import animeList from '@server/api/animelist'; import type { PlexLibraryItem, PlexMetadata } from '@server/api/plexapi'; import PlexAPI from '@server/api/plexapi'; import type { TmdbTvDetails } from '@server/api/themoviedb/interfaces'; import { getRepository } from '@server/datasource'; import { User } from '@server/entity/User'; import cacheManager from '@server/lib/cache'; import type { MediaIds, ProcessableSeason, RunnableScanner, StatusBase, } from '@server/lib/scanners/baseScanner'; import BaseScanner from '@server/lib/scanners/baseScanner'; import type { Library } from '@server/lib/settings'; import { getSettings } from '@server/lib/settings'; import { uniqWith } from 'lodash'; const imdbRegex = new RegExp(/imdb:\/\/(tt[0-9]+)/); const tmdbRegex = new RegExp(/tmdb:\/\/([0-9]+)/); const tvdbRegex = new RegExp(/tvdb:\/\/([0-9]+)/); const tmdbShowRegex = new RegExp(/themoviedb:\/\/([0-9]+)/); const plexRegex = new RegExp(/plex:\/\//); // Hama agent uses ASS naming, see details here: // const hamaTvdbRegex = new RegExp(/hama:\/\/tvdb[0-9]?-([0-9]+)/); const hamaAnidbRegex = new RegExp(/hama:\/\/anidb[0-9]?-([0-9]+)/); const HAMA_AGENT = 'com.plexapp.agents.hama'; type SyncStatus = StatusBase & { currentLibrary: Library; libraries: Library[]; }; class PlexScanner extends BaseScanner implements RunnableScanner { private plexClient: PlexAPI; private libraries: Library[]; private currentLibrary: Library; private isRecentOnly = false; public constructor(isRecentOnly = false) { super('Plex Scan', { bundleSize: 50 }); this.isRecentOnly = isRecentOnly; } public status(): SyncStatus { return { running: this.running, progress: this.progress, total: this.totalSize ?? 0, currentLibrary: this.currentLibrary, libraries: this.libraries, }; } public async run(): Promise { const settings = getSettings(); const sessionId = this.startRun(); try { const userRepository = getRepository(User); const admin = await userRepository.findOne({ select: { id: true, plexToken: true }, where: { id: 1 }, }); if (!admin) { return this.log('No admin configured. Plex scan skipped.', 'warn'); } this.plexClient = new PlexAPI({ plexToken: admin.plexToken }); this.libraries = settings.plex.libraries.filter( (library) => library.enabled ); const hasHama = await this.hasHamaAgent(); if (hasHama) { await animeList.sync(); } if (this.isRecentOnly) { for (const library of this.libraries) { this.currentLibrary = library; this.log( `Beginning to process recently added for library: ${}`, 'info', { lastScan: library.lastScan } ); const libraryItems = await this.plexClient.getRecentlyAdded(, library.lastScan ? { // We remove 10 minutes from the last scan as a buffer addedAt: library.lastScan - 1000 * 60 * 10, } : undefined, library.type ); // Bundle items up by rating keys this.items = uniqWith(libraryItems, (mediaA, mediaB) => { if (mediaA.grandparentRatingKey && mediaB.grandparentRatingKey) { return ( mediaA.grandparentRatingKey === mediaB.grandparentRatingKey ); } if (mediaA.parentRatingKey && mediaB.parentRatingKey) { return mediaA.parentRatingKey === mediaB.parentRatingKey; } return mediaA.ratingKey === mediaB.ratingKey; }); await this.loop(this.processItem.bind(this), { sessionId }); // After run completes, update last scan time const newLibraries = => { if ( === { return { ...lib, lastScan:, }; } return lib; }); settings.plex.libraries = newLibraries;; } } else { for (const library of this.libraries) { this.currentLibrary = library; this.log(`Beginning to process library: ${}`, 'info'); await this.paginateLibrary(library, { sessionId }); } } this.log( this.isRecentOnly ? 