--- name: Bug report about: Submit a report to help us improve title: '' labels: 'awaiting-triage, type:bug' assignees: '' --- #### Description Please provide a clear and concise description of the bug or issue. #### Version What version of Overseerr are you running? (You can find this in Settings → About → Version.) #### Steps to Reproduce Please tell us how we can reproduce the undesired behavior. 1. Go to [...] 2. Click on [...] 3. Scroll down to [...] 4. See error in [...] #### Expected Behavior Please provide a clear and concise description of what you expected to happen. #### Screenshots If applicable, please provide screenshots depicting the problem. #### Device What device were you using when you encountered this issue? Please provide this information to help us reproduce and investigate the bug. - **Platform:** [e.g., desktop, smartphone, tablet] - **Device:** [e.g., iPhone X, Surface Pro, Samsung Galaxy Tab] - **OS:** [e.g., iOS 8.1, Windows 10, Android 11] - **Browser:** [e.g., Chrome, Safari, Edge, Firefox] #### Additional Context Please provide any additional information that may be relevant or helpful.