferrer"
{ msg }
< / a >
) ;
} ,
} ) }
< Badge badgeType = "danger" className = "ml-2" >
{ intl . formatMessage ( globalMessages . advanced ) }
< / Badge >
< span className = "label-tip" >
{ intl . formatMessage ( messages . webAppUrlTip ) }
< / span >
< / label >
< div className = "form-input" >
< div className = "form-input-field" >
< Field
type = "text"
inputMode = "url"
id = "webAppUrl"
name = "webAppUrl"
placeholder = "https://app.plex.tv/desktop"
/ >
< / div >
{ errors . webAppUrl && touched . webAppUrl && (
< div className = "error" > { errors . webAppUrl } < / div >
) }
< / div >
< / div >
< div className = "actions" >
< div className = "flex justify-end" >
< span className = "inline-flex ml-3 rounded-md shadow-sm" >