@ -5,15 +5,17 @@ import NotificationType from './NotificationType';
mediarequested:'Media Requested',
'Sends a notification when new media is requested. For certain agents, this will only send the notification to admins or users with the "Manage Requests" permission.',
'Sends a notification when media is requested and requires approval.',
mediaapproved:'Media Approved',
mediaapprovedDescription:'Sends a notification when media is approved.',
'Sends a notification when media becomes available.',
mediafailed:'Media Failed',
'Sends a notification when media fails to be added to services (Radarr/Sonarr). For certain agents, this will only send the notification to admins or users with the "Manage Requests" permission.',
'Sends a notification when media fails to be added to Radarr or Sonarr.',
mediadeclined:'Media Declined',
mediadeclinedDescription:'Sends a notification when a request is declined.',
"components.NotificationTypeSelector.mediaapprovedDescription":"Sends a notification when media is approved.",
"components.NotificationTypeSelector.mediaapprovedDescription":"Sends a notification when media is approved. By default, automatically approved requests will not trigger notifications.",
"components.NotificationTypeSelector.mediafailedDescription":"Sends a notification when media fails to be added to services (Radarr/Sonarr). For certain agents, this will only send the notification to admins or users with the \"Manage Requests\" permission.",
"components.NotificationTypeSelector.mediafailedDescription":"Sends a notification when media fails to be added to Radarr or Sonarr.",
"components.NotificationTypeSelector.mediarequestedDescription":"Sends a notification when new media is requested. For certain agents, this will only send the notification to admins or users with the \"Manage Requests\" permission.",
"components.NotificationTypeSelector.mediarequestedDescription":"Sends a notification when media is requested and requires approval.",
"components.PermissionEdit.adminDescription":"Full administrator access. Bypasses all permission checks.",
"components.PermissionEdit.adminDescription":"Full administrator access. Bypasses all other permission checks.",
"components.PermissionEdit.advancedrequestDescription":"Grants permission to use advanced request options (e.g., changing servers, profiles, or paths).",
"components.Settings.Notifications.NotificationsPushbullet.settingUpPushbullet":"Setting Up Pushbullet Notifications",
"components.Settings.Notifications.NotificationsPushbullet.settingUpPushbulletDescription":"To configure Pushbullet notifications, you need to <CreateAccessTokenLink>create an access token</CreateAccessTokenLink> and enter it below.",
"components.Settings.Notifications.NotificationsPushbullet.settingUpPushbulletDescription":"To configure Pushbullet notifications, you will need to <CreateAccessTokenLink>create an access token</CreateAccessTokenLink> and enter it below.",
"components.Settings.Notifications.NotificationsPushover.settinguppushover":"Setting Up Pushover Notifications",
"components.Settings.Notifications.NotificationsPushover.settinguppushoverDescription":"To configure Pushover notifications, you need to <RegisterApplicationLink>register an application</RegisterApplicationLink> and get the access token. When setting up the application, you can use one of the icons in the <IconLink>public folder</IconLink> on GitHub. You also need the Pushover user token, which can be found on the start page when you log in.",
"components.Settings.Notifications.NotificationsPushover.settinguppushoverDescription":"To configure Pushover notifications, you will need to <RegisterApplicationLink>register an application</RegisterApplicationLink> and enter the API key below. (You can use one of our <IconLink>official icons on GitHub</IconLink>.) You will need also need your user key.",
"components.Settings.Notifications.NotificationsSlack.settingupslack":"Setting Up Slack Notifications",
"components.Settings.Notifications.NotificationsSlack.settingupslackDescription":"To configure Slack notifications, you will need to create an <WebhookLink>Incoming Webhook</WebhookLink> integration and enter the webhook URL below.",
"components.Settings.Notifications.NotificationsSlack.slacksettingsfailed":"Slack notification settings failed to save.",
"components.Settings.Notifications.emailNotificationTypesAlertDescription":"For the \"Media Requested\" and \"Media Failed\" notification types, notifications will only be sent to users with the \"Manage Requests\" permission.",
"components.Settings.Notifications.settinguptelegram":"Setting Up Telegram Notifications",
"components.Settings.Notifications.settinguptelegramDescription":"To configure Telegram notifications, you need to <CreateBotLink>create a bot</CreateBotLink> and get the bot API key. Additionally, you need the chat ID for the chat where you would like the bot to send notifications. You can get this by adding <GetIdBotLink>@get_id_bot</GetIdBotLink> to the chat or group chat.",
"components.Settings.Notifications.settinguptelegramDescription":"To configure Telegram notifications, you will need to <CreateBotLink>create a bot</CreateBotLink> and get the bot API key. Additionally, you will need the chat ID for the chat to which you would like to send notifications. You can get this by adding <GetIdBotLink>@get_id_bot</GetIdBotLink> to the chat.",
"components.Settings.notificationsettingsDescription":"Configure global notification settings. The options below will apply to all notification agents.",
"components.Settings.notificationsettingsfailed":"Notification settings failed to save.",