'Recently Added Scan Complete' : 'Full Scan Complete', 'info' ); } catch (e) { this.log('Scan interrupted', 'error', { errorMessage: e.message, }); } finally { this.endRun(sessionId); } } private async paginateLibrary( library: Library, { start = 0, sessionId }: { start?: number; sessionId: string } ) { if (!this.running) { throw new Error('Sync was aborted.'); } if (this.sessionId !== sessionId) { throw new Error('New session was started. Old session aborted.'); } const response = await this.plexClient.getLibraryContents(, { size: this.protectedBundleSize, offset: start, }); this.progress = start; this.totalSize = response.totalSize; if (response.items.length === 0) { return; } await Promise.all( (item) => { await this.processItem(item); }) ); if (response.items.length < this.protectedBundleSize) { return; } await new Promise((resolve, reject) => setTimeout(() => { this.paginateLibrary(library, { start: start + this.protectedBundleSize, sessionId, }) .then(() => resolve()) .catch((e) => reject(new Error(e.message))); }, this.protectedUpdateRate) ); } private async processItem(plexitem: PlexLibraryItem) { try { if (plexitem.type === 'movie') { await this.processPlexMovie(plexitem); } else if ( plexitem.type === 'show' || plexitem.type === 'episode' || plexitem.type === 'season' ) { await this.processPlexShow(plexitem); } } catch (e) { this.log('Failed to process Plex media', 'error', { errorMessage: e.message, title: plexitem.title, }); } } private async processPlexMovie(plexitem: PlexLibraryItem) { const mediaIds = await this.getMediaIds(plexitem); const has4k = plexitem.Media.some( (media) => media.videoResolution === '4k' ); await this.processMovie(mediaIds.tmdbId, { is4k: has4k && this.enable4kMovie, mediaAddedAt: new Date(plexitem.addedAt * 1000), ratingKey: plexitem.ratingKey, title: plexitem.title, }); } private async processPlexMovieByTmdbId( plexitem: PlexMetadata, tmdbId: number ) { const has4k = plexitem.Media.some( (media) => media.videoResolution === '4k' ); await this.processMovie(tmdbId, { is4k: has4k && this.enable4kMovie, mediaAddedAt: new Date(plexitem.addedAt * 1000), ratingKey: plexitem.ratingKey, title: plexitem.title, }); } private async processPlexShow(plexitem: PlexLibraryItem) { const ratingKey = plexitem.grandparentRatingKey ?? plexitem.parentRatingKey ?? plexitem.ratingKey; const metadata = await this.plexClient.getMetadata(ratingKey, { includeChildren: true, }); const mediaIds = await this.getMediaIds(metadata); // If the media is from HAMA, and doesn't have a TVDb ID, we will treat it // as a special HAMA movie if (mediaIds.tmdbId && !mediaIds.tvdbId && mediaIds.isHama) { this.processHamaMovie(metadata, mediaIds.tmdbId); return; } // If the media is from HAMA and we have a TVDb ID, we will attempt // to process any specials that may exist if (mediaIds.tvdbId && mediaIds.isHama) { await this.processHamaSpecials(metadata, mediaIds.tvdbId); } const tvShow = await this.tmdb.getTvShow({ tvId: mediaIds.tmdbId }); const seasons = tvShow.seasons; const processableSeasons: ProcessableSeason[] = []; for (const season of seasons) { const matchedPlexSeason = metadata.Children?.Metadata.find( (md) => Number(md.index) === season.season_number ); if (matchedPlexSeason) { // If we have a matched Plex season, get its children metadata so we can check details const episodes = await this.plexClient.getChildrenMetadata( matchedPlexSeason.ratingKey ); // Total episodes that are in standard definition (not 4k) const totalStandard = episodes.filter((episode) => !this.enable4kShow ? true : episode.Media.some((media) => media.videoResolution !== '4k') ).length; // Total episodes that are in 4k const total4k = this.enable4kShow ? episodes.filter((episode) => episode.Media.some((media) => media.videoResolution === '4k') ).length : 0; processableSeasons.push({ seasonNumber: season.season_number, episodes: totalStandard, episodes4k: total4k, totalEpisodes: season.episode_count, }); } else { processableSeasons.push({ seasonNumber: season.season_number, episodes: 0, episodes4k: 0, totalEpisodes: season.episode_count, }); } } if (mediaIds.tvdbId) { await this.processShow( mediaIds.tmdbId, mediaIds.tvdbId ?? tvShow.external_ids.tvdb_id, processableSeasons, { mediaAddedAt: new Date(metadata.addedAt * 1000), ratingKey: ratingKey, title: metadata.title, } ); } } private async getMediaIds(plexitem: PlexLibraryItem): Promise { let mediaIds: Partial = {}; // Check if item is using new plex movie/tv agent if (plexitem.guid.match(plexRegex)) { const guidCache = cacheManager.getCache('plexguid'); const cachedGuids =; if (cachedGuids) { this.log('GUIDs are cached. Skipping metadata request.', 'debug', { mediaIds: cachedGuids, title: plexitem.title, }); mediaIds = cachedGuids; } const metadata = plexitem.Guid && plexitem.Guid.length > 0 ? plexitem : await this.plexClient.getMetadata(plexitem.ratingKey); // If there is no Guid field at all, then we bail if (!metadata.Guid) { throw new Error( 'No Guid metadata for this title. Skipping. (Try refreshing the metadata in Plex for this media!)' ); } // Map all IDs to MediaId object metadata.Guid.forEach((ref) => { if ( { mediaIds.imdbId =[1] ?? undefined; } else if ( { const tmdbMatch =[1]; mediaIds.tmdbId = Number(tmdbMatch); } else if ( { const tvdbMatch =[1]; mediaIds.tvdbId = Number(tvdbMatch); } }); // If we got an IMDb ID, but no TMDB ID, lookup the TMDB ID with the IMDb ID if (mediaIds.imdbId && !mediaIds.tmdbId) { const tmdbMedia = await this.tmdb.getMediaByImdbId({ imdbId: mediaIds.imdbId, }); mediaIds.tmdbId =; } // Cache GUIDs, mediaIds); // Check if the agent is IMDb } else if (plexitem.guid.match(imdbRegex)) { const imdbMatch = plexitem.guid.match(imdbRegex); if (imdbMatch) { mediaIds.imdbId = imdbMatch[1]; const tmdbMedia = await this.tmdb.getMediaByImdbId({ imdbId: mediaIds.imdbId, }); mediaIds.tmdbId =; } // Check if the agent is TMDB } else if (plexitem.guid.match(tmdbRegex)) { const tmdbMatch = plexitem.guid.match(tmdbRegex); if (tmdbMatch) { mediaIds.tmdbId = Number(tmdbMatch[1]); } // Check if the agent is TVDb } else if (plexitem.guid.match(tvdbRegex)) { const matchedtvdb = plexitem.guid.match(tvdbRegex); // If we can find a tvdb Id, use it to get the full tmdb show details if (matchedtvdb) { const show = await this.tmdb.getShowByTvdbId({ tvdbId: Number(matchedtvdb[1]), }); mediaIds.tvdbId = Number(matchedtvdb[1]); mediaIds.tmdbId =; } // Check if the agent (for shows) is TMDB } else if (plexitem.guid.match(tmdbShowRegex)) { const matchedtmdb = plexitem.guid.match(tmdbShowRegex); if (matchedtmdb) { mediaIds.tmdbId = Number(matchedtmdb[1]); } // Check for HAMA (with TVDb guid) } else if (plexitem.guid.match(hamaTvdbRegex)) { const matchedtvdb = plexitem.guid.match(hamaTvdbRegex); if (matchedtvdb) { const show = await this.tmdb.getShowByTvdbId({ tvdbId: Number(matchedtvdb[1]), }); mediaIds.tvdbId = Number(matchedtvdb[1]); mediaIds.tmdbId =; // Set isHama to true, so we can know to add special processing to this item mediaIds.isHama = true; } // Check for HAMA (with anidb guid) } else if (plexitem.guid.match(hamaAnidbRegex)) { const matchedhama = plexitem.guid.match(hamaAnidbRegex); if (!animeList.isLoaded()) { this.log( `Hama ID ${plexitem.guid} detected, but library agent is not set to Hama`, 'warn', { title: plexitem.title } ); } else if (matchedhama) { const anidbId = Number(matchedhama[1]); const result = animeList.getFromAnidbId(anidbId); let tvShow: TmdbTvDetails | null = null; // Set isHama to true, so we can know to add special processing to this item mediaIds.isHama = true; // First try to lookup the show by TVDb ID if (result?.tvdbId) { const extResponse = await this.tmdb.getByExternalId({ externalId: result.tvdbId, type: 'tvdb', }); if (extResponse.tv_results[0]) { tvShow = await this.tmdb.getTvShow({ tvId: extResponse.tv_results[0].id, }); mediaIds.tvdbId = result.tvdbId; mediaIds.tmdbId =; } else { this.log( `Missing TVDB ${result.tvdbId} entry in TMDB for AniDB ${anidbId}` ); } } if (!tvShow) { // if lookup of tvshow above failed, then try movie with tmdbid/imdbid // note - some tv shows have imdbid set too, that's why this need to go second if (result?.tmdbId) { mediaIds.tmdbId = result.tmdbId; mediaIds.imdbId = result?.imdbId; } else if (result?.imdbId) { const tmdbMovie = await this.tmdb.getMediaByImdbId({ imdbId: result.imdbId, }); mediaIds.tmdbId =; mediaIds.imdbId = result.imdbId; } } } } if (!mediaIds.tmdbId) { throw new Error('Unable to find TMDB ID'); } // We check above if we have the TMDB ID, so we can safely assert the type below return mediaIds as MediaIds; } // movies with hama agent actually are tv shows with at least one episode in it // try to get first episode of any season - cannot hardcode season or episode number // because sometimes user can have it in other season/ep than s01e01 private async processHamaMovie(metadata: PlexMetadata, tmdbId: number) { const season = metadata.Children?.Metadata[0]; if (season) { const episodes = await this.plexClient.getChildrenMetadata( season.ratingKey ); if (episodes) { await this.processPlexMovieByTmdbId(episodes[0], tmdbId); } } } // this adds all movie episodes from specials season for Hama agent private async processHamaSpecials(metadata: PlexMetadata, tvdbId: number) { const specials = metadata.Children?.Metadata.find( (md) => Number(md.index) === 0 ); if (specials) { const episodes = await this.plexClient.getChildrenMetadata( specials.ratingKey ); if (episodes) { for (const episode of episodes) { const special = animeList.getSpecialEpisode(tvdbId, episode.index); if (special) { if (special.tmdbId) { await this.processPlexMovieByTmdbId(episode, special.tmdbId); } else if (special.imdbId) { const tmdbMovie = await this.tmdb.getMediaByImdbId({ imdbId: special.imdbId, }); await this.processPlexMovieByTmdbId(episode,; } } } } } } // checks if any of this.libraries has Hama agent set in Plex private async hasHamaAgent() { const plexLibraries = await this.plexClient.getLibraries(); return this.libraries.some((library) => plexLibraries.some( (plexLibrary) => plexLibrary.agent === HAMA_AGENT && === plexLibrary.key ) ); } } export const plexFullScanner = new PlexScanner(); export const plexRecentScanner = new PlexScanner(true);