import { uniqWith } from 'lodash'; import { getRepository } from 'typeorm'; import { v4 as uuid } from 'uuid'; import SonarrAPI, { SonarrSeries } from '../../api/sonarr'; import TheMovieDb from '../../api/themoviedb'; import { TmdbTvDetails } from '../../api/themoviedb/interfaces'; import { MediaStatus, MediaType } from '../../constants/media'; import Media from '../../entity/Media'; import Season from '../../entity/Season'; import { getSettings, SonarrSettings } from '../../lib/settings'; import logger from '../../logger'; const BUNDLE_SIZE = 50; const UPDATE_RATE = 4 * 1000; interface SyncStatus { running: boolean; progress: number; total: number; currentServer: SonarrSettings; servers: SonarrSettings[]; } class JobSonarrSync { private running = false; private progress = 0; private enable4k = false; private sessionId: string; private servers: SonarrSettings[]; private currentServer: SonarrSettings; private sonarrApi: SonarrAPI; private items: SonarrSeries[] = []; public async run() { const settings = getSettings(); const sessionId = uuid(); this.sessionId = sessionId; this.log('Sonarr scan starting', 'info', { sessionId }); try { this.running = true; // Remove any duplicate Sonarr servers and assign them to the servers field this.servers = uniqWith(settings.sonarr, (sonarrA, sonarrB) => { return ( sonarrA.hostname === sonarrB.hostname && sonarrA.port === sonarrB.port && sonarrA.baseUrl === sonarrB.baseUrl ); }); this.enable4k = settings.sonarr.some((sonarr) => sonarr.is4k); if (this.enable4k) { this.log( 'At least one 4K Sonarr server was detected. 4K movie detection is now enabled.', 'info' ); } for (const server of this.servers) { this.currentServer = server; if (server.syncEnabled) { this.log( `Beginning to process Sonarr server: ${}`, 'info' ); this.sonarrApi = new SonarrAPI({ apiKey: server.apiKey, url: SonarrAPI.buildSonarrUrl(server, '/api/v3'), }); this.items = await this.sonarrApi.getSeries(); await this.loop({ sessionId }); } else { this.log(`Sync not enabled. Skipping Sonarr server: ${}`); } } this.log('Sonarr scan complete', 'info'); } catch (e) { this.log('Something went wrong.', 'error', { errorMessage: e.message }); } finally { // If a new scanning session hasnt started, set running back to false if (this.sessionId === sessionId) { this.running = false; } } } public status(): SyncStatus { return { running: this.running, progress: this.progress, total: this.items.length, currentServer: this.currentServer, servers: this.servers, }; } public cancel(): void { this.running = false; } private async processSonarrSeries(sonarrSeries: SonarrSeries) { const mediaRepository = getRepository(Media); const server4k = this.enable4k && this.currentServer.is4k; const media = await mediaRepository.findOne({ where: { tvdbId: sonarrSeries.tvdbId }, }); const currentSeasonsAvailable = (media?.seasons ?? []).filter( (season) => season[server4k ? 'status4k' : 'status'] === MediaStatus.AVAILABLE ).length; const newSeasons: Season[] = []; for (const season of sonarrSeries.seasons) { const existingSeason = media?.seasons.find( (es) => es.seasonNumber === season.seasonNumber ); // We are already tracking this season so we can work on it directly if (existingSeason) { if ( existingSeason[server4k ? 'status4k' : 'status'] !== MediaStatus.AVAILABLE && season.statistics ) { existingSeason[server4k ? 'status4k' : 'status'] = season.statistics.episodeFileCount === season.statistics.totalEpisodeCount ? MediaStatus.AVAILABLE : season.statistics.episodeFileCount > 0 ? MediaStatus.PARTIALLY_AVAILABLE : season.monitored ? MediaStatus.PROCESSING : existingSeason[server4k ? 'status4k' : 'status']; } } else { if (season.statistics && season.seasonNumber !== 0) { const allEpisodes = season.statistics.episodeFileCount === season.statistics.totalEpisodeCount; newSeasons.push( new Season({ seasonNumber: season.seasonNumber, status: !server4k && allEpisodes ? MediaStatus.AVAILABLE : !server4k && season.statistics.episodeFileCount > 0 ? MediaStatus.PARTIALLY_AVAILABLE : !server4k && season.monitored ? MediaStatus.PROCESSING : MediaStatus.UNKNOWN, status4k: server4k && allEpisodes ? MediaStatus.AVAILABLE : server4k && season.statistics.episodeFileCount > 0 ? MediaStatus.PARTIALLY_AVAILABLE : !server4k && season.monitored ? MediaStatus.PROCESSING : MediaStatus.UNKNOWN, }) ); } } } const filteredSeasons = sonarrSeries.seasons.filter( (s) => s.seasonNumber !== 0 ); const isAllSeasons = (media?.seasons ?? []).filter( (s) => s[server4k ? 'status4k' : 'status'] === MediaStatus.AVAILABLE ).length + newSeasons.filter( (s) => s[server4k ? 'status4k' : 'status'] === MediaStatus.AVAILABLE ).length >= filteredSeasons.length && filteredSeasons.length > 0; if (media) { media.seasons = [, ...newSeasons]; const newSeasonsAvailable = (media?.seasons ?? []).filter( (season) => season[server4k ? 'status4k' : 'status'] === MediaStatus.AVAILABLE ).length; if (newSeasonsAvailable > currentSeasonsAvailable) { this.log( `Detected ${newSeasonsAvailable - currentSeasonsAvailable} new ${ server4k ? '4K ' : '' }season(s) for ${sonarrSeries.title}`, 'debug' ); media.lastSeasonChange = new Date(); } if ( media[server4k ? 'serviceId4k' : 'serviceId'] !== ) { media[server4k ? 'serviceId4k' : 'serviceId'] =; this.log(`Updated service ID for media entity: ${sonarrSeries.title}`); } if ( media[server4k ? 'externalServiceId4k' : 'externalServiceId'] !== ) { media[server4k ? 'externalServiceId4k' : 'externalServiceId'] =; this.log( `Updated external service ID for media entity: ${sonarrSeries.title}` ); } if ( media[server4k ? 'externalServiceSlug4k' : 'externalServiceSlug'] !== sonarrSeries.titleSlug ) { media[server4k ? 'externalServiceSlug4k' : 'externalServiceSlug'] = sonarrSeries.titleSlug; this.log( `Updated external service slug for media entity: ${sonarrSeries.title}` ); } // If the show is already available, and there are no new seasons, dont adjust // the status const shouldStayAvailable = media.status === MediaStatus.AVAILABLE && newSeasons.filter( (season) => season[server4k ? 'status4k' : 'status'] !== MediaStatus.UNKNOWN ).length === 0; media[server4k ? 'status4k' : 'status'] = isAllSeasons || shouldStayAvailable ? MediaStatus.AVAILABLE : media.seasons.some( (season) => season[server4k ? 'status4k' : 'status'] === MediaStatus.AVAILABLE || season[server4k ? 'status4k' : 'status'] === MediaStatus.PARTIALLY_AVAILABLE ) ? MediaStatus.PARTIALLY_AVAILABLE : media.seasons.some( (season) => season[server4k ? 'status4k' : 'status'] === MediaStatus.PROCESSING ) ? MediaStatus.PROCESSING : MediaStatus.UNKNOWN; await; } else { const tmdb = new TheMovieDb(); let tvShow: TmdbTvDetails; try { tvShow = await tmdb.getShowByTvdbId({ tvdbId: sonarrSeries.tvdbId, }); } catch (e) { this.log( 'Failed to create new media item during sync. TVDB ID is missing from TMDB?', 'warn', { sonarrSeries, errorMessage: e.message } ); return; } const newMedia = new Media({ tmdbId:, tvdbId: sonarrSeries.tvdbId, mediaType: MediaType.TV, serviceId: !server4k ? : undefined, serviceId4k: server4k ? : undefined, externalServiceId: !server4k ? : undefined, externalServiceId4k: server4k ? : undefined, externalServiceSlug: !server4k ? sonarrSeries.titleSlug : undefined, externalServiceSlug4k: server4k ? sonarrSeries.titleSlug : undefined, seasons: newSeasons, status: !server4k && isAllSeasons ? MediaStatus.AVAILABLE : !server4k && newSeasons.some( (s) => s.status === MediaStatus.PARTIALLY_AVAILABLE || s.status === MediaStatus.AVAILABLE ) ? MediaStatus.PARTIALLY_AVAILABLE : !server4k ? MediaStatus.PROCESSING : MediaStatus.UNKNOWN, status4k: server4k && isAllSeasons ? MediaStatus.AVAILABLE : server4k && newSeasons.some( (s) => s.status4k === MediaStatus.PARTIALLY_AVAILABLE || s.status4k === MediaStatus.AVAILABLE ) ? MediaStatus.PARTIALLY_AVAILABLE : server4k ? MediaStatus.PROCESSING : MediaStatus.UNKNOWN, }); this.log( `Added media for series ${sonarrSeries.title} and set status to ${ MediaStatus[newMedia[server4k ? 'status4k' : 'status']] }` ); await; } } private async processItems(items: SonarrSeries[]) { await Promise.all( (sonarrSeries) => { await this.processSonarrSeries(sonarrSeries); }) ); } private async loop({ start = 0, end = BUNDLE_SIZE, sessionId, }: { start?: number; end?: number; sessionId?: string; } = {}) { const slicedItems = this.items.slice(start, end); if (!this.running) { throw new Error('Sync was aborted.'); } if (this.sessionId !== sessionId) { throw new Error('New session was started. Old session aborted.'); } if (start < this.items.length) { this.progress = start; await this.processItems(slicedItems); await new Promise((resolve, reject) => setTimeout(() => { this.loop({ start: start + BUNDLE_SIZE, end: end + BUNDLE_SIZE, sessionId, }) .then(() => resolve()) .catch((e) => reject(new Error(e.message))); }, UPDATE_RATE) ); } } private log( message: string, level: 'info' | 'error' | 'debug' | 'warn' = 'debug', optional?: Record ): void { logger[level](message, { label: 'Sonarr Scan', ...optional }); } } export const jobSonarrSync = new JobSonarrSync();