import fs from 'fs'; import path from 'path'; import { merge } from 'lodash'; import { v4 as uuidv4 } from 'uuid'; import { Permission } from './permissions'; export interface Library { id: string; name: string; enabled: boolean; } export interface Region { iso_3166_1: string; english_name: string; } export interface Language { iso_639_1: string; english_name: string; name: string; } export interface PlexSettings { name: string; machineId?: string; ip: string; port: number; useSsl?: boolean; libraries: Library[]; } interface DVRSettings { id: number; name: string; hostname: string; port: number; apiKey: string; useSsl: boolean; baseUrl?: string; activeProfileId: number; activeProfileName: string; activeDirectory: string; is4k: boolean; isDefault: boolean; externalUrl?: string; syncEnabled: boolean; preventSearch: boolean; } export interface RadarrSettings extends DVRSettings { minimumAvailability: string; } export interface SonarrSettings extends DVRSettings { activeAnimeProfileId?: number; activeAnimeProfileName?: string; activeAnimeDirectory?: string; activeAnimeLanguageProfileId?: number; activeLanguageProfileId?: number; enableSeasonFolders: boolean; } export interface MainSettings { apiKey: string; applicationTitle: string; applicationUrl: string; csrfProtection: boolean; defaultPermissions: number; hideAvailable: boolean; localLogin: boolean; region: string; originalLanguage: string; trustProxy: boolean; } interface PublicSettings { initialized: boolean; } interface FullPublicSettings extends PublicSettings { applicationTitle: string; hideAvailable: boolean; localLogin: boolean; movie4kEnabled: boolean; series4kEnabled: boolean; } export interface NotificationAgentConfig { enabled: boolean; types: number; options: Record; } export interface NotificationAgentDiscord extends NotificationAgentConfig { options: { webhookUrl: string; }; } export interface NotificationAgentSlack extends NotificationAgentConfig { options: { webhookUrl: string; }; } export interface NotificationAgentEmail extends NotificationAgentConfig { options: { emailFrom: string; smtpHost: string; smtpPort: number; secure: boolean; authUser?: string; authPass?: string; allowSelfSigned: boolean; senderName: string; }; } export interface NotificationAgentTelegram extends NotificationAgentConfig { options: { botAPI: string; chatId: string; sendSilently: boolean; }; } export interface NotificationAgentPushbullet extends NotificationAgentConfig { options: { accessToken: string; }; } export interface NotificationAgentPushover extends NotificationAgentConfig { options: { accessToken: string; userToken: string; priority: number; }; } export interface NotificationAgentWebhook extends NotificationAgentConfig { options: { webhookUrl: string; jsonPayload: string; authHeader: string; }; } interface NotificationAgents { discord: NotificationAgentDiscord; email: NotificationAgentEmail; pushbullet: NotificationAgentPushbullet; pushover: NotificationAgentPushover; slack: NotificationAgentSlack; telegram: NotificationAgentTelegram; webhook: NotificationAgentWebhook; } interface NotificationSettings { enabled: boolean; autoapprovalEnabled: boolean; agents: NotificationAgents; } interface AllSettings { clientId: string; main: MainSettings; plex: PlexSettings; radarr: RadarrSettings[]; sonarr: SonarrSettings[]; public: PublicSettings; notifications: NotificationSettings; } const SETTINGS_PATH = process.env.CONFIG_DIRECTORY ? `${process.env.CONFIG_DIRECTORY}/settings.json` : path.join(__dirname, '../../config/settings.json'); class Settings { private data: AllSettings; constructor(initialSettings?: AllSettings) { = { clientId: uuidv4(), main: { apiKey: '', applicationTitle: 'Overseerr', applicationUrl: '', csrfProtection: false, defaultPermissions: Permission.REQUEST, hideAvailable: false, localLogin: true, region: '', originalLanguage: '', trustProxy: false, }, plex: { name: '', ip: '', port: 32400, useSsl: false, libraries: [], }, radarr: [], sonarr: [], public: { initialized: false, }, notifications: { enabled: true, autoapprovalEnabled: false, agents: { email: { enabled: false, types: 0, options: { emailFrom: '', smtpHost: '', smtpPort: 587, secure: false, allowSelfSigned: false, senderName: 'Overseerr', }, }, discord: { enabled: false, types: 0, options: { webhookUrl: '', }, }, slack: { enabled: false, types: 0, options: { webhookUrl: '', }, }, telegram: { enabled: false, types: 0, options: { botAPI: '', chatId: '', sendSilently: false, }, }, pushbullet: { enabled: false, types: 0, options: { accessToken: '', }, }, pushover: { enabled: false, types: 0, options: { accessToken: '', userToken: '', priority: 0, }, }, webhook: { enabled: false, types: 0, options: { webhookUrl: '', authHeader: '', jsonPayload: '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', }, }, }, }, }; if (initialSettings) { = merge(, initialSettings); } } get main(): MainSettings { if (! { = this.generateApiKey();; } return; } set main(data: MainSettings) { = data; } get plex(): PlexSettings { return; } set plex(data: PlexSettings) { = data; } get radarr(): RadarrSettings[] { return; } set radarr(data: RadarrSettings[]) { = data; } get sonarr(): SonarrSettings[] { return; } set sonarr(data: SonarrSettings[]) { = data; } get public(): PublicSettings { return; } set public(data: PublicSettings) { = data; } get fullPublicSettings(): FullPublicSettings { return {, applicationTitle:, hideAvailable:, localLogin:, movie4kEnabled: (radarr) => radarr.is4k && radarr.isDefault ), series4kEnabled: (sonarr) => sonarr.is4k && sonarr.isDefault ), }; } get notifications(): NotificationSettings { return; } set notifications(data: NotificationSettings) { = data; } get clientId(): string { if (! { = uuidv4();; } return; } public regenerateApiKey(): MainSettings { this.main.apiKey = this.generateApiKey();; return this.main; } private generateApiKey(): string { return Buffer.from(`${}${uuidv4()})`).toString('base64'); } /** * Settings Load * * This will load settings from file unless an optional argument of the object structure * is passed in. * @param overrideSettings If passed in, will override all existing settings with these * values */ public load(overrideSettings?: AllSettings): Settings { if (overrideSettings) { = overrideSettings; return this; } if (!fs.existsSync(SETTINGS_PATH)) {; } const data = fs.readFileSync(SETTINGS_PATH, 'utf-8'); if (data) { = merge(, JSON.parse(data));; } return this; } public save(): void { fs.writeFileSync(SETTINGS_PATH, JSON.stringify(, undefined, ' ')); } } let settings: Settings | undefined; export const getSettings = (initialSettings?: AllSettings): Settings => { if (!settings) { settings = new Settings(initialSettings); } return settings; }; export default Settings;