import axios from 'axios'; import xml2js from 'xml2js'; import fs, { promises as fsp } from 'fs'; import path from 'path'; import logger from '../logger'; const UPDATE_INTERVAL_MSEC = 24 * 3600 * 1000; // how often to download new mapping in milliseconds // originally at const MAPPING_URL = ''; const LOCAL_PATH = path.join(__dirname, '../../config/anime-list.xml'); const mappingRegexp = new RegExp(/;[0-9]+-([0-9]+)/g); // Anime-List xml files are community maintained mappings that Hama agent uses to map AniDB IDs to tvdb/tmdb IDs // interface AnimeMapping { $: { anidbseason: string; tvdbseason: string; }; _: string; } interface Anime { $: { anidbid: number; tvdbid?: string; defaulttvdbseason?: string; tmdbid?: number; imdbid?: string; }; 'mapping-list'?: { mapping: AnimeMapping[]; }[]; } interface AnimeList { 'anime-list': { anime: Anime[]; }; } export interface AnidbItem { tvdbId?: number; tmdbId?: number; imdbId?: string; } class AnimeListMapping { private syncing = false; private mapping: { [anidbId: number]: AnidbItem } = {}; // mapping file modification date when it was loaded private mappingModified: Date | null = null; // each episode in season 0 from TVDB can map to movie private specials: { [tvdbId: number]: { [episode: number]: AnidbItem } } = {}; public isLoaded = () => Object.keys(this.mapping).length !== 0; private loadFromFile = async () => {'Loading mapping file', { label: 'Anime-List Sync' }); try { const mappingStat = await fsp.stat(LOCAL_PATH); const file = await fsp.readFile(LOCAL_PATH); const xml = (await xml2js.parseStringPromise(file)) as AnimeList; this.mapping = {}; this.specials = {}; for (const anime of xml['anime-list'].anime) { // tvdbId can be nonnumber, like 'movie' string let tvdbId: number | undefined; if (anime.$.tvdbid && !isNaN(Number(anime.$.tvdbid))) { tvdbId = Number(anime.$.tvdbid); } else { tvdbId = undefined; } let imdbIds: (string | undefined)[]; if (anime.$.imdbid) { // if there are multiple imdb entries, then they map to different movies imdbIds = anime.$.imdbid.split(','); } else { // in case there is no imdbid, that's ok as there will be tmdbid imdbIds = [undefined]; } const tmdbId = anime.$.tmdbid ? Number(anime.$.tmdbid) : undefined; const anidbId = Number(anime.$.anidbid); this.mapping[anidbId] = { // for season 0 ignore tvdbid, because this must be movie/OVA tvdbId: anime.$.defaulttvdbseason === '0' ? undefined : tvdbId, tmdbId: tmdbId, imdbId: imdbIds[0], // this is used for one AniDB -> one imdb movie mapping }; if (tvdbId) { const mappingList = anime['mapping-list']; if (mappingList && mappingList.length != 0) { let imdbIndex = 0; for (const mapping of mappingList[0].mapping) { const text = mapping._; if (text && mapping.$.tvdbseason === '0') { let matches; while ((matches = mappingRegexp.exec(text)) !== null) { const episode = Number(matches[1]); if (!this.specials[tvdbId]) { this.specials[tvdbId] = {}; } // map next available imdbid to episode in s0 const imdbId = imdbIndex > imdbIds.length ? undefined : imdbIds[imdbIndex]; if (tmdbId || imdbId) { this.specials[tvdbId][episode] = { tmdbId: tmdbId, imdbId: imdbId, }; imdbIndex++; } } } } } else { // some movies do not have mapping-list, so map episode 1,2,3, movies // movies must have imdbid or tmdbid const hasImdb = imdbIds.length > 1 || imdbIds[0] !== undefined; if ((hasImdb || tmdbId) && anime.$.defaulttvdbseason === '0') { if (!this.specials[tvdbId]) { this.specials[tvdbId] = {}; } // map each imdbid to episode in s0, episode index starts with 1 for (let idx = 0; idx < imdbIds.length; idx++) { this.specials[tvdbId][idx + 1] = { tmdbId: tmdbId, imdbId: imdbIds[idx], }; } } } } } this.mappingModified = mappingStat.mtime; `Loaded ${ Object.keys(this.mapping).length } AniDB items from mapping file`, { label: 'Anime-List Sync' } ); } catch (e) { throw new Error(`Failed to load Anime-List mappings: ${e.message}`); } }; private downloadFile = async () => {'Downloading latest mapping file', { label: 'Anime-List Sync', }); try { const response = await axios.get(MAPPING_URL, { responseType: 'stream', }); await new Promise((resolve) => { const writer = fs.createWriteStream(LOCAL_PATH); writer.on('finish', resolve);; }); } catch (e) { throw new Error(`Failed to download Anime-List mapping: ${e.message}`); } }; public sync = async () => { // make sure only one sync runs at a time if (this.syncing) { return; } this.syncing = true; try { // check if local file is not "expired" yet if (fs.existsSync(LOCAL_PATH)) { const now = new Date(); const stat = await fsp.stat(LOCAL_PATH); if (now.getTime() - stat.mtime.getTime() < UPDATE_INTERVAL_MSEC) { if (!this.isLoaded()) { // no need to download, but make sure file is loaded await this.loadFromFile(); } else if ( this.mappingModified && stat.mtime.getTime() > this.mappingModified.getTime() ) { // if file has been modified externally since last load, reload it await this.loadFromFile(); } return; } } await this.downloadFile(); await this.loadFromFile(); } finally { this.syncing = false; } }; public getFromAnidbId = (anidbId: number): AnidbItem | undefined => { return this.mapping[anidbId]; }; public getSpecialEpisode = ( tvdbId: number, episode: number ): AnidbItem | undefined => { const episodes = this.specials[tvdbId]; return episodes ? episodes[episode] : undefined; }; } const animeList = new AnimeListMapping(); export default animeList;