import ExternalAPI from '@server/api/externalapi'; import cacheManager from '@server/lib/cache'; type IMDBRadarrProxyResponse = IMDBMovie[]; interface IMDBMovie { ImdbId: string; Overview: string; Title: string; OriginalTitle: string; TitleSlug: string; Ratings: Rating[]; MovieRatings: MovieRatings; Runtime: number; Images: Image[]; Genres: string[]; Popularity: number; Premier: string; InCinema: string; PhysicalRelease: any; DigitalRelease: string; Year: number; AlternativeTitles: AlternativeTitle[]; Translations: Translation[]; Recommendations: Recommendation[]; Credits: Credits; Studio: string; YoutubeTrailerId: string; Certifications: Certification[]; Status: any; Collection: Collection; OriginalLanguage: string; Homepage: string; TmdbId: number; } interface Rating { Count: number; Value: number; Origin: string; Type: string; } interface MovieRatings { Tmdb: Tmdb; Imdb: Imdb; Metacritic: Metacritic; RottenTomatoes: RottenTomatoes; } interface Tmdb { Count: number; Value: number; Type: string; } interface Imdb { Count: number; Value: number; Type: string; } interface Metacritic { Count: number; Value: number; Type: string; } interface RottenTomatoes { Count: number; Value: number; Type: string; } interface Image { CoverType: string; Url: string; } interface AlternativeTitle { Title: string; Type: string; Language: string; } interface Translation { Title: string; Overview: string; Language: string; } interface Recommendation { TmdbId: number; Title: string; } interface Credits { Cast: Cast[]; Crew: Crew[]; } interface Cast { Name: string; Order: number; Character: string; TmdbId: number; CreditId: string; Images: Image2[]; } interface Image2 { CoverType: string; Url: string; } interface Crew { Name: string; Job: string; Department: string; TmdbId: number; CreditId: string; Images: Image3[]; } interface Image3 { CoverType: string; Url: string; } interface Certification { Country: string; Certification: string; } interface Collection { Name: string; Images: any; Overview: any; Translations: any; Parts: any; TmdbId: number; } export interface IMDBRating { title: string; url: string; criticsScore: number; } /** * This is a best-effort API. The IMDB API is technically * private and getting access costs money/requires approval. * * Radarr hosts a public proxy that's in use by all Radarr instances. */ class IMDBRadarrProxy extends ExternalAPI { constructor() { super('', { headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', Accept: 'application/json', }, nodeCache: cacheManager.getCache('imdb').data, }); } /** * Ask the Radarr IMDB Proxy for the movie * * @param IMDBid Id of IMDB movie */ public async getMovieRatings(IMDBid: string): Promise { try { const data = await this.get( `/movie/imdb/${IMDBid}` ); if (!data?.length || data[0].ImdbId !== IMDBid) { return null; } return { title: data[0].Title, url: `${data[0].ImdbId}`, criticsScore: data[0].MovieRatings.Imdb.Value, }; } catch (e) { throw new Error( `[IMDB RADARR PROXY API] Failed to retrieve movie ratings: ${e.message}` ); } } } export default IMDBRadarrProxy;