import { uniqWith } from 'lodash'; import { getRepository } from 'typeorm'; import SonarrAPI, { SonarrSeries } from '../../../api/servarr/sonarr'; import { TmdbTvDetails } from '../../../api/themoviedb/interfaces'; import Media from '../../../entity/Media'; import { getSettings, SonarrSettings } from '../../settings'; import BaseScanner, { ProcessableSeason, RunnableScanner, StatusBase, } from '../baseScanner'; type SyncStatus = StatusBase & { currentServer: SonarrSettings; servers: SonarrSettings[]; }; class SonarrScanner extends BaseScanner implements RunnableScanner { private servers: SonarrSettings[]; private currentServer: SonarrSettings; private sonarrApi: SonarrAPI; constructor() { super('Sonarr Scan', { bundleSize: 50 }); } public status(): SyncStatus { return { running: this.running, progress: this.progress, total: this.items.length, currentServer: this.currentServer, servers: this.servers, }; } public async run(): Promise { const settings = getSettings(); const sessionId = this.startRun(); try { this.servers = uniqWith(settings.sonarr, (sonarrA, sonarrB) => { return ( sonarrA.hostname === sonarrB.hostname && sonarrA.port === sonarrB.port && sonarrA.baseUrl === sonarrB.baseUrl ); }); for (const server of this.servers) { this.currentServer = server; if (server.syncEnabled) { this.log( `Beginning to process Sonarr server: ${}`, 'info' ); this.sonarrApi = new SonarrAPI({ apiKey: server.apiKey, url: SonarrAPI.buildUrl(server, '/api/v3'), }); this.items = await this.sonarrApi.getSeries(); await this.loop(this.processSonarrSeries.bind(this), { sessionId }); } else { this.log(`Sync not enabled. Skipping Sonarr server: ${}`); } } this.log('Sonarr scan complete', 'info'); } catch (e) { this.log('Scan interrupted', 'error', { errorMessage: e.message }); } finally { this.endRun(sessionId); } } private async processSonarrSeries(sonarrSeries: SonarrSeries) { try { const mediaRepository = getRepository(Media); const server4k = this.enable4kShow && this.currentServer.is4k; const processableSeasons: ProcessableSeason[] = []; let tvShow: TmdbTvDetails; const media = await mediaRepository.findOne({ where: { tvdbId: sonarrSeries.tvdbId }, }); if (!media || !media.tmdbId) { tvShow = await this.tmdb.getShowByTvdbId({ tvdbId: sonarrSeries.tvdbId, }); } else { tvShow = await this.tmdb.getTvShow({ tvId: media.tmdbId }); } const tmdbId =; const filteredSeasons = sonarrSeries.seasons.filter( (sn) => sn.seasonNumber !== 0 && tvShow.seasons.find((s) => s.season_number === sn.seasonNumber) ); for (const season of filteredSeasons) { const totalAvailableEpisodes = season.statistics?.episodeFileCount ?? 0; processableSeasons.push({ seasonNumber: season.seasonNumber, episodes: !server4k ? totalAvailableEpisodes : 0, episodes4k: server4k ? totalAvailableEpisodes : 0, totalEpisodes: season.statistics?.totalEpisodeCount ?? 0, processing: season.monitored && totalAvailableEpisodes === 0, is4kOverride: server4k, }); } await this.processShow(tmdbId, sonarrSeries.tvdbId, processableSeasons, { serviceId:, externalServiceId:, externalServiceSlug: sonarrSeries.titleSlug, title: sonarrSeries.title, is4k: server4k, }); } catch (e) { this.log('Failed to process Sonarr media', 'error', { errorMessage: e.message, title: sonarrSeries.title, }); } } } export const sonarrScanner = new SonarrScanner();