import { Router } from 'express'; import { getRepository } from 'typeorm'; import IssueComment from '../entity/IssueComment'; import { Permission } from '../lib/permissions'; import logger from '../logger'; import { isAuthenticated } from '../middleware/auth'; const issueCommentRoutes = Router(); issueCommentRoutes.get<{ commentId: string }, IssueComment>( '/:commentId', isAuthenticated( [ Permission.MANAGE_ISSUES, Permission.VIEW_ISSUES, Permission.CREATE_ISSUES, ], { type: 'or', } ), async (req, res, next) => { const issueCommentRepository = getRepository(IssueComment); try { const comment = await issueCommentRepository.findOneOrFail({ where: { id: Number(req.params.commentId) }, }); if ( !req.user?.hasPermission( [Permission.MANAGE_ISSUES, Permission.VIEW_ISSUES], { type: 'or' } ) && !== req.user?.id ) { return next({ status: 403, message: 'You do not have permission to view this comment.', }); } return res.status(200).json(comment); } catch (e) { logger.debug('Request for unknown issue comment failed', { label: 'API', errorMessage: e.message, }); next({ status: 404, message: 'Issue comment not found.' }); } } ); issueCommentRoutes.put< { commentId: string }, IssueComment, { message: string } >( '/:commentId', isAuthenticated([Permission.MANAGE_ISSUES, Permission.CREATE_ISSUES], { type: 'or', }), async (req, res, next) => { const issueCommentRepository = getRepository(IssueComment); try { const comment = await issueCommentRepository.findOneOrFail({ where: { id: Number(req.params.commentId) }, }); if ( !== req.user?.id) { return next({ status: 403, message: 'You can only edit your own comments.', }); } comment.message = req.body.message; await; return res.status(200).json(comment); } catch (e) { logger.debug('Put request for issue comment failed', { label: 'API', errorMessage: e.message, }); next({ status: 404, message: 'Issue comment not found.' }); } } ); issueCommentRoutes.delete<{ commentId: string }, IssueComment>( '/:commentId', isAuthenticated([Permission.MANAGE_ISSUES, Permission.CREATE_ISSUES], { type: 'or', }), async (req, res, next) => { const issueCommentRepository = getRepository(IssueComment); try { const comment = await issueCommentRepository.findOneOrFail({ where: { id: Number(req.params.commentId) }, }); if ( !req.user?.hasPermission([Permission.MANAGE_ISSUES], { type: 'or' }) && !== req.user?.id ) { return next({ status: 403, message: 'You do not have permission to delete this comment.', }); } await issueCommentRepository.remove(comment); return res.status(204).send(); } catch (e) { logger.debug('Delete request for issue comment failed', { label: 'API', errorMessage: e.message, }); next({ status: 404, message: 'Issue comment not found.' }); } } ); export default issueCommentRoutes;