import type { TmdbAggregateCreditCast, TmdbCreditCast, TmdbCreditCrew, TmdbExternalIds, TmdbVideo, TmdbVideoResult, TmdbWatchProviderDetails, TmdbWatchProviders, } from '@server/api/themoviedb/interfaces'; import type { Video } from '@server/models/Movie'; export interface ProductionCompany { id: number; logoPath?: string; originCountry: string; name: string; description?: string; headquarters?: string; homepage?: string; } export interface TvNetwork { id: number; logoPath?: string; originCountry?: string; name: string; headquarters?: string; homepage?: string; } export interface Keyword { id: number; name: string; } export interface Genre { id: number; name: string; } export interface Cast { id: number; castId: number; character: string; creditId: string; gender?: number; name: string; order: number; profilePath?: string; } export interface Crew { id: number; creditId: string; department: string; gender?: number; job: string; name: string; profilePath?: string; } export interface ExternalIds { imdbId?: string; freebaseMid?: string; freebaseId?: string; tvdbId?: number; tvrageId?: string; facebookId?: string; instagramId?: string; twitterId?: string; } export interface WatchProviders { iso_3166_1: string; link?: string; buy?: WatchProviderDetails[]; flatrate?: WatchProviderDetails[]; } export interface WatchProviderDetails { displayPriority?: number; logoPath?: string; id: number; name: string; } export const mapCast = (person: TmdbCreditCast): Cast => ({ castId: person.cast_id, character: person.character, creditId: person.credit_id, id:, name:, order: person.order, gender: person.gender, profilePath: person.profile_path, }); export const mapAggregateCast = (person: TmdbAggregateCreditCast): Cast => ({ castId: person.cast_id, // the first role is the one for which the actor appears the most as character: person.roles[0].character, creditId: person.roles[0].credit_id, id:, name:, order: person.order, gender: person.gender, profilePath: person.profile_path, }); export const mapCrew = (person: TmdbCreditCrew): Crew => ({ creditId: person.credit_id, department: person.department, id:, job: person.job, name:, gender: person.gender, profilePath: person.profile_path, }); export const mapExternalIds = (eids: TmdbExternalIds): ExternalIds => ({ facebookId: eids.facebook_id, freebaseId: eids.freebase_id, freebaseMid: eids.freebase_mid, imdbId: eids.imdb_id, instagramId: eids.instagram_id, tvdbId: eids.tvdb_id, tvrageId: eids.tvrage_id, twitterId: eids.twitter_id, }); export const mapVideos = (videoResult: TmdbVideoResult): Video[] => videoResult?{ key, name, size, type, site }: TmdbVideo) => ({ site, key, name, size, type, url: siteUrlCreator(site, key), })); export const mapWatchProviders = (watchProvidersResult: { [iso_3166_1: string]: TmdbWatchProviders; }): WatchProviders[] => Object.entries(watchProvidersResult).map( ([iso_3166_1, provider]) => ({ iso_3166_1, link:, buy: mapWatchProviderDetails( ?? []), flatrate: mapWatchProviderDetails(provider.flatrate ?? []), } as WatchProviders) ); export const mapWatchProviderDetails = ( watchProviderDetails: TmdbWatchProviderDetails[] ): WatchProviderDetails[] => (provider) => ({ displayPriority: provider.display_priority, logoPath: provider.logo_path, id: provider.provider_id, name: provider.provider_name, } as WatchProviderDetails) ); const siteUrlCreator = (site: Video['site'], key: string): string => ({ YouTube: `${key}`, }[site]